The lunettes display mural paintings from 1536, by Pedro Noble, representing the Ascension and the Assumption; and the niches house important pieces belonging to the cathedrals goldsmith collection, such as the Relics Shrine, by Antonio de Arfe, or the Cloak which until a few years ago was worn by the image of Saint James that presides the Basilicas main altar. Construction on the cathedral was begun in 1075 in the reign of Alfonso VI, and sponsored by Bishop Diego Pelez. This basic Romanesque structure can be seen most clearly in the interior; around it have accrued chapels and other sacred structures. The current replicas were cast in Asten (Netherlands) by the Eijsbouts house in 1989 and were placed in the cathedral in February 1990.[30][31]. 2. Santiago de Compostela (Old Town) - UNESCO World Heritage Centre In order to protect the Prtico da Gloria from deterioration caused by weather, this faade and towers have had several reforms since the 16th century. The lateral portals are dedicated to the Jews on the left and to the unbelievers on the right. The Camino de Santiago is a large network of pilgrim routes stretching . The Cathedral of Compostela was originally designed in the Romanesque fashion; if seen from above, it would appear to be a gigantic cross, the central "plank" of which is the nave and the cross-arm the transept. This piece is a replica, of the original, which is in the Cathedral Museum. #building #architecture #design #photography Santiago De Compostela. It is the largest Romanesque church in Spain and one of the largest in Europe. Every clustered pier is flanked by semi-columns, three of which carry the cross vaults of the side aisles and the truss of the arched vaults, while the fourth reaches to the spring of the vault. The choir displays a surprising exuberance in this Romanesque setting. Santiago de Compostela is the capital city of Galicia, Spain, and one of the most important places in Catholicism because it is believed by many to be the place where St. James, one of the twelve Apostles of Christ, is reputedly buried.. The Santiago de Compostela Botafumeiro is the largest censer in the world, weighing 80 kilograms (180lb) and measuring 1.60 metres (5.2ft) in height. There are various versions found, in which it is questioned whether the tomb where the Apostle's remains were deposited was respected. In 997, al-Mansur sacked the Christian cathedral at Santiago de Compostela (Palol and Hirmer 54). 00:15. In the last stage "Bernard, the younger" was finishing the building, while Galperinus was in charge of the coordination. The text scroll in his hand shows the words Misit me Dominus (the Lord sent me). It was in the year 1075, with the construction of the Chapel of the Savior, when the foundations of a great Romanesque Church were actually laid and that with the passage of time it was expanded with different architectural styles, especially Gothic and Renaissance, until what we see today reflected in the current Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. Different pieces from pilgrimage offerings are exhibited there. Demons are represented at the bottom of the prtico, signifying that Glory crushes sin. On the other side is the polychrome alabaster altarpiece with scenes from the life of Saint James which, in 1456, was donated by the Parish priest of Chale, John Goodyear, from the Isle of Wight. After different vicissitudes, logical in a construction of such magnitude, in the year 1093 a fundamental event took place with the appointment, as administrator of the cathedral, of the Archbishop Diego Gelmrez who was the great promoter of the cathedral and the city of Santiago de Compostela, making them a universal focus of Christianity and equaling the social phenomenon of pilgrimage, along with Rome and Jerusalem. It was built as a defensive tower, framed in the whole of the Cathedral, having a height of 72 meters. The Cathedral was built piecemeal over centuries, and its beauty is attributed to the mix of various architectural styles: Gothic, Romanesque, Baroque, Plateresque . It has Renaissance pulpits at the entrance, on both sides, with scenes from the life of the Apostle made by Juan Bautista Celma in 1578. The city built around the cathedral to Santiago, or St. James as we know him, is deeply cloaked in legend. The secrets of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela Select from the list or hover over the map to find out about points of interest. Its initial use, because it had a door to the exterior, was as a guard chamber. In the transept, by the access to the Main Chapel the bronze pulpits by Juan Bautista Celma are located. Because of regular Dutch and English incursions, the relics had been transferred in 1589 from their place under the main altar to a safer place. Today. The access to the chapel is through a narthex which houses the beautiful Gothic image of Our Lady, where the area is illuminated by a large oculus. It is also one of the only three known churches in the world built over the tomb of an apostle of Jesus. It is flanked by the towers known as Campanas and Carraca, which endowed it with its now universally known image. It was built mostly in granite. In addition to the views of towers, domes and landscape that can be seen from their heights, one of the best known elements of the roofs is the so-called Cruz dos farrapos, which means "Cross of rags". The creation of Adam and Christ's blessing is also shown. Its magnificent altarpiece that presides the chapel is originally from Seville and it was made by the sculptor from Burgundy, Miguel Perrn, dating from 1526. St. It is a marvelous example of Romanesque architecture and a place where millions of pilgrims from all over Europe and the world have . [12], On both sides of the evangelists, behind Mark and Luke, there are four angels on each side with the instruments of the Passion of Christ. The Prtico da Gloria ("Portico of the Glory" in Galician) of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela is a Romanesque portico by Master Mateo and his workshop commissioned by King Ferdinand II of Len. In the center of the first archivolt is God the Creator who blesses the pilgrim and holds the Book of Eternal Truth; to his right are Adam (naked), Abraham (with the index raised), and Jacob. The faade of Azabachera, or North Facade is located in the Plaza de la Inmaculada or de la Azabachera, where the last urban section of the French Way ends, Northern Way, and finally from English Way with its entry through the ancient gate of Paradise. [26], The first part of the tower was built in the 12th century, but in the 15th century several modifications were made and King Louis XI of France donated in 1483 the two largest of the thirteen bells. -The Baldachin, supported by angels, is a work by Domingo de Andrade following the designs by Vega y Verdugo. It is presided by an image of the Virgin, made in the Madrid atelier in 1666. James the Great, also known as St. James, was an apostle of Jesus Christ who introduced the Christian faith to the Iberian Peninsula in Spain. [28], The Clock Tower, also called Torre da Trindade or, Berenguela, is at the intersection of the Prataras square and the Quintana square. The main chapel was Romanesque in origin, but it was renovated during the Baroque by order of the new master builder, Jos de Vega y Verdugo, named by Innocent X. It has large glazed windows that illuminate the ancient Romanesque faade, located between the towers of the Bells and of the Ratchet. Along with St. Thomas Cathedral in India and St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican, Santiago de Compostela Cathedral is only one of three existing churches that were built over the remains of Jesus' apostles. Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela - Dreamstime The double archivolt is divided into two equal parts by two heads. The cathedral is also famous for the Botafumeiro, the largest censer in the world, billowing incense over pilgrims as it swings. The column statues represent the apostles with their attribute, along with prophets and Old Testament figures with their name on a book or parchment. After observing them for several days, Pelayo informed Teodomiro, the Bishop of Iria Flavia, about the event. It was built under the direction of Bishop Diego Pelez, on the site of an old church dedicated to Saint Santiago, or St James as he is known in English. The Amazing Bells of Santiago - The Knights Templar Order Built primarily of granite to the same plan as the monastic brick church of Saint Sernin in Toulouse, the last stone was believed to be lain in 1122, and the Cathedral consecrated in 1128. In the middle of the central body is St. James and one level below his two disciples Athanasius and Theodore, all dressed as pilgrims. In the 872 King Alfonso III, the Great, ordered the construction of a larger temple. Vestibule with ribbed vaults that communicates the interior of the Cathedral with the Chapel of Relics-Royal Pantheon, the Treasury-Chapel of Saint Ferdinand and the Cloister. In 1606, Master Gins Martinez built the characteristic double staircase leading to the Cathedral of Santiago. Here at the Chapel of San Fernando, which today is part of the itinerary of the Cathedral Museum, is located the so-called "Treasure", which includes the richest pieces of liturgical goldsmith, among them, the Processional custody performed by Antonio Arfe. Later, in 997, the Cathedral and Santiago de Compostela were burned and looted, at the hands of the Muslim caudillo Almanzor, including the transfer, by Christian captives, of the cathedral bells to Crdoba. Later, in 1178, Pope Alexander III declared that the privilege granted by Pope Calixto II would become perpetual, which gave rise to the European-wide pilgrims through the Camino de Santiago. The second level of the faade is made up of two windows with lobed arches, where we highlight the figure of King David playing the harp, reliefs from Genesis, the sacrifice of Isaac and the adulterous woman. History of the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral Cathedral De Santiago de Compostela - Tripadvisor It is a city built around the discovery of the remains of the Apostle Saint James and an important religious centre. Named for the number of artisans and goldsmiths dedicated to the work of silverware that were located in this place and that, still, do so today. On this door you can see, in some niches, the image of Santiago and his disciples Athanasius and Teodoro who are at his sides. There are 90 minutes of commentary, illustrated with over 62 high-quality images, so you won't miss a single detail during your visit. [18], In the central frieze is Christ, with various characters and scenes. Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela Relics of St James Photo by JFPenn. 01 Nov November 1, 2022 Explore. The Santiago de Compostela Archcathedral Basilica (Spanish and Galician: Catedral Basilica de Santiago de Compostela) is part of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Santiago de Compostela and is an integral component of the Santiago de Compostela World Heritage Site in Galicia, Spain. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. In the 18th century it was decided to build the current Baroque faade, designed by Fernando de Casas Novoa. In the center of the cloister, we can see the Fons Mirabilis, a granite Romanesque fountain, which was next to the old Puerta del Paraso, now Puerta de la Azabachera. . This was the final destination of the pilgrims. The origin of the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral In 823 a hermit, known as Pelayo (or Paio) observed flashes that came from the depths of the forest. Built by Master Mateo between 1103 and 1117, with the driving help of the first Archbishop of Santiago de Compostela, Diego Gelmirez. In the Chapel of the Reliquary (Galician: Capela do Relicario) is a gold crucifix, dated 874, containing an alleged piece of the True Cross. In the southern end of the Transept, this is the only Romanesque facade that is left of the Cathedral, maintaining its original architecture with barely any transformations, except for the addition of reliefs from other parts of the Cathedral and the Clock Tower and the Treasury Facade that flank it. Chapel built in 1674 following the project by Vega y Verdugo. In the year 1527, it became "independent" from the Cathedral, date from which it is the champion of "pilgrims, foreigners and Basques.". Purgatory is shown on the side. In 1168 Master Mateo was commissioned to complete it, including the western closure and the building of the Choir in the main nave. To do so, Master Mateo had to bridge the existing slope in the terrain, which he did by building the Porticos Crypt, as well as the Stone Choir which occupied the first stages of the main nave. Throughout history there have been several thuribles. With a cost of about 17 million euros, the works in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela include not only the aforementioned faade of the Plaza del Obradoiro and the famous Prtico de la Gloria, but also the rehabilitation of the faade of the Plaza Quintana, the cleaning of the Clock Tower and those of Xelmrez and Abades, as well as roofs, the restoration of the Portico and the interior rehabilitation of the basilica. Inside we can find, as the most outstanding pieces: La original cape of Santiago el Mayor, made in the year 1704 - Relief of the Virgin of the Milk by Luisa Roldn - Reliquary bust of Santiago el Menor, who wears the bracelet of D. Suero de Quiones on his neck, which he won in the famous gentlemen's joust, which took place in the Paso Honroso, in the Len town of Hospital de rbigo, in the year 1434. The archivolts are attached over eleven columns, three are of white marble (middle and corners) and the rest of granite. Since the creation of this building the city. The Plateresque cloister is one of the most important in Spain. [14][15], The arch of the left door depicts scenes from the Old Testament, with the righteous awaiting the arrival of the Savior. Both areas, with beautiful architecture and rib vaults, house some of the best examples of the Cathedrals painting collection, with works by Gregorio Ferro, Garca de Bouzas, etc. Vertically, the lower part is formed by the bases of the columns, decorated with fantastic animals, the middle portion consists of columns adorned with statues of the Apostles, and the upper part supports the base of the arches crowning the three doors. Espaol. In 1695 it became the Chapel of Saint Andrew. ORIGIN WHEN WAS THE CATHEDRAL OF SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA BUILT? This sculptor is considered the "Sculptor of the Camino de Santiago", well because of the numerous works he did in the French Way or by the disciples who had worked with him. To commemorate its completion in 1188, the date was carved on a stone and set in the cathedral, and the lintels were placed on the portico. Between 830 and 840, King Alfonso II "the Chaste" commissioned a modest church to be built over the recently discovered tomb of the Apostle, and in 899, Alfonso III the Great had a grander basilica built over the original construction. To allow us to provide a better and more tailored experience please click "OK", The Santiago de Compostela Cathedral, Galicia | NielsB/WikiCommons. Built over. Museum of the Galician People. With an entrance said to be one of the greatest pieces of medieval art known as the Portico de la Gloria, or Porch of Glory, with its amazing tympanum hosting a beautifully carved central male figure with additional heavenly figures, the magnificent cathedral invites all to . The Cathedral has three towers. [8][9], The portico has three round arches that correspond to the three naves of the church, supported by thick piers with pilasters. It takes its name from the Confraternity of Clerics, or Choir Chaplains, or also from the Immaculate Conception, to whom this chapel belongs to. A Brief History of the Santiago De Compostela Cathedral Bishop of Iria when the remains of the Apostle were discovered, the tombstone of Theodemar appeared during the archaeological excavations that were performed in the south arm of the Cathedrals transept in the year 1955. In the 9th century, . On one of the tombs the painting of a descent from the Cross from the XNUMXth century is preserved in relative good condition. It is one of the most important in Spain, with a square plan, 34 meters on a side, in a Gothic-Renaissance style, built at the end of the XNUMXth century. A virtual visit to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela Cathedral Of Santiago Compostela Art Print. In the second archivolt, the top, ten small figures represent the twelve tribes of Israel. The gates and the bells, carried by local Christian captives to Crdoba, were added to the Aljama Mosque. Currently the figure is in one of the chapels, near the Portico de la Gloria, which is under construction. In 1677 this area became the Chapel of Saint Ferdinand, and the image of the Saint, a work by Juan de Seoane, was placed at the head of the Neo-Renaissance altar. As a significant element of it, the tower closes one "Lantern", that with its permanent light guides the pilgrims in the Holy Years. The city has been an important Catholic pilgrimage route since the ninth century with many intriguing landmarks. The altarpiece is presided by the Apparition of Our Lady of The Pillar before the Apostle Saint James, the chests of drawers made in fine wood that surround the chapel and the eight-sided dome with Saint James related decoration and heraldry. It is Neoclassic in style, although it also reveals some Baroque elements. The Portal of Glory is the cathedral's main doorway. Located on the northeast end of the Cloister, through which it is accessed, it was founded in 1529 and stands out because of its magnificent altarpiece, attributed to the Compostela atelier of Jos Gambino and with the sure participation of Ferreiro. Work on the cathedral stopped after the initial stages and didn't continue until 1100, when architect Master Esteban created three naves in the shape of a Latin cross. Santiago de Compostela Cathedral, one of the greatest monuments of Romanesque architecture in Spain, has been included in the UNESCO list since 1985. A brief history of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela Later you can admire the original San Pedro chapel of Romanesque court, and, Come out of the crypt, you are almost done. So many pilgrims have laid their hands on the pillar to rest, that a groove has been worn in the stone. Below the dressing room is the crypt, of Roman origin, where the remains of the Apostle and his disciples are found in a silver urn from the XNUMXth century. Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, a MUST see in Santiago - Marly Camino In the Jubilee Years (whenever St James's Day falls on a Sunday) the Botafumeiro is also used in all the Pilgrims' Masses. Pre-Romanesque art in Asturias is framed between the years 711 and 925, the period of the rise and extension of the Kingdom of Asturias. From $28.49. Following the discovery, a small stone chapel was built in the year 813 with the support of Asturian King Alfonso II, who travelled to Santiago to confirm the authenticity of the relics and is considered the first ever . Over the centuries the main Camino de Santiago itineraries with pilgrims from all corners of Europe. At the foot of the central column at the top inside, looking towards the main altar of the cathedral, there is the kneeling figure of the Master Mateo himself, holding a sign on which is written Architectus. It is the burial place of Domingo de Andrade. This chapel, which is also known as of the king of France, is where the ancient pilgrims to Compostela could confess in different languages and receive the Compostela.
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