A descriptive empirical example comes from a magazine article that reports the launching of a national roadmap for a Health Sector Growth Strategy (MEE 2016): The programme draws guidelines for measures for the coming years that help to create new innovations for the health sector. The remainder of this article is structured as follows. After the window closes it becomes much harder to teach the old dog new tricks.. Thank you for your support. Zion, IL, investing in . Window of opportunity definition: If you say that there is a window of opportunity for something, you mean that there is an. The higher ups know this and will try to do everything to . People should be using the window of opportunity that we have this summer to take action, because the months ahead of us will be filled with famine, war, pestilence, natural disasters andsevere economic troubles. Available at: https://tem.fi/documents/1410877/3437254/Health+Sector+Growth+Strategy+for+Research+and+Innovation+Activities+26052014 (accessed 5 Jul 2022), MEE (2016) Innovating together: growth strategy for health sector research and innovation activities: the roadmap for 2016-2018. A new cohort of California Education Policy Fellows met recently at Asilomar for three days of conversations about challenges facing education. One could argue that metaphors as framing devices are an example of urgency as a corollary to driving innovationsa type framing already identified in earlier studies (e.g., Doezema and Hurlbut, 2017). There are gentle ways, through tone of voice, agreements of actions and timelines and consequences, that can make the exchange in a challenging conversation less heated and more respectful on both sides. Available at: https://www.nordforsk.org/en/publications/publications_container/nordic-biobanks-and-registers-a-basis-for-innovative-research-on-health-and-welfare, Oriola (2016) Biobank and genetic data are Finnish assets. ALL OF THESE ARE PART OF THE WAY OF BUILDING IMAGERY SPIRIT, ESPECIALLY AS IT RELATES TO THE PROPHETIC SPIRIT. We are taught to "think things over", "don't rush into anything", and "plan ahead". | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Internet Explorer). Windows Of Opportunity, Part 1. The study is part of an OECD-wide project on how obstacles to the introduction of economic instruments that could promote sustainable development have been overcome. This has, during the 2010s, resulted in many overlapping programmes, projects and endeavours. Your child will preserve only those connections that are reinforced through heightened experience. By using our site, you consent to these cookies. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the articles Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 9, 324 (2022). Finland already has national registers and data, while in many countries they only just started to build registers. Available at: https://docplayer.fi/2913514-Biopankkien-liiketoimintamahdollisuudet-final.html (accessed 5 Jul 2022), MSH (2015) Improving Health through the Use of Genomic Data.Finland's Genome Strategy. Once people start slipping back to the demands of daily business, the window then closes. Windows are open at birth for sensory connections: (sight, hearing, touching), for basic motor skills, for developing attachments, and for learning language. What it manages to do, however, is draw attention to the need to tackle and accomplish matters quickly rather than make thorough preparations and adopt deliberative processes, including wider discussions on the values, benefits and risks related to such endeavours. Several of the posts were from small business owners who gettingabsolutely crushedright now, and wont be able to remain operational much longer. Anchor your children in the world around them to make them better people. This is a season of visions, revelation, wisdom and discernment. We argue that while the metaphor of a closing window creates room for innovations and competitiveness, it is prone to silence critical discussions, for example on sustainability, responsibility and accountability. In practice, we first organised the quotations taken from our fieldnotes and key comments found on the internet contextually (where the metaphor was used and by whom) and temporally to map variations. 15 FOR THIS REASON, EVER SINCE I HEARD ABOUT YOUR FAITH IN THE LORD JESUS AND YOUR LOVE FOR ALL GODS PEOPLE, 16 I HAVE NOT STOPPED GIVING THANKS FOR YOU, REMEMBERING YOU IN MY PRAYERS. Dont shy away from having challenging discussions with your teenager. 8. According to the guidelines of TENK (Finnish National Board on Research Integrity) this research does not meet any of the criteria for the need of ethical review. It is a very short time-frame during which an opportunity must be seized or lost. In a desperate attempt to conserve energy, California residents are being asked to set their thermostatsat 78 degrees or higher, If weather or grid conditions worsen, the ISO may issue a series of emergency notifications to access additional resources and prepare market participants and the public for potential energy shortages and the need to conserve, CAISO officials warned Tuesday night. Learning through doing and continuous repetition strengthens skills. Routledge, London, Jasanoff S, Kim SH (2015) Dreamscapes of modernity: sociotechnical imaginaries and the fabrication of power. i upoznajemo nove ljude Prozor mogunosti da izlazimo i zabavljamo se. The negative threat framed with the metaphor of a closing window is about losing to the economic competition. PRAYING THE COMING OF THE KINGDOM OF CHRIST INTO THE OF SOUTH AFRICA. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. HENCE, THIS IS AN EXCITING DAY THE LORD USHERED IN OUR SPACE. We focus on two key elements of this framing: international competitiveness and national unity. The sense of urgency and understanding that action needs to be taken quickly and that legislation needs to be enacted fast might also, rather worrisomely, lead to what Brown and Beynon-Jones (2012) have described as reflex regulation. What is this window? In their presentations and blog texts, the stakeholders talk about the national shared ambition required to secure such a competitive advantage (Snell, 2019). Google Scholar, Nelkin D, Lindee MS (1995) The DNA mystique: the gene as a cultural icon. Knowledge based on experience is unlikely to be learned in a classroom. If material is not included in the articles Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. In situations with very brief or unpredictable windows of opportunity, automation may be employed to take advantage of these windows, as in algorithmic trading[13] and time-domain astronomy. Why does it need to close, and when? Moreover, drawing on urgency seems to be a standard response to the changing environment, in which the actors need to continuously guide their actions in new directions, meeting new demands posed by, for example, technological development or regulatory changes. In the field of biobanking and health data in Finland, the sense of urgency has been a constant companion to promoting related operations and opportunities. Google Scholar, Koteyko N, Thelwall M, Nerlich B (2010) From carbon markets to carbon morality: creative compounds as framing devices in online discourses on climate change mitigation. Let them know its okay to feel that way and if its a negative emotion, some ways they can process it and move on. Health Risk & Society 7(3):203208. Brown and Beynon-Jones (2012, p. 224) use the term temporal reflex to describe the hastiness of political expediency in this sort of an environment. Unofficial translation available at: https://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/kaannokset/2012/en20120688.pdf (accessed 29 Apr 2018), Borup M, Brown N, Konrad K, et al. It was a David and Goliath storya 17 year struggle for environmentalists, doctors and a broad-based community coalition to close all coal-powered energy plants and get coal out of Ontario. The authors declare no competing interests. CAS AS WE BEGIN TO UNDERSTAND WHAT WINDOWS REPRESENTS IN THE SPIRIT AND THROUGH THE SPIRIT, WE WILL FULLY EMBRACE THIS SEASON. To obtain It identified the available data as representative and standardised, and according to some, Finland has a 1020 year lead compared to much European and American research (Ministry of Education, 2005, p. 36). This summer will soon be over, and 2023 will be here before you know it. The previous quote exemplifies the way in which a sense of urgency always accompanies these endeavours. The summit offers a window of opportunity for the two countries to reach a peace agreement. document.getElementById("new_pending_subscriber").submit(); Tekes tiedottaa 24 Nov 2014, 13:22. https://www.epressi.com/tiedotteet/biotekniikka/biopankkien-tietovarannoista-uutta-liiketoimintaa.html, Tupasela A (2021) Populations as brandsmarketing national resources for global data markets. Blog text by Leena Koskenlaakso, March 14th, 2016. To avoid losing the lead position, all stakeholders from researchers to hospital districts and legislators should be working together and towards the same goal. Routledge, New York, Stelmach A, Nerlich B (2015) Metaphors in search of a target: the curious case of epigenetics. The window of opportunity has been a convenient metaphor because over the years it was presented with a strong sense of urgency and with an identified need for change in the Finnish R&D environment, either legislative, regulatory or in terms of funding opportunities. * Are the people we perceive as our enemies in fact our closest universal friends? THE AWAKEND SPIRIT. University of Helsinki, Tarkkala H, Heln I, Snell K (2019) From health to wealth: the future of personalized medicine in the making. [14] Real-time computing systems can guarantee responses on the order of milliseconds or less. Many pregnant women living in flood-affected areas were also exposed to risks. Pers Med 4(4):436469, Tutton R (2011) Promising pessimism: reading the futures to be avoided in biotech. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. The above ideas about metaphors that build on the sociology of expectations come close to analyses on the realisation and maintenance of specific socio-technical imaginaries, such as bioeconomy or personalised medicine, and the way they draw on the need to act urgently (e.g., Doezema and Hurlbut, 2017; Tarkkala et al., 2019). The meaning of WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY is the time during which there is a chance to do something. As energy supplies get even tighter, energy bills are only going to go higher. Published: Wednesday, September 10th, 2014. As a child reaches adolescence, the prefrontal cortex in the brain continues to develop and mature with a significant growth spurt just before puberty. Most Americans dont realize that food supplies are also getting tighter here in the United States. Cite this article. FIGURATIVELY, A WINDOW IS THE CHANNEL WHEREBY THE PROPHETIC ACTIVITY OR ACTIVITIES OF THE HEAVEN ARE TRANSMITTED INTO THE REALM OF MEN. Opetusministerin tyryhmmuistioita ja selvityksi 2005:46, Mio JS (1997) Metaphor and politics. ORS Impact. It is highly enthusiastic about the prospects of genomic data and personalised medicine and strongly emphasises Finlands potential to become a forerunner and internationally attractive partner for global business, cutting-edge research and health care utilising genomic knowledge. These windows of opportunity are . This window of opportunity exists for two reasons. 101-103. Windows of Opportunity is a revolutionary way to think about goal-setting, because it recognizes that there is now one factor that is decisive in your ability to reach your goals: timing. A WINDOW IS AN OPENING IN A HOUSE FOR THE ADMISSION FOR LIGHT AND AIR. However, the window of opportunity as a metaphor does not describe biomedicine, genetics or health data as such, but is instead a persuasive metaphor for taking immediate actionone that is about making political claims in the sense of advocating for certain preferable ends (see also Stone, 2011, p. 159; Kingdon, 2014) rather than describing the scientific research involved or its results as such. For faster service, include a fax number and we will fax your certificate within 2 business days of receiving your enrollment form. (Pulkkinen, 2017). In addition to retrospective samples, for example, these might include building specifically on the idea of Finnish homogeneity and certain loss-of-function variants that could be of interest for pharmaceutical R&D (Tarkkala, 2019). Rather, developing exceptional skills in those areas just gets incrementally more difficult, but they are certainly still achievable. B. creating a resource bundle . Like other Nordic countries, extensive population registers and digital health records collected as part of the universal healthcare system are identified as particular strengths through which economic gain, new jobs and international competitiveness and attractiveness can be gained (Tupasela et al., 2020; Hoeyer, 2020; Nordforsk, 2017; MSH, 2015). The events were arranged by, for example, universities and research institutions, biobanks, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, national authorities overseeing biobanking and clinical research, the pharma industry and research funding organisations. Richard Branson. In 2009, the American Stroke Association published a science advisory recommending expanding the window for rtPA administration in eligible patients from 3 to 4.5 hours, with the following four additional exclusion criteria to rtPA that apply only to this 1.5-hour period: |. However, unlike in the quote above, other publications often warn that the window of opportunity is seemingly closing. However, investments have been lacking. I am! Windows of opportunity are important stretches of time in which a young brain responds to certain types of input to create neural networks. Don't shut the doors that are opened. Report. You have to understand that all that is happening around us is part of an intelligent algorithm. This is followed by empirical sections, where we connect the use of the metaphor to enabling international competition and the need for national unity and how the metaphor is used repeatedly to respond to any and all challenges. Nerlich (2012, p. 35) describes this temporal aspect of metaphors as follows: Metaphors can be used to shape expectations and visions of the future in an effort to affect social and political actions in the present. Be ready for when your time comes, you will have that window of opportunity, so seize the moment and capitalise on it. University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, You can also search for this author in Two new services were also founded during the latter part of the decade to make the Finnish research environment more lucrative and easier to operate within. After that, the chance might be over. volume9, Articlenumber:324 (2022) Sign up for our newsletter for parenting tips to help you create the family team you've always wanted. Officials in Pakistan raised concern Wednesday over the spread of waterborne diseases among thousands of flood victims, as waters from powerful monsoon rains began to recede in many parts of the country. https://doi.org/10.1093/jlb/lst004, Article 137163, Schn D, Rein M (1994) Frame reflection: toward the resolution of intractable policy controversies. Gale Virtual Reference Library. But what is learned during windows of opportunity can be learnedmasterfully. THE SPIRIT IS OPENING TO US TWO DIMENSIONS THAT WILL ALLOW US TO HAVE A CLEARER AND BETTER INSIGHT INTO HOW TO INTERACT WITH THE THINGS OF THE SPIRIT, AS THEY RELATE TO THE PRESENT PROPHETIC EMPHASIS AND DEMAND OF THE FOR THE EARTH. Felt et al. In the end, the window of opportunity is flexible; it keeps closing but remains usable in driving certain ends at different points of time. D. choosing a risk reduction strategy. According to Schn (1993, p. 138), the seeming obviousness of the desired goals is a key characteristic of generative metaphors, and their obviousness should remain unquestioned in the search for solutions. We combine this idea of the generative metaphor with the work done by Nerlich and Halliday (2007), who similarly argue that metaphors are powerful in persuading people to act and in creating a sense of urgency. ADS The urgency to benefit from health-related data was already present at the beginning of the millennium and continued in the next decades. The 23rd, 24th, 27th, and 28th, all provide some level of difference and a chance at catching the fish off guard. var wWidgetConf_72c367966e = {rows: 4,cols: 1,backgroundColor: 'rgb(240, 240, 240)',textColor: 'rgb(0, 0, 0)',borderColor: '#DDD',displayContent: '0',contentSort: '0',contentType: '0',showTitle: '1',showThumb: '1',widgetID: 'wWidget_72c367966e',layout: 'basic'}; Michael T. Snyder is a graduate of the University of Florida law school and he worked as an attorney in the heart of Washington D.C. for a number of years. Google Scholar, Snell K (2020) Henkilkohtaisten terveystietojen hydyntmisen oikeutukset: Onko vihdoin aika keskustella ehdoista ja rajoista? Neural networks and synapses can be restored because of what is called brain plasticity, but it takes a focused effort to make that happen. That is to say, regulatory changes based on haste and perceived policy need to react quickly in such an environment (Brown and Beynon-Jones, 2012, p. 224). Both require some real brainpower because of all the parts of the brain that need to fire at the same time to be successful at both. The metaphor of a closing window, however, is not a shared vision in the same way as personalised medicine or a successful bioeconomy. Heta Tarkkala. N Genet Soc 34(2):196218, Stone D (2011) Policy paradox: the art of political decision making, 3rd edn. Metaphor Symb 12(2):113133, M.I.T Consulting (2014) Biopankkien liiketoimintamahdollisuudet. I used my youth. (2004) States of knowledge. Once this period is over, or the "window is closed", the specified outcome is no longer possible.[2]. The next time your child has a strong emotion, talk about it. windows of opportunity synonyms, windows of opportunity pronunciation, windows of opportunity translation, English dictionary definition of windows of opportunity. One example relates to the idea of founding a national genome centre in the country as soon as possible. Related to this notion, we have expressed our concern over the potential hasty regulations that these efforts may lead to and the way this is prone to silence wider societal discussions on these topics. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes. The window of opportunity in international competition will close in a couple of years. (Tekes, 2014). Right now, approximatelya third of Pakistan is covered by water, and doctors find themselves completely overwhelmed by the number of people that are suddenly ill. Every day, there are more signs in the news that global events are starting to spiral out of control, but instead of using this summer to get prepared much of the population is partying instead. However, again the window of opportunity was about to close in the opinion of that scholar, and specifically, the threat has to do with losing out on possible collaborations with pharmaceutical companies that would then be able to establish collaborative networks in other countries. Camb Q Healthc Ethics 28(2):201214, Article STM. This setting sustains a sense of urgency. Therefore, it is important to understand how metaphors frame discussions. Ethical questions, such as eugenics or consent processes, privacy concerns or benefit sharing are not part of this framing. However, as the child gets older, there is a second window in which there is increased learning that is focused on: Any parent of a teen knows that these years are full of changes. Simultaneously, certain types of research become foregrounded as offering a potential for customers of the Finnish biomedical R&D environment (Tarkkala and Tupasela, 2018), as in the previous example, where retrospective samples with already collected data are highlighted. In fact, it has given rise to the question of whether this multitude of different ways to pursue success in this area results in progress or whether it hampers success when the environment is in constant flux (Tarkkala, 2019). The window of opportunity will close in a couple of years if we cannot organise ourselves outwards as a single biobank, in one way or another. (2014) A review of the key issues associated with the commercialization of biobanks. Available at: https://www.openaccessgovernment.org/sustainable-healthcare-technological-revolution/31332/, Salminen V et al. With strong foundations, the number of neural networks (think of it as brainpower) from emotional control and regulation, logic, vocabulary, and movement, the better your kids will be at spoken language and if they choose, learning to play a musical instrument. As a result, we identified a particular type of framing related to the metaphor of a window of opportunity that advocates taking urgent action in support of Finnish biomedical R&D and the various uses of health data. Effect of N timing on yield. New governments are formed every four years, and if one wants to have an impact on policy outcomes and a share of budgeted money, then the work of persuasion has to be completed within this timeframe (see also Kingdon, 2014). ghost of a chance. pious hope. I WAS CONFOUNDED BY THE VISION; IT WAS BEYOND UNDERSTANDING.. What is it exactly, why is it closing and for whom or for what reasons? https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-022-01345-8, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-022-01345-8. Palgrave, Cham, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-78578-9, Tupasela A, Snell K, Tarkkala H (2020) The Nordic data Imaginary. You're not old. and JavaScript. Learn key details and actionable steps to promote physical, cognitive, emotional, social, and life skills development at any time from birth to age 18. Schn (1993, p. 138) suggests that by identifying the assumptions behind the metaphor, the issue at stake can be discussed and the given nature of the problem questioned (Schn, 1993, p. 143). Metaphor and thought. They have written about the early warnings in fields characterised otherwise by positive expectations or predictions, such as in biotechnology. While the metaphor shifts the discussion towards unity and acting quickly, it leaves little room for critical and opposing discussions. For the coming few years, Finlands window of opportunity is open for developing new kinds of cooperation and business. The window of opportunity Chapter 2406 Accesses Keywords Time Manager Business Opportunity Entrepreneurial Opportunity Business Venture Customer Segment These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. THE SPIRIT OF SUPPLICATION, PRAYERS, AND INTERCESSION WOULD GIVE US ACCESS TO AN INCREASED REVELATION OF VISION AND WISDOM, WHICH WOULD THEN ALLOW US TO WALK IN GREATER DISCERNMENT AND GRACE, SO THAT WE CAN OPERATE IN THE FULL COUNSEL OF GOD IN TIMES LIKE THIS. They can also be used to orientate users (whether as institutions, groups or individuals) to particular possibilities for action or inaction and thus have an effect on material economic investment and policy. The act defines what a biobank is as well as its operations. This is how we help to make money so we can continue to bring you amazing content. And when a major disaster suddenly strikes, disease can often spread like wildfire. THE LORD OFTEN USES METAPHORS TO SPEAK TO HIS PEOPLE, PARTICULARLY WHEN HE DESIRES TO EMPHASIZE CERTAIN TRUTH. A WINDOW IS AN OPENING IN A WALL FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF LIGHT INTO THE HOUSE. In some cases, there may be multiple windows during which a goal can be achieved, as in the case of space launch windows. Talk to your teen about the charitable donations you choose to make and why. Axial spondyloarthritis is an inflammatory axial disease . https://doi.org/10.1353/con.0.0048, Hoeyer K (2020) Data promiscuity: how the publicprivate distinction shaped digital data infrastructures and notions of privacy. Sociol Health Illness 29(1):4665, Nerlich B, Hellsten I (2004) Genomics: Shifts in metaphorical landscape between 2000 and 2003. From our previous investigations of expectations surrounding Finnish biomedicine, we identified this urgency as another angle to the topicthe looming negative consequences and strong temporal emphasis that nevertheless do not seem to add up to anything concrete, except the creation of a sense of immediate urgency. Vegetable and fruit prices have soared in markets across Pakistan as devastating rains ruin crops and disrupt supplies, an early sign of howthe worst floods in decades are creating food shortages at a time of financial crisis. By sharing these windows of opportunity with you, we hope to steer you in the right direction when it comes to helping your child maximize their learning potential and what areas to focus on when. A symbolic "window of opportunity", viewing the Danube valley through a window from the ruin Aggstein, Austria. Metaphors are often an integral part of science communication and used to illustrate the possibilities for and methods of employing new technologies and fields (Nelkin, 2001; Stelmach and Nerlich, 2015; Nelkin and Lindee, 1995; Nerlich et al., 2002; Hellsten, 2000, 2008; Nerlich and Hellsten, 2004; Nerlich and Halliday, 2007). IT IS IMPORTANT TO PROBE THE SPIRIT AS YOU OPEN YOURSELF TO THIS NOW WORD, SO YOU CAN MAKE THE BEST USE OF THE MOMENT. Windows of Opportunity Kindle Edition by Sherri Cortland (Author) Format: Kindle Edition 35 ratings Paperback $15.49 6 Used from $10.53 3 New from $11.49 * Are accidents pre-planned events that we choose to experience? The Nordics have already embarked on the digitalisation of health. The more language they hear to explain the world around them, the better their vocabulary and capacity for language will be as they grow. As we analysed the empirical data, it became clear that this warning of a closing window of opportunity is not only emphasised by stakeholders, such as researchers and companies, it is also clearly present in national strategies and articulated by officials in ministries. An opening constructed in a wall, door, or roof that functions to admit light or air to an enclosure and is often framed and spanned with . Article posted with permission from Michael Snyder, function onCaptchaFormSubmit(token) { Ben-Ari, M., "Principles of Concurrent and Distributed Programming", Prentice Hall, 1990. (2007) Taking European Knowledge Society Seriously. Its not good news,he said, because it can mean that the industries in question arent just being restructured but are experiencing a rupture a structural rupture, one that is happening under enormous pressure.. The technical storage or access is necessary for the legitimate purpose of storing preferences that are not requested by the subscriber or user. At first, your baby does not see much detail, cannot focus both eyes on a single object, cannot . Expectations have the power to reconfigure and reorganise resources towards a particular future and even to mobilise that future today (Brown and Michael, 2003). Some doctors said initially they were seeing mostly patients traumatized by the flooding, but are now treating people suffering from diarrhea, skin infections and other waterborne ailments in the countrys flood-hit areas. While Finland previously may have had strengths and potentials, the window of opportunity was open only for a restricted time (see also Kingdon, 2014). THE TERM WINDOW OR WINDOWS IS A METAPHORIC DESCRIPTION OF CERTAIN CONCEPTS OF TRUTH THAT THE FATHER COMMUNICATES TO HIS CHURCH. The First Window As infants and toddlers, the learning we do is initially focused on three particular functionalities: Physical - learning to crawl then walk Cognitive - learning to speak and process language Emotional - learning self-evaluation The Second Window The winners of this competition are the ones able to act fast, and therefore, policymaking is expected to facilitate decisions and guidelines that allow for such developments, even if their actions and decisions would be based on hasty preparation and decision making. https://doi.org/10.1177/0306312718801165, Article Symposium]. Window of Opportunity is a notable passive skill. The difference between the proposed method and BT and BN are discussed. THE FURTHER WE WALK IN THE REDEMPTIVE SPIRIT, THE MORE WE ENTER THAT REALM OF ASCENDED LIFE, OF RESURRECTION AND ETERNAL LIFE. The economy is in turmoil, with fast-depleting foreign reserves and a record depreciation of the rupee against the U.S. dollar. I see how he looks at a waitress say, when we're out at a restaurant. Summer officially ends in late September, and I believe that global events will accelerate greatly throughout the remainder of 2022 . For example, just consider what is happeningin Ireland. As Nerlich (2012, p. 32) puts it: Metaphors and compounds are central framing devices and one has to be aware of their implications for social and economic policy, as they carry with them values, assumptions, visions and ideologies which shape thinking and acting. The closing window as a metaphor points towards negative developments such as decline, or at least to an opportunity that will have been wasted if the window closes before appropriate actions have taken place.
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