The Bible has many verses about love, but really shines when it comes to relationships. The Sagas of Icelanders, Bishops' sagas, and contemporary sagas, whose portrayal of the supernatural is generally restrained, rarely mention lfar, and then only in passing. [130] Another source has dismissed it as "a hodgepodge of populist and socialist ideas," in theory and "nothing more than inefficient state control of the economy and some almost equally ineffective redistribution policies," in practice. Islamists and revivalists embrace the state, in statements like: Islam "is rich with instructions for ruling a state, running an economy, establishing social links and relationships among the people and instructions for running a family,"[119] and "Islam is not precepts or worship, but a system of government. When she is veiled, she is considered a human being, not an object of pleasure, not an erotic image. The Fishers of Men Bible Story from the book of Luke. see Muhammad Sa`id `Ashmawi; Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban. "[21] Founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hasan al-Banna believed "Muslim women have been free and independent for fifteen centuries. [134], Folk stories told in the nineteenth century about elves are still told in modern Denmark and Sweden. Where enough people have believed in the reality of elves that those beliefs then had real effects in the world, they can be understood as part of people's worldview, and as a social [95][96], The Kings' sagas include a rather elliptical but widely studied account of an early Swedish king being worshipped after his death and being called lafr Geirstaalfr ('lafr the elf of Geirstair'), and a demonic elf at the beginning of Norna-Gests ttr. The fishers were astonished by the miracle as a demonstration of the presence of God, which was the first step in understanding who Jesus is. David Ludden, Ph.D., is a professor of psychology at Georgia Gwinnett College. [78] Khomeini contended, Islam has made the necessary provision; and if laws are needed, Islam has established them all. Christianity says that you cant do. [161], In the animistic precolonial beliefs of the Philippines, the world can be divided into the material world and the spirit world. These are all transcendental descriptions. The war was to "prevent Muhammad's community from dissolving back into the old tribal system," but was a political and not a religious war. The word elf is found throughout the Germanic languages and seems originally to have meant 'white being'. Also surviving are the English surname Elgar (lfgar, "elf-spear") and the name of St Alphege (lfhah, "elf-tall"). Some extremists have even attached spiritual significance to customs that mandate physical violence, such as female genital mutilation and so-called honor killings, oblivious to the pagan roots of the first practice and the unequivocal hostility of the Qur'an and hadiths to the second one. These types of quotes help couples draw strength against the inevitable [35], A completely different etymology, making elf a cognate with the bhus, semi-divine craftsmen in Indian mythology, was suggested by Adalbert Kuhn in 1855. "Thus every religion was a `religion of the sword.`" [62]. [154] In the Finnic-speaking world, the term usually thought most closely equivalent to elf is haltija (in Finnish) or haldaja (Estonian). Yet on two occasions she was accosted by passing Saudi youths from their cars. [65] The full ayat where the phrase appears says: Those who you adore outside of Him are nothing but names that you and your fathers have given them. [55] Qutb's brother Muhammad thought the only time "Islam was enforced in its true form" was for fifteen years, during the first two caliphs, plus three years from 717 to 720 A.D.[56] For the Shiite Ayatollah Khomeini, the five-year reign of Caliph Ali was the truly Islamic era Muslims should imitate. [24], Some Islamists have been condemned by other Muslims as Kharijites for their willingness to Takfir (declare other Muslims to be unbelievers) and kill self-professed Muslims. Song of Solomon 4:10. Olivier Roy refers to the call to enforce Sharia, as a periodic cycle of Islamic history "as old as Islam itself." In the country with perhaps the strictest policy of separation of the sexes (Saudi Arabia) one disillusioned Islamist (Ed Husain), who worked as an English teacher was startled at the attitude of Saudi Arabian men towards women. Searching for bible verses for the wedding ceremony is a normal step in wedding planning especially for a Christian couple. The 400 to 700 Banu Qurayza men killed were "no more than a tiny fraction of the total population of Jews who resided in Medina" who are estimated to have been between 24,000 and 28,000, "Scholars almost unanimously agree, the execution of the Banu Qurayza did not in any way set a precedent for future treatment of Jews in Islamic territories. Goethe expresses the sentiment of love of God alongside the opposite sentiment of hatred of God in his two poems Ganymed and Prometheus, respectively. Attested beliefs about elves, therefore, need to be understood as part of Germanic-speakers' Christian culture and not merely a relic of their pre-Christian religion. Love of God can mean either love for God or love by God. That is how the Companions of the Prophet understood Islam. Consider, for example, birds flying south for the winter. Love does no harm to a neighbor. People who are socially isolated tend to have more religious faith, perhaps allowing them to feel theyre not truly alone. Tolkien also appears to be the first author to have introduced the notion that elves are immortal. The mixing and co-existence of the truth and falsehood is impossible,"[134] Western civilization itself was "evil and corrupt," a "rubbish heap."[135]. When we live in small groups, cheaters are punished by other members, and they quickly learn that they have to get along. Thus was life in the first cities that arose thanks to the food surpluses that agriculture yielded. Iran has even more punishments, including head shaving and a year's banishment. Criticisms of Sharia law or orthodox historical sharia law[66] are varied and not always in agreement. Added link to guides for parents. Non-Jews were also executed following the, Most Jews were untouched. This was also an era in which religion and the state were one unified entity. First published. Looking for romantic Bible verses or cute wedding wishes on love? Formally, a string is a finite, ordered sequence of characters such as letters, digits or spaces. Where enough people have believed in the reality of elves that those beliefs then had real effects in the world, they can be understood as part of people's worldview, and as a social Here are a few of the best. [64], Because of elves' association with illness, in the twentieth century, most scholars imagined that elves in the Anglo-Saxon tradition were small, invisible, demonic beings, causing illnesses with arrows. By the way, if you think that youan intelligent human being living in modern societyare free of such superstitious nonsense, you need to ask yourself: Have you ever begged your car to start on a cold winter morning? Song of Songs 8:7. Harvest Christian Fellowship - Pastor Mike Finizio, Called to Be Fishers of Men With Scripture and personal reflections, New York Times bestselling author Sarah Young brings Jesus' message of peacefor today and every day. Sohrab Behada, "Property Rights in Contemporary Islamic Economic Thought, Kuran, "The Economic Impact of Islamic Fundamentalism," in Marty and Appleby. South Court AuditoriumEisenhower Executive Office Building 11:21 A.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Well, good morning. The scriptural basis of the Islamist principle that God in the form of Sharia law must govern, comes, at least in part, from the Quranic phrase that `Hukm is God's alone,` according to one of the founders of Islamist thought, Abul Ala Maududi. [102] One complaint comes from Pakistan were Islamization, includes banning of interest on loans or riba, got underway with military ruler General Zia al-Haq (19771988), a supporter of "Islamic resurgence" who pledged to eliminate `the curse of interest.` One critic of this attempt, Kemal A. Faruki, complained that (at least in their initial attempts) Islamizers wasted much effort on "learned discussions on riba" and doubtful distinctions between `interest` and `guaranteed profits,` etc." Religious people often think of faith as confidence based on a perceived degree of warrant, or evidence while others who are more skeptical of religion tend to think of Your religion was your ethnicity, your culture, and your social identity your religion was your citizenship. [136] Meanwhile, A Midsummer Night's Dream promoted the idea that elves were diminutive and ethereal. Get emails about this page Related content Therefore, as Gods chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Typically, elf circles were fairy rings consisting of a ring of small mushrooms, but there was also another kind of elf circle. A main point of departure with older scholarship is the understanding of Second Temple Judaism; the covenant with God and the role of works as a means to either gain or keep the covenant.. A central concern for Paul was the inclusion of Gentiles into God's New Covenant, (Quran 2:165)Another Islamic concept is that God's love leads towards good deeds "And feed with food the needy, the orphan and the prisoner, for love of Him (ie. Formally, a string is a finite, ordered sequence of characters such as letters, digits or spaces. But unlike these other Abrahamic religions, "the Muslims depended on their religion to provide them with an authority and an identity." Forgive as the Lord forgave you. The Libyan government lashes all adulterers. An ebook (short for electronic book), also known as an e-book or eBook, is a book publication made available in digital form, consisting of text, images, or both, readable on the flat-panel display of computers or other electronic devices. from: "Islam Society and Change" by al-Sadiq al-Mahdi from, "Islam Society and Change" by al-Sadiq al-Mahdi, from, unnamed teacher quoted by Aslan (2005), p. 167, Iranian journalist Amir Taheri tells of an 18-year-old college student at the. Over the next two decades, the California Climate Commitment will: Create 4 million new jobs; Cut air pollution by 60%; Reduce state oil consumption by 91%; Save California $23 billion by avoiding the damages of pollution; Reduce fossil fuel use in buildings and transportation by 92%; Cut refinery pollution by 94% Hungary (Hungarian: Magyarorszg [mrorsa] ()) is a landlocked country in Central Europe. [109][110] This deception sometimes shows the seductive side apparent in English and Scandinavian material:[107] most famously, the early thirteenth-century Heinrich von Morungen's fifth Minnesang begins "Von den elben wirt entsehen vil manic man / S bin ich von grzer liebe entsn" ("full many a man is bewitched by elves / thus I too am bewitched by great love"). [80][81] The pairing is paralleled in the Old English poem Wi frstice[69] and in the Germanic personal name system;[68] moreover, in Skaldic verse the word elf is used in the same way as words for gods. As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. While everyone was required to take an oath of allegiance to him and never again wage war against him, he "declared a general amnesty for most of his enemies, including those he had fought in battle. Compulsion in religious observance deprives "the observant of the credit for following God's order through personal volition. Whether Catholicism, Islam, etc. By Lake Tisnaren, I have seen one of those. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace., Proverbs 30:18-19. the sources from which these [early schools of law] formed their traditions, especially ijma, allowed for the evolution of thought. Skuld was skilled in witchcraft (seir). "[51], Olivier Roy argues that, while Islamism has been wonderfully successful as a "mobilising slogan", it "just does not provide the answers to the problems of governing a modern states." Umar Abd ar-Rahman, the blind sheikh, "is adamant on this subject: `it is very well known that no minority in any country has its own laws.`[127] Abd al-`Aziz ibn Baz, the Saudi religious leader, calls on non-Muslims to fast during Ramadan. The Lord God said, It is not good for the man to be alone. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. If you are part of a highly devout couple, consider spreading the word of God beyond the Church with a few of these unique wedding bible verses. As societies become affluent and egalitarian, perhaps people perceive less need for a benevolent God to keep watch over us. Relationship is a guy out fishing thinking about God. Religion teaches you that you have to do. 25 June 2019. Added link to guides for parents. no Jew, Christian, Zoroastrian, or Muslim of this time would have considered his or her religion to be rooted in the personal confessional experiences of individuals. 768, translated by Gamard & Farhadi. [108] The same pattern holds in Early Modern German. Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot sweep it away., Psalm 126:3. Beliefs in humanlike supernatural beings are widespread in human cultures, and many such beings may be referred to as elves in English. You have to trust in the One who has done it for you. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. from 53-minute audiotape that "was circulated on various websites." For example, some prayers invoke God's help against nocturnal attacks by Alpe. However, the term Vanir is rare in Eddaic verse, very rare in Skaldic verse, and is not generally thought to appear in other Germanic languages. Although a devout Muslim, Hassan al Banna was a teacher and community activist. Many of the most stunning promises in the Bible are for those who love God, notably Romans 8:28 (all things working for good for those who love God) and Deuteronomy 7:9 part of the prelude to the 10 commandments (those loving God being blessed to a thousands generations, where many of the worst curses in the Old Testament where curses went to 4 or 10 generations). In Greek, philotheos means "loving God, pious", as philosophos means a lover of wisdom (sophia). They continued to be associated with causing illnesses and with sexual threats. Paul the Apostle has been placed within Second Temple Judaism by recent scholarship since the 1970s. Overall it can be said that understanding secularization and desecularization is an essential part of the sociological analysis of religion. Religion is a guy in church thinking about fishing. We still recommend that you tell the story of how you met the groom or bride, but if you center your speech around a bible verse the words practically write themselves. If God would have willed, He would have made you a single people. Thereafter, he received revelations over a period of 23 years. It is independent states such as India and Pakistan (later Pakistan and Bangladesh), as well as Ireland, Cyprus and indeed, the USSR and Yugoslavia, that promote fragmentation. Data: Personal well-being estimates (life satisfaction, whether you feel the things you do in life are worthwhile, happiness and anxiety); broken down by age, disability, relationship status, ethnicity, religion, sex and sexual identity, using the Annual Population Survey three year combined dataset. [3] Accordingly, beliefs about elves and their social functions have varied over time and space.[4]. Frustrated Women and Hopeful Men: Is There a Connection? Husbands, in the same way, be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers., John 15:17. Harvest Christian Fellowship - Pastor Mike Finizio, The Road to Reality - Weekend Dr. K.P. [90][91], Although the relevant words are of slightly uncertain meaning, it seems fairly clear that Vlundr is described as one of the elves in Vlundarkvia. And yet, as University of California at Irvine psychologist Brett Mercier and his colleagues point out in a recent article, there was once a time in the prehistory of our species when nobody believed in a god of any sort. The essence of all religions is the Love of God, and it is the foundation of all the sacred teachings. [104] If God would have willed, He would have made you a single people. Relationship with reality Reality and perception. Joseph Schacht's extensive research on the development of the Shariah has shown how quite a large number of widely acknowledged hadith had their chain of transmission added conjecturally so as to make them appear more authentic. "Turabi declares that Islam `accepts territory as the basis of jurisdiction.`[125] As a result, national differences have emerged. Bhakti is a Sanskrit term meaning "loving devotion to the supreme God". [69] In Old English, the plural ylfe (attested in Beowulf) is grammatically an ethnonym (a word for an ethnic group), suggesting that elves were seen as people. Proverbs 5:18. This is done mostly in a Christian or religious wedding. The Jews thus become the incarnation of all that is anti-Islamic, and such is their supposed animosity that they will never relent `because the Jews will be satisfied only with destruction of this religion [Islam].` The struggle with the Jews will be a war without rules, since `from such creatures who kill, massacre and defame prophets one can only expect the spilling of human blood and dirty means which would further their machinations and evilness.` [159]. The "Christmas elves" of contemporary popular culture are a relatively recent creation, popularized during the late nineteenth century in the United States. Believing that God has a plan helps people regain some sense of control, or at least acceptance. Jesus Calling is your yearlong guide to living a more peaceful life. It is a happy and hopeful thing to see children careful of their parents, and dutiful. [76] An example is Geoffrey Chaucer's satirical tale Sir Thopas, where the title character sets out in a quest for the "elf-queen", who dwells in the "countree of the Faerie". Both states claim they are simply enforcing Sharia law. Experience a deeper relationship with Jesus as you savor the presence of the One who understands you perfectly and loves you forever. [23] According to Sultan Bahoo, Ishq means to serve God by devoting one's entire life to Him and asking no reward in return. Below we have a list of Bible verses for a bridal shower. And so on. Love is patient, love is kind. [143], English and German literary traditions both influenced the British Victorian image of elves, which appeared in illustrations as tiny men and women with pointed ears and stocking caps. 1050-1500)-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2019, Pages using Sister project links with wikidata namespace mismatch, Pages using Sister project links with hidden wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. [13], Scholars of Old Norse mythology now focus on references to elves in Old Norse poetry, particularly the Elder Edda. Love for God (philotheia) is associated with the concepts of worship, and devotions towards God.The Greek term theophilia means the love or favour of God, and theophilos means friend of God, originally in the sense of being loved by God or loved by the gods; but is today sometimes understood in the sense of showing love "Kashmir women face threat of acid attacks from militants, Dec 2, 2006 Gaza women warned of immodesty, Banning Women's Right to Divorce in Court, The Western Mind of Radical Islam by Daniel Pipes, The Balance of Islam in Challenging Extremism, "Sayeed Abdul A'la Maududi Jihad in Islam p. 19", "If the King of Pop[, Michael Jackson,] Converts to Islam - article by Daniel Pipes", International propagation of Salafism and Wahhabism, Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam,, Wikipedia introduction cleanup from May 2016, Articles covered by WikiProject Wikify from May 2016, All articles covered by WikiProject Wikify, Short description with empty Wikidata description, Articles needing additional references from September 2015, All articles needing additional references, Articles needing more viewpoints from September 2015, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, the undermining of the independence and religious authority of Islamic, added to this Wahhabi literalism and narrowness are, The Banu Qurayza were not executed for being Jews. `devourers of usury`). [107] More than 30 million The Fishers of Men Bible Story from the book of Luke. Relationship with reality Reality and perception. They inhabit natural features like mountains, forests, old trees, caves, reefs, etc., as well as personify abstract concepts and natural phenomena. All Rights Reserved. James VI of Scotland and Robert Kirk discussed elves seriously; elf beliefs are prominently attested in the Scottish witchcraft trials, particularly the trial of Issobel Gowdie; and related stories also appear in folktales,[121] There is a significant corpus of ballads narrating stories about elves, such as Thomas the Rhymer, where a man meets a female elf; Tam Lin, The Elfin Knight, and Lady Isabel and the Elf-Knight, in which an Elf-Knight rapes, seduces, or abducts a woman; and The Queen of Elfland's Nourice, a woman is abducted to be a wet-nurse to the elf queen's baby, but promised that she might return home once the child is weaned. The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband., Mark 10:9.What therefore God has joined together, let not man, Proverbs 17:17. | by Faith We Understand", Liddell-Scott-Jones Greek-English Lexicon, Defining Love: A Philosophical, Scientific, and Theological Engagement, Flash Animation About the Love of God (3.6 MB), Spiritual Methods to Help One Practice Loving God,, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2020, Articles needing additional references from September 2021, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 31 March 2022, at 07:34. A friend loves at all times., 1 John 4:21. [146] The role of elves as Santa's helpers has continued to be popular, as evidenced by the success of the popular Christmas movie Elf. [73] They became associated with medieval chivalric romance traditions of fairies and particularly with the idea of a Fairy Queen. Although Islamism is a movement devoted to the preeminence of Islam in all fields[28] some have suggested that belief has been neglected in favor of politics, and that "organizers, enthusiasts, and politicians," rather than those focusing on spirituality or religion, have "had the most impact" in the movement. [144], As American Christmas traditions crystallized in the nineteenth century, the 1823 poem "A Visit from St. Nicholas" (widely known as "'Twas the Night before Christmas") characterized St Nicholas himself as "a right jolly old elf." Many claims to have unfailing love, but a faithful person who can find? Browse our selection of bible verses for wedding celebrations such as bridal showers, rehearsal dinners, and bachelorette parties. We love because he first loved us.. He lived in western Arabia, a stateless region where tribal affiliations dominated all of public life. As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. These first disciples of Jesus had already heard the preaching of John the Baptist and were prepared to accept Christ immediately. Basic Books. Such is the right religion, but most people do not know. [97] An example being use of acid against women by Islamist leader Gulbuddin Hekmatyar in the 1970s,[98][99] 27 June 2019. Thus in the classic sense and reference of 'philosophy', actual knowledge is reserved to God; finite man can only be the lover of knowledge, not himself the one who possesses knowledge. [50], Author Tarek Osman has criticized Islamism as promising "everything to everyone", leading to unsustainable conflicts and contradictions: an alternative social provider to the poor masses; an angry platform for the disillusioned young; a loud trumpet-call announcing `a return to the pure religion` to those seeking an identity; a "progressive, moderate religious platform` for the affluent and liberal; and at the extremes, a violent vehicle for rejectionists and radicals. That is to say, we not only believe we have agency, we also believe others have agency as well. 1 Corinthians 13:13. There is also evidence associating elves with illness, specifically epilepsy. Do to others as you would have them do to you., Galatians 5:13. "[114], For Islamists women's condition under Islam is a major issue. Hungary (Hungarian: Magyarorszg [mrorsa] ()) is a landlocked country in Central Europe. Another motivational factor is self-enhancement. [108] Another critic, Asghar Schirazi, has followed the progress of changes in divorce law in Iran, starting with the western innovation of court divorce for women a deviation from traditional Islamic Talaq divorce introduced before the Islamic Revolution. It is defined by the Althochdeutsches Wrterbuch as a "nature-god or nature-demon, equated with the Fauns of Classical mythology regarded as eerie, ferocious beings As the mare he messes around with women". Its not uncommon for a wedding ceremony to feature generous helpings of unique wedding bible verses that illustrate the strength, understanding, and commitment that a relationship requires. Iran has "the lowest mosque attendance of any Islamic country," according to Zohreh Soleimani of the BBC. Pakistan lashes unmarried offenders and stones married ones. It always protects, always trusts always hopes, and always perseveres., Colossians 3:12-14. "[9], Some of the early victims of Islamist enforcement of orthodoxy include Ahmad Kasravi, a former cleric and important intellectual figure of 1940s Iran who was assassinated in 1946 by the Fadayan-e Islam, an Islamic militant group, on the charge of takfir. Love must be sincere. In contrast, elves are small people with red stocking caps. for example, Sayyid Qutb who believed the motivation of European imperialism was not "economic or political" but the same anti-Islamic hatred that drove the medieval crusades, or as he put it a "mask" to cover "the crusading spirit, since it is not possible for it to appear in its true form, as it was possible in the Middle Ages." For love is as strong as death, its jealousy as enduring as the grave. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life., Genesis 2:24.Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one, Proverbs 18:22.He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the, 1 John 4:18. [84] Many commentators have also (or instead) argued for conceptual overlap between elves and dwarves in Old Norse mythology, which may fit with trends in the medieval German evidence. Jews and Christians] Our God and Your God are the same; and it is to Him we submit.` [Quran29:46][137][138]. Worried that the rejection of the Jews would somehow discredit his prophetic claims, Muhammad had not choice but to turn violently against them, separate his community from theirs. The elves pose a threat to the everyday community by lure people into the elves' world. In the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Prosecutor-General, Abolfazl Musavi-Tabrizi has been quoted as saying: "Any one who rejects the principle of hijab in Iran is an apostate and the punishment for an apostate under Islamic law is death" (August 15, 1991). Today, my administration is Belief in god: Why people believe, and why they dont. We recommend that you speak with your officiant about a reading. And its not uncommon to hear stories of priests or pastors whove lost their faith but continue to preach because its the only way they can make a living. Added a link to the sex and relationship education statutory guidance. "[47], Disillusionment with what he calls the "faltering ideology" can also be found in Sudan, with Erbakan in Turkey, or in the Algerian guerilla war. In the twentieth century, scholars often labelled the illnesses elves caused as "elf-shot", but work from the 1990s onwards showed that the medieval evidence for elves' being thought to cause illnesses in this way is slender;[60] debate about its significance is ongoing. [3] Where enough people have believed in the reality of elves that those beliefs then had real effects in the world, they can be understood as part of people's worldview, and as a social reality: a thing which, like the exchange value of a dollar bill or the sense of pride stirred up by a national flag, is real because of people's beliefs rather than as an objective reality. [114], As in Old Norse, however, there are few characters identified as elves. Islam (/ s l m /; Arabic: , al-Islm (), transl. Islamists in Iran and Sudan extended the purview of Sharia but gave the state, not independent jurists, authority over it. The elves fend off, with more or less success, the attacks, and advances of modern technology, palpable in the bulldozer. Organized religion may no longer be needed in such societies, but its still human nature to perceive agency in the complexity and unpredictability of the world, even when there is none. [103] [135] Likewise, William Shakespeare, in a speech in Romeo and Juliet (1592) has an "elf-lock" (tangled hair) being caused by Queen Mab, who is referred to as "the fairies' midwife". Genesis 2:22. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Hukm is God's alone. Love must be sincere. The Sassanid Empire in Persia was Zoroastrian, again with one officially sanctioned and legally enforced version of Zoroastrianism. Although this word took a variety of forms in different Old English dialects, these converged on the form elf during the Middle English period.
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