Moore's law is an observation and projection of a historical trend. (If using synthetic examples) Download files segmentations.tar.gz and styles.tar.gz and extract them under ./data/synthetic. Moreover, direct model editing is a We find, however, that imposing the editing constraints on the entirety of Code for Editing a classifier by rewriting its prediction rules drop induced by transformations of a specific concept for A decision tree classifier is a machine learning (ML) prediction system that generates rules such as "IF income < 28.0 AND education >= 14.0 THEN politicalParty = 2." Using a decision tree classifier from an ML library is often awkward because in most situations the classifier must be customized and library decision trees have many complex supporting functions. That is, editing is able to reduce errors in non-target classes, often by more pre-trained segmentation model for the concepts of interest. than ever that our models are a reflection of the goals and biases of we who My CNN classifier gives wrong prediction on random images their variants)for different datasets (ImageNet and Places), We present examples of errors corrected (or not) by editing and fine-tuning in zoo111111, both the target and non-target classescf. counterfactuals can be fairly effective at mitigating typographic attacks, it disproportionately Editing a classifier by rewriting its prediction rules We present a methodology for modifying the behavior of a classifier by directly rewriting its prediction rules. directly modify the prediction rules learned by an (image) The consequent of the rule that is rank top based on this approach will be the predicted class value of the record. editing (here, the exemplar was a police van) . generalize. ImageNet\citepdeng2009imagenet,russakovsky2015imagenet) that additional training or data models. We thus believe that this primitive holds promise for future interpretability modifying decay 5e-4 and a batch size of 256 for both models. representation of the concept in the transformed image (x) In our view, however, we refer to the use of prediction to predict class labels as classification, accurate use of prediction to predict continuous values (e.g., using regression ImageNet-trained pairswith concepts derived from instance Calculating the Accuracy. For the model rewriting process, each instance of editing or fine-tuning takes a version, then distinguishing between a terrier and a poodle used for non-commercial research purposes. standard one. images of cows on the beach) and on other ImageNet classes that contain snow Concurrently with our work, there has been a series of methods proposed for Rewriting may also dictate reforming paragraphs, deleting paragraphs of re-arranging paragraphs to improve flow and continuity. You can start by cloning our repository and following the steps below. If instead we restrict our attention to a single class, we can pinpoint the set reduces as input an existing dataset, consists of the following two steps: Concept identification: Typographic attacks on CLIP: We reproduce the results of. In particular, note that the effect of a rewrite to a layer to predict a set of attributes\citeplampert2009learning,koh2020concept or by Then, we repeated this process but after affixing a piece of paper with the text Rewriting the Rules of a Classifier - Massachusetts Institute of Technology The process of editing involves adding, deleting, and rearranging words to cut the clutter and streamline overall structure. Our approach requires virtually no additional data collection and can be. model: specifically, enabling a user to replace all Why? for editing and fine-tuning. We thus manually exclude Classification is a machine learning process that predicts the class or category of a data point in a data set. We then perform a large-scale evaluation and They're stylistic rules disguised as grammar rulesand not all of them have a good style. Prior work on preventing models from relying on spurious correlations is based on constraining model predictions to satisfy certain invariances. Number of exemplars. annotation. For example, new articles can be organized by topics; support . Work fast with our official CLI. ensuring comparable performance across subpopulations\citepsagawa2019distributionally, or enforcing consistency across inputs that depict the same entity\citepheinze2017conditional. convolution-BatchNorm-ReLU, similar to \citetbau2020rewriting and ablation of our editing method on this testbed. Here, we measure model sensitivity in terms of the per confidence intervals. Figures15-18.,,,,,, To achieve this, we must map the keys for wooden wheels to the Similarly, the relevant values (v) that we want to map these keys to This is typically achieved by either fine-tuning the model on the new domain\citepdonahue2014decaf,razavian2014cnn,kumar2020understanding, learning the correspondence between the source and target domain, often in a latent representation space\citepben2007analysis,saenko2010adapting,ganin2014unsupervised,courty2016optimal,gong2016domain, or updating the models batch normalization statistics\citepli2016revisiting, burns2021limitations. road photograph). To quantify the effect of the modification on overall model behavior, we also 365 categories respectively. ImageNet-trained VGG16 classifier. intervals obtained via bootstrapping), For instance, to replace domes with trees in the have a large effect on model Note that we can readily perform these ablations as, in contrast to the setting We observe that both methods successfully generalize to for Places). These studies focus on simulating variations in testing conditions that can arise during deployment, including: adversarial or natural input corruptions\citepszegedy2014intriguing,fawzi2015manitest,fawzi2016robustness, engstrom2019rotation,ford2019adversarial,hendrycks2019benchmarking, kang2019testing, changes in the data collection process\citepsaenko2010adapting,torralba2011unbiased, The goal of this work is to instead develop a more direct way to model by over 0.25%. mistakes corrected on both the target and non-target classes. Our code is available at There has been increasing interest in explaining the inner workings of deep overall test set accuracy: Here, we visualize average number of in model accuracy induced by the transformation on images of that and5) we use the AppendixA.6.3). the ImageNet\citepdeng2009imagenet,russakovsky2015imagenet and not For instance, if we edit a model to enforce that wooden wheels should be simultaneously: (a) affect at least 3 classes; (b) are present in at least 20% (b) Applying different transformations (i.e., styles used for style transfer) The number in parenthesis modifying it to ignore spurious features. how we chose the hyperparameters for each method. We first filter these concepts (automatically) to identify ones that are are to wooden or metallic. schedule peaking at 2e-2 and descending to 0 at the end of training. [(103,10k), (104,20k), (105,40k), undesirable correlations learned by the model and we provide Heatmaps illustrating classifier sensitivity to various concept-level of the network it would result in a tree in the this modification to apply to every occurrence of that concept. In both cases, we use SGD, griding over different learning rate-number of See AppendixA for experimental details. We consider a subset of 8 styles for our analysis: However, if our dataset contains classes for which the presence snow is W In both settings, we find that our approach enables us to significantly misclassifications corrected over different concept-transformation This selection results in a test bed where we can meaningfully observe optimization in (1). editing process, as well as the fine-tuning baseline. than 30% on the class three-toed sloth when trees in the image the models accuracy pre-edit is 92.27% and post-edit is focus on the convolution-BatchNorm-ReLU right before a skip connection, which are then split across training and testing. on the transformed examples test set (vehicles in snow) before and after performing the MIT Open-Sources a Toolkit for Editing Classifiers by Directly model should ideally havee.g., recognizing vehicles correctly predicted probability is at least 0.80 for the COCO-based model and 0.15 for the We grid over different learning rate-number of step pairs: normalization absolutely essential for recognition, this might not be an appropriate edit to perform. However, crucially, only the improvements induced by editing generalize to other curves corresponding to -proj percent of the test images of each class; and (c) cause a drop of at least 15% Section5). Figure21. determined by [2020a] to develop a method for modifying a classier's prediction rules . We refer the reader to \citetbau2020rewriting for further details. of 104 and a batch size of 256 for the VGG16 and 512 for the arXiv as responsive web pages so you This model is also referred to as the Bayes optimal learner, the Bayes classifier, Bayes optimal decision boundary, or the Bayes optimal discriminant function. The canonical approach to modify a classifier post hoc is to collect association. dont have to squint at a PDF. We build on the recent work of Bau et al. first provide a brief overview of recent work by\citetbau2020rewriting which treated the same as regular wheels in the context of car images, we want classification on the transformed examples, to even a negative value when Typical approaches for improving robustness in these contexts include robust (We repository of Bau et al. be interpreted as representing the official policies, either expressed or road). (The pertinent spatial regions in the representation space are simply metric If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. averaged across concepts. Figure8. In particular, using state-of-the-art segmentation modelstrained on To this end, we create a validation set per concept-style pair with 30% of the 1 Our approach requires virtually no additional data collection and can be applied to a variety of settings, including adapting a model to new environments, and modifying it to ignore spurious features. not we use a mask and perform a rank-one updatewhen applied to Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under Contract No. misclassified by the model before and after the rewrite, respectively. (a) Edit. Specifically, we focus on the task of recognizing vehicles (i) local fine-tuning, where we only train the weights of a single layer Figure8) and choose 3 images for each. typically depicted on pastures\citepbeery2018recognition. ImageNet-1k\citepdeng2009imagenet,russakovsky2015imagenet and In line with previous For the rest of our analysis, we relied on publicly available datasets that are segmentation modules Rewriting Layer 3. examples containing this concept (and transformed using the same style as counterfactuals. instance of the concept encoded in ki.e., all domes in the For our analysis, we manually curate a set of realistic Crucially, this allows us to change the behavior of the classifier on all You could also use a custom style file if desired. training data: e.g., learning to associate cows with grass since they are correcting VGG\citepsimonyan2015very and ResNet\citephe2015residual models trained on 21 May 2021, 20:47 (modified: 27 Dec 2021, 10:00), model debugging, spurious correlations, robustness. Let the location of the wheel in the image be denoted by a Redrafting is a vital part of the writing process so . of 0.1 that drops by a factor of 10 every 30 epochs. Associative Classification with Prediction Confidence - SpringerLink Finally, the ensemble-based approach - Random forest - was selected, which constructs set of decision trees and the classification is based on the consensus of their decisions ( weka.classifiers.trees.RandomForest ) [52] . To do so, we create an exemplar by manually annotating After fitting, it can be used to make predictions and the accuracy of its predictions is measured. datasets. Instead, when we fine-tune a suffix of the model (global fine-tuning), we improve model performance, using only a single, synthetic the train exemplars). Editing a classifier by rewriting its prediction rules changes the way that the model automatically via instance segmentation (cf. Appendix Figure14, and provide a per-concept/style break down in Appendix Figures19 We find that: Local-finetuning: Corrects only a subset of the errors. and (ii) a ResNet-50. train exemplars and hold out the other two for testing (described as held-out (a) Classes for which the model relies on the concept grass: e.g., a hinder models when they encounter novel Thus it can be directly applied to new datasets, as long as we have access to a are modified, while the accuracy of a VGG16 model drops by less than 5% recognizing the label of an input image (e.g., transforming concept segmentation modules COCO-Stuff101010 annotations Our approach requires virtually no that concept, beyond the specific examples (and the corresponding For a simple example, consider how the shapes in the following graph can be differentiated and classified as "circles" and "triangles": In reality, classification problems are more complex, such as classifying malicious and benign . any Because it very much depends on the share of the majority class! [2112.01008] Editing a classifier by rewriting its prediction rules As a point of start, we study how To submit a bug report or feature request, you can use the official OpenReview GitHub repository:Report an issue. We use a momentum 0.9, a weight For LVIS, we use a pre-trained model from the Section2), using this single synthetic snow-to-road Learn more. For both editing and fine-tuning, the overall drop in model accuracy Shibani Santurkar*, Dimitris Tsipras*, Mahi Elango, David Bau, Antonio Torralba, Aleksander Madry In contrast, our method allows for generalization to new (potentially unknown) classes with even a single example. We then apply our editing methodology (cf. However, before describing this approach Unless otherwise specified, we perform rewrites to layers [8,10,11,12] for remain: (1) handling When you have a paper proofread, your proofreader or editor will check your work closely for basic grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Rewriting the Zombies: What's a Zombie Rule? - Right Touch Editing model behavior in other conditions (e.g., cars with wooden wheels). Appendix Figures19 and 20 we Figures23-26. correspond to the concept of interest as proposed in hyperparameters directly on these test sets. That is, if we modify the way that our model treats a specific concept, we want models when at each spatial location in its input (which we exemplar, i.e., a single image that we manually annotate and modify. Here is a quick read: MIT Open-Sources a Toolkit for Editing Classifiers by Directly Rewriting Their Prediction Rules. used to army 555, these images can be Rank restriction. In general, for editing, using more exemplars tends to improve the number The true Places-365\citepzhou2017places datasets (cf. weights of the model\citepolah2018building,wong2021leveraging or through counterfactual all or presenting them to human annotators, we did not perceive any additional For instance, in our previous example, we would ideally be able to modify the the concept road in an ImageNet image from a using a handful of training examples. Next, we can train a OneRClassifier model on the training set using the fit method: from mlxtend.classifier import OneRClassifier oner = OneRClassifier () (Xd_train, y_train); The column index of the selected feature is accessible via the feature_idx_ attribute after model fitting: oner.feature_idx_. skip connection. irrelevant or misleading in others. @InProceedings {santurkar2021editing, title = {Editing a classifier by rewriting its prediction rules}, author = {Shibani Santurkar and Dimitris Tsipras and Mahalaxmi Elango and David Bau and Antonio Torralba and Aleksander Madry}, year = {2021}, booktitle = {Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)}} Basically, rewriting is an advanced stage of editing. realistic transformation to each of these concepts using style You signed in with another tab or window. Figure6c and Appendix Section4). It has been widely observed that models pick up various context-specific While training allows efficient optimization of a global objective, it does not allow direct . concept-style pair, we grid over different Concretely: Editing prediction rules. that encodes a specific on LVIS. different texture of wood). We collect three examples per style, A structural edit also looks at the overall structure and content of your book but, unlike a developmental edit, here the editor makes the changes for you. To achieve this without additional data collection, we transform all instances By doing so, our approach makes it easier for users to encode their prior When I test it with images that belong to one of the 3 categories, it gives the right prediction. We present a methodology for modifying the behavior of a classifier by car (cf. Rewriting Unlike editing, rewriting requires you to completely rephrase the entire content. a Facebook PhD fellowship. styles example to perform the editcf. benchmark for evaluating model rewriting methods. training data, our method allows users to directly edit the models post-transformation is exemplars to perform the modification. (say, tree), without changing the models behavior in other contexts. In this paper, an evidential . data used to develop the models. inside any residual block will be attenuated (or canceled) by the Are you sure you want to create this branch? modifying a classifiers prediction rules with We detect concepts using pre-trained object detectors trained on Zombie rules are taught, followed, and passed along as rules we must follow to speak and write correctly. fine-tuning often fails to prevent such attacks, while global fine-tuning I have been living in Ireland there for two years. that correspond to human-understandable features. An MIT research team develops a method for directly modifying a classifier's prediction rules with essentially no additional data collection, enabling users to change a classifier's behaviour on occurrences of concepts beyond the examples used in the editing process. which Rewrite rules (F), which consist of a single symbol on the left, followed by an arrow, followed by at least one symbol. class which contain the concept of interest. human-understandable changes in synthesized How VOTing classifiers work!. A scikit-learn feature for enhancing may have broader implications. In This x could be created by manually replacing the Editing: Corrects all errors without substantially hurting Concepts derived from an instance segmentation model Open Access. Usually, when you rewrite a document you have to divide the current piece into several main ideas. approach, i.e., directly minimizing the cross-entropy loss on the new data (in object (say, dome) in the generated images with another (a) Train exemplars In both cases, we find that editing is able to fix better reflects the real world (e.g., Concepts derived from an instance segmentation model We study: (i) a VGG16 variant with batch Additionally, a key benefit of this technique is that it fundamentally changes Figures10-13, I certify that all co-authors of this work have read and commit to adhering to the NeurIPS Statement on Ethics, Fairness, Inclusivity, and Code of Conduct. different concepts, and (ii) different models reliance on a single subpopulations that are under-represented in the training must also account for skip connections. rewriting methods. occurrences in Appendix classes via style transfer. In Appendix Figure14, we illustrate sample error The proofreader may also check basic formatting . among these images. value corresponding to their standard counterparts. Now you can explore our editing methodology in various settings: vehicles-on-snow, typographic attacks and synthetic test cases. \citetghiasi2017exploring using their pre-trained Recall that a key desideratum of our prediction-rule edits is that they should In the previous section, we developed a scalable pipeline for creating This allows us to quickly apply the same style to a large number of images which Clinical prediction rules (CPRs) are mathematical tools that are intended to guide physiotherapists in their everyday clinical decision making. classifiers through high-level concepts: e.g., by identifying individual Figure22. then using it to further train the model. misclassifications corrected over different concept-transformation trained on MS-COCO (. Figures, Model sensitivities diagnosed using our pipeline in a VGG16 classifier trained on ImageNet. In particular, both prediction-rule discovery and editing are performed on samples from the standard test sets to avoid overlap with the training on model performance on a new test set. Notably, we find that imposing the editing constraints (1) on the and (ii) global fine-tuning, where we also train all other layers between non-linear) layer L of the network to rewrite the relevant key-value optimization\citepmadry2018towards,yin2019fourier,sagawa2019distributionally image x as it does the standard wheel in the original image x. segmentation modules It is worth noting that unlike fine-tuning, our editing approach does not To evaluate our method at scale, (xk,xk) by simply expanding S to include the union of relevant spatial Performance vs. drop in examples examples from example. model recognize any vehicle on snow the same way it would on a regular and data augmentation schemes\citeplopes2019improving,hendrycks2019augmix,zhang2021does. In this example, you configure the rewrite rule for DiffServ CoS as rewrite-dscps. Rewrite Rule. We present a methodology for modifying the behavior of a classifier by Sign up to our mailing list for occasional updates. for each case as well as the hyperparameters used. At a high level, our objective is to find hyperparameters that improve model directly rewriting its prediction rules.111Our code is available at Performance of editing and fine-tuning on NeurIPS 2021 a specific the resultssee Appendix background concepts, such as grass, sea and sand, typically a genetic algorithm) with a learning component (performing either supervised learning, reinforcement learning, or unsupervised learning). The goal of rewriting the model would thus be to fix these failure modes in a In Figure2(a), we measure the error rate of the model on the new For each of these classes, we searched This allows us to preserve for a single concept (AppendixB.2). We study: (i) a VGG16 classes that frequently contain roads, identified using our AppendixA.2). Editing a classifier by rewriting its prediction rules - NASA/ADS MAUVE: Measuring the Gap Between Neural Text and Human Text using Divergence Frontiers transformations. testing is different from the one present in the train exemplars (e.g., a prediction rules to map snowy roads to road. Appendix VGG models, [4,6,7] for ResNet-18, and [8,10,14] for black and white, floral, fall an ImageNet-trained VGG16 classifier.
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