What do you think is missing? If the delay is not understood by participants, action may under- or over-shoot the necessary amount to reach goals. Sage Publications, London. Policy Labs Open Policy making toolkit. Imaginization: New Mindsets for Seeing, Organizing and Managing, (new management edition) San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler, 1997, SMART is a mnemonic for goal setting where each letter stands for the following: Specific; Measurable; Achievable; Relevant; Time bound. Systems Thinking - Applied Systems Theory. We have included these principles to help articulate the key systems thinking concepts relevant to each policy design stage. Gaining a shared understanding of the system that your problem sits within its boundaries and the factors you can influence. Social network analysis (SNA): A process of exploring and visualizing social structures using network and graph theory. Systems thinking is the process of understanding how things influence one another within a whole. Richmond, J, Stuntz, L, Richmond, K. & Egner, J. A Systems Thinking View of Analytics - Part I The project team have a causal loop diagram of the area that their work sits within. 23. Recognizing basic variable relationships, as well as how they add up to common dynamics can help you more quickly see a system. Discovery: understanding user needs, Delivery book, Understand your problem section, Delivering better outcomes for citizens: practical steps for unlocking public value, Collective intelligence design playbook, Green Book: Multi-criteria analysis manual, Open policy making toolkit, Section 4. Appreciative inquiry: A method for helping a group of stakeholders find or create a common vision. We began with identifying our key question. This might be local regulations, parliament, the culture of other departments. This method can help identify closed loops that can be converted into causal loop diagrams. To ensure you are considering the wider system when you plan changes, and ensure you have a safety net in place in case the change doesnt produce the outcomes you expect. We want to describe events causally-our managers are too busy because we're trying to ship our current project-but few events occur in a vacuum. It should be clear how an intervention is expected to work and what indicators are in place that determine whether the changes are being delivered as intended. Common example is federal budget deficit. Start to draw out your system. An increase in X increases Y, which in turn increase X. Hindle, G.A. Mind mapping can be similar but instead of a free-form map it typically uses a tree structure. Wi thin systems thinking it c an be useful to distinguish. From this, we can shift the way we see the world, from a linear, structured mechanical worldview to a dynamic, chaotic, interconnected array of relationships and feedback loops. Thus the value of stock and flow diagrams (Tool 9) and theory of change maps (Tool 10) is often found in explaining or describing a process rather than predicting a specific output. You can include their views through interviews, surveys or workshops, and likewise you can judge when it is best to bring them into the process, at the start for a brainstorm or towards the end to review and comment on your work. Ayuda del trabajo: Recomendaciones de estilo de vida y asesoramiento para la prediabetes. Connection circles: A brainstorming exercise to help people get started thinking about how variables are related. Identify the desired final impacts you want to achieve from addressing the problem. To identify and engage with stakeholders who should be in your collaborating community. Description extracted from an original submission by Yasmin Merali: SSM is an approach for exploring, making sense of, and defining multiple views of problem situations and their potential solutions. Synthesis combines two or more ideas, factors, or tangible things to create something novel. If you want to go even deeper, check out the full suite of programs I have created with my team at Disrupt Design and the UnSchool. For example, politicians, civil servants, the media, charities, experts, influential celebrities, protestors. b. However, there are multiple other approaches that are equally correct and there is further reading and detail in Annex 2 Further reading and additional systems tools. The tool is often used to help people think about how they think, and to share their thinking process with others. Thus we must identify and engage with others in the system that our area sits in and build a shared understanding of our system to ensure the changes we make are coherent and likely to succeed. This will help you articulate the problem you are tackling, and the goals you want to achieve, for the system, rather than a short term policy. #31. The purpose is to put an initiatives or organizations work into a broader context of how it is affected by external events. Frontiers in Public Health, 9. This is where systems mapping tools come in . Iterate your model and test your assumptions with stakeholders with expertise and experience of the system. Friend, J, Hickling, J. Taking a step back to assess a proposed service or policy approach can help to surface new ideas and act as a stress test for ideas. Creating Behaviour over Time Graphs or System Problem Statements will help you with this. Learn about our process. It is useful to consider involving wider stakeholders here, whose perspectives on the forces within the system may differ to yours and your teams and will allow you to gain a more holistic understanding. The team know there are many different interconnections across different areas relevant to their problem. Therefore a flow is measured per unit of time (for example per year). Engaging widely allows new opportunities and risks to be identified and mitigated as the project proceeds, improving the likelihood that the team will be able to design effective interventions across this complex area. How to Improve Your Hiring and Retention With a Systems-Thinking Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. 1. systems thinking toolkit . But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Rosenhead, J., Mingers, J. Systems Thinking Toolkit | Haines Centre Australia Intermediate requires some systems thinking expertise and knowledge to understand the factors and relationships within the system. Barry Richmond was a leader in . Will detection of the performance of the system happen automatically or as part of day to day use or will it involve resource to perform a specific action? In causal loop diagrams, delays are represented by two hash marks on any relational arrow. They oppose whatever direction of change is imposed on the system. The team also want to create a narrative for the map to help others who werent part of the mapping process understand what the map shows. Brown School. #26. On other occasions, for example, a tool may create a visual that better describes a system than words alone. For more about leverage points, Places to intervene in a system, Donella Meadows provides a useful introduction. Annex 3 contains a list of some of the software that has been used by civil servants. #13. They will be able to give different perspectives and challenge, be a source of further data and evidence, bring in historic knowledge and help you discover the gaps and flaws in your understanding. Reinforcing feedback loops: Two variables change in the same direction, resulting in a compounding or exponential effect over time. Figure 3: Example of a rich picture of possible factors in the system surrounding a new policy. All models accentuate some things and ignore many others. Introduce the question you are trying to answer. For all the tools in this toolkit we recommend engaging as widely across the system as you can. This type of diagram focuses most on closed loops that are labeled as reinforcing or balancing. Springer-Verlag, London. 5. Are you ready to get to work actually applying these systems thinking tools to real-world problems? It is a useful technique to start to identify the different parts of the system and the relationships between them. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Figure 8: A behaviour over time graph to show the overall trend in the behaviour of a system over time. The team write down the evidence they have gathered to support their assumptions on why they think their intervention will have the outcome they assume it will. Flows indicates the movement of a resource, and will increase or decrease the stock it flows into or out of. Many systems will have both reinforcing and balancing loops, as shown in figure 15 below. This section of the toolkit aims to support you in attracting, establishing, and formalizing new partnerships that will strengthen the system of care and lead to systems change. Whether you do this at the start or at the end, the views of others will enhance and strengthen the likelihood of your intended changes succeeding. It is called the pig model based on an original example provided by Gareth Morgan (1997)[footnote 5] and adapted by systems thinking experts in the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL). Attributed to a World War II observation by Charles Hitch. Look at all your loops and spot loops that address similar issues and themes and try to arrange loops near others that logically fit together. New jobs, export opportunities. Soft Systems Methodology in Action. Dont worry we wont send you spam or share your email address with anyone. The team create a short hypothesis for the most promising places they could intervene in the system and share these with stakeholders to see if they agree. Reinforcing feedback loops are amplifying and self-propagating, whether as a vicious or virtuous circle. The tools here are best suited to the policy design stage of confirming goals and understanding the system. Check them for logic and make note of any leaps or gaps you find. So, while we focus on real-time events, which is the tip of the iceberg, more foundational causes lie beneath the surface of our consciousness. Systems Thinking Toolkit | Healthy Schools Toolkit | Washington Systems mapping: how to build and use causal models of systems. More time is required to build more complicated diagrams and to create the algorithms to simulate it. For example, putting yourself in the shoes of different people in the system and drawing different rich pictures of the system for each of their views? It may have minimal text on it, or you may find it easier putting in some bullet points or words to help you and your team. #61. A simple example of emergence is a snowflake. Thus the problem or system that we are interested in can be many things at once and the simple question of What is the Pig? is often difficult as the pig is many things at once. Your reasoning might be based on historical examples, data, or related expertise. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Synthesis: The opposite of reductive analysis, synthesis brings two or more ideas together to understand the whole in a different way than treating the parts separately. Everything needs something else, often a complex array of other things, to survive. Add in new causes, effects or complete loops if you feel that things are missing. Consider Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental factors (PESTLE). Systems Research and Behavioural Science. When you have a simulation of your stock and flow model, play with different scenarios and ask yourself and your wider stakeholders if your system would actually react and behave that way, is this realistic? When to bring others into the mapping process is a judgement call for you, and depends on the nature of your project and your deadlines. Systems thinking provides a toolkit that fosters the understanding of interdependencies, interactions, and interrelations across and within any system. Or you could start the mapping process with a small team or even individually, and create a strawman map before circulating it to others for their thoughts and steers. a. This resource walks you through a systems practice, and describes process phases (Launch, Gain Clarity, Find Leverage, Act Strategically, and Learn and Adapt) and methods for guiding the practice. Essentially, synthesis is the ability to see interconnectedness. The toolkit is based on the work of the Cross-Sector . The center for theory of change. This section of the toolkit aims to strengthen your ability to apply systems change evaluation approaches and principles to your work. Similar to the iceberg metaphor, what is above ground (the leaves) are obvious, whereas the less obvious cause is unseen below (the roots). Contact. Discuss and write down a long-term and near-term goal for your system. Systems thinking looks at organizations as systems; it analyzes how the parts of an organization interrelate and how the organization as a whole performs over time. Ladder of inference: A visual representation of steps one goes through, often without realizing it, to get from a fact to a decision. Towards an. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. You can now use this knowledge to explore possible interventions to most effectively change your system to achieve your objective. Dashboards such as this can be very helpful when trying to create an understanding of the behaviour of a system and then make meaningful interventions. Each policy design stage should feed into the next, such as monitoring and evaluation should be considered when confirming your goals. What is Systems Thinking? Many different types of SNA software are able to analyze networks for key metrics like degree centrality, betweenness centrality, and closeness centrality. Comprehend systems thinking and how this approach can strengthen your TPP program. Together, this suite of documents will help civil servants to embed systems thinking into their work[footnote 1]. CSH provides a template of 12 questions constituting a reference system. Youve probably seen a number of systems thinking toolboxes online. Double-Q (QQ) diagram: A modified fishbone diagram of cause and effect that separates hard (quantitative) variables from soft (qualitative) variables. Negotiation in Strategy Making Teams: Group Support Systems and the Process of Cognitive Change. Such situations might be existing interventions and or situations requiring fresh intervention. Another very important tool for systems thinking is synthesis. When relevant, I link to the best place on the web to either get the tool itself or read a more in-depth description. Having a monitoring and evaluation plan in place will capture any unintended consequences or any external factors driving change early and allow the sustainability of an intervention to be assessed and explore whether it could be adopted elsewhere. "Systems thinking [is] a way of thinking about, and a language for describing and understanding, the forces and interrelationships that shape the behaviour of systems. Cause and effect are pretty common concepts in many professions and life in general parents try to teach this type of critical life lesson to their young ones, and Im sure you can remember a recent time you were at the mercy of an impact from an unintentional action. Feedback loops can be balancing (B) or reinforcing (R). h. Consider labelling the interconnections between stakeholders with a descriptive word, phrase or icon to express the nature of the relationship, for example, a money symbol, a heart for agreement or positive relationship or crossed swords for disagreement or conflict or friction (see figure 3). In the next circle identify the elements of the system or factors that are not under direct control but can be influenced by the decision-maker, for example other government departments. Impacts Ultimate change sought. To do that, you first have to wrap your head around the core concepts. Common example is delaying maintenance, creating more expensive repairs in the future. Reinforcing feedback loops are amplifying and self-propagating, whether as a vicious or virtuous circle. Whichever way you approach creating the map it is important to hold in mind that the map is not the territory,[footnote 7] in other words recognise that your map is a representation gathered from a sub-group of people (potentially a narrow one) and whilst it might be a good representation, it is also dynamic and continuously changing. Systems Concepts in Action: A Practitioner's Toolkit #27. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. 20, 293-314. The meta-toolkit is in beta form and was developed through an iterative process involving user research and usability testing with public sector staff. (2010). Designing health professional education curricula using systems This iterative process helps the team adopt a systems mindset to thinking about how different parts of the system interact with each other and affect their area. Description based on an original submission by Jeremy Hilton and Lorraine Dodd. Once they have created a draft map they talk through their provisional map with stakeholders and iterate it in response to feedback. (2014). Systems thinking is a framework for seeing the interconnections in a system and a discipline for seeing and understanding the relevant aspects of the whole system - the structures that underlie complex situations. Start simple, and challenge yourself every time you put more detail in by asking, what is this adding to my story or analysis? The paper concludes by emphasizing that explicit models used in systems thinking provide new opportunities to understand and continuously test and revise our understanding of the nature of things, including how to intervene to improve people's health. Putting Systems Thinking into Practice in Your Organization. Nature basically got this down to a tee with the predator/prey situation but if you take out too much of one animal from an ecosystem, the next thing you know, you have a population explosion of another, which is the other type of feedback reinforcing. Once you have shared the map with your key stakeholders and iterated it accordingly, you can choose to continue to Tool 8 which gives you the tools to use the map to identify areas of the system to change to achieve your desired outcome. Identify outputs: these include the actions that will be implemented and any immediate feedback (for example, were sufficient numbers reached, what was the level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with training or support activities). Its Here Now, Fernando Ojeda with Jorge Neri:My dad plants trees. Business Dynamics, Systems Thinking, and Modeling for a Complex World. The team also use their map to create a collaborating community of stakeholders to involve throughout the lifespan of the project. #40. British Academy of Management conference, 4th September, Bristol. High doesnt require any systems thinking expertise or specialist software. b. c. Who gets what? Circulate your monitoring and evaluation strategy with stakeholders to gain their views and iterate as required. In addition, the introductory text to each of the book's three parts provides background information on the selected methods. Identify monitoring and evaluation questions that allow you to see if your changes are achieving the outputs, outcomes and impacts that you require. Figure 18: Diagram of inputs to creating the toolkit. *There are way more than six, but I picked the most important ones that you definitely need to know, and as we progress through this systems thinking toolkit series, I will expand on some of the other key terms that make up a systems mindset. Monitoring Theories of Change Systems Thinking Context-driven adaptation PEA thinking and working . Systemic Design Toolkit - About Growth and underinvestment (or self-created limits): Continued growth requires significant investment in longer-term capacity that may hurt current performance. This process of creating and circulating a rich picture improves the teams engagement with others across the system and widens the teams network and influence. Keywords: Complex adaptive systems, Complexity, Methods, Systems thinking, Theory, Tools. Balancing feedback loops: Two variables change in opposite directions, often resulting in a plateau. STEP 3 Use the tool guides included in this report to facilitate a systems thinking activity. This now forms the horizontal axis of the new framework, as shown below. The development of these resources signals an important recognition of the need and importance of systems thinking and systems approaches within policy making. We've pulled together this systems thinking toolkit of flexible exercises for journalists to learn and apply to their work. (2005). Practice narrating your loops. The collaborating community is important here, as defining what different people believe is inside and outside of the focus of the work will help to uncover new insights on the problem. It provides definitions of key terms, tips for reading and interpreting diagrams of systems, examples of how system maps can be used, and a list of resources for more information and learning. #32. A systems leverage template is in Annex 1. It provides sense-making for five different types of system environments: obvious, complicated,complex,chaotic, anddisorder. #75. The model encourages people to look at things below water like patterns, beliefs, power dynamics and mindsets. It will help you create a compelling summary story and avoid the more mechanical approach to reading the map by factors (for example, as x increases, y decreases, as y decreases, z decreases). Becoming a Systems Thinker - Emerging Nurse Leader The RHNTC is supported by the Office of Population Affairs and the Office on Womens Health in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health. An example of this is in figure 3. b. A balancing feedback loop, however, is where elements within the system balance things out. This happens when elements in a system reinforce more of the same, such as population growth or algae growing exponentially in a pond. In the most abstract sense, emergence describes the universal concept of how life emerges from individual biological elements in diverse and unique ways. This is a great option when there is an abundance of empirical data and all nodes can be quantified. Tight deadlines can limit your ability to do this, but engagement with a system need not be limited to large workshops you can still test understanding with your collaborating community via other methods such as emails or calls, still enabling you to incorporate their perspectives into your work and build buy-in to your approach. 7. To analyse the map, the team look for the parts of the causal loop diagram that seem to be influential, in other words those that are highly connected across the diagram. As little as 5 minutes to create a quick overview and get you thinking about what parts of the system are important or relevant to your problem. A systems map template to help you get started is in Annex 1. Our description of how to describe the relationships between factors is a rule of thumb chosen for simplicity and accessibility, rather than a precise or comprehensive definition. Owners. Additional time to expand and feed in the views and perspectives of others. Systems Thinking With the Iceberg: A Tool for Multi-stakeholder System Sight Timing: 90-120 Minutes # of Participants: 8-Unlimited Equipment needed: flipchart paper, markers, 1 pad of large post-it notes (4"x6"), 2 pads of 3"x3" post-it notes per team, pads of hexagon post-its in two colors (enough of one color for 3 hexagons per team), flipchart with If you want to become a systems thinker and achieve deeper insights about our complex world, youre going to need a range of systems thinking tools. Dont include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. Systems thinking approaches allow us to understand the full impact of interventions across department and policy area boundaries ultimately leading to better solutions. Ensure you and your team have a clear understanding of what your key questions and aspirations are before you start creating your model. These are areas that are outside your influence or where the current system is unlikely to change in the near future. Consider international stakeholders as well as local ones. Consider repeating the drawing to capture a future situation and articulate how your group of stakeholders, and their views, have changed. This evidence may take many forms including the experiences and perspectives of people within the system, quantitative data etc. Explore why you think your action will have the outcome you anticipate in the column assumptions. Who are the disaffected victims (losers) and what are their costs? Use your thinking on monitoring and evaluation questions to create some key performance questions in Tool 11. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation. Patton, M.Q. There are also systems thinking apprenticeships available that cover these techniques. is key to sharing the understanding of the system and the problem that has come from mapping with others. The insight being explored is how an organizations work may, like a natural ecosystem, go through life stages over time. . Like timeline mapping, the purpose is to consider the broader context of system changes over time. Feedback loops in stock and flow diagrams are shown as thin curved arrows into a flow. MIT Press, Cambridge MA. The Behavioural Insights Team paper, Test, learn, adapt: Developing public policy with randomised control trials sets out 9 separate steps that are required to set up randomised control trials. It is possible, however, to monitor and evaluate your intervention and determine the extent to which benefits are being realised. Consider what constitutes the best evidence to answer your key performance questionssometimes that is a good numeric indicator, but other times its a more qualitative approach like a case study or survey. This map has X major regions. #10. Intermediate requires some systems thinking knowledge to understand the factors and relationships within the system and not create a linear theory of change for a complex problem. Swamps: Developed by Schon, a swamp implies leaving the high ground of using research-based theory and techniques, and the necessity of using less rigorous techniques for swampy low land problems that dont have a technical solution. Common example is two products competing in the same company, where initial success of one product leads to more resources, which propels further growth over the other product. However, this increase in the population is balanced (B) by the flow of deaths. The team also discuss and create 5 key performance questions which they will use to monitor and evaluate how successfully their planned intervention performs once it is live. They are designed to help all civil servants gain a better understanding of their work area and ultimately to improve all of our outputs. There are two basic types of causal loops: reinforcing (#4) and balancing (#5). When the temperature is right, freezing water particles form in beautiful fractal patterns around a single molecule of matter, such as a speck of pollution, a spore, or even dead skin cells. For example, the role of transport in accessing healthcare. Barbrook-Johnson P, Penn A. Systems Thinking Toolkit: best-practice templates, step-by-step work plans and maturity diagnostics Bathtub: The bathtub analogy is a simple way of describing any stock and flow system. Populate the template in Annex 1. A flow is measured per unit of time, in figure 14 they represent the number of births and deaths per year. Then ask again for the new factor, what does that cause? Design Thinking Toolkit, Activity 15 - How to Make Toast - Atomic Spin Helpful approaches and advice can be found in: Policy Labs Government as a system toolkit explores how the government can intervene systemically. The below list of tools was compiled based on recommendations by the systems thinking community and is not exhaustive.
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