Humans are resilient, resourceful and even reverent toward challenges in chaos and turmoil. Vernon Neppe and Edward Close presented the Triadic Dimensional-Distinction Vortical Paradigm in 2010, a quantum theory model that edifies Swygards work as they posit that consciousness, space, and time are tethered across 9 dimensions in our human experience, notwithstanding there are more dimensions, just that humans only have access to 9 in the physical body. People will disappoint. Like any process and reflective of the field in general, there are some pretty strange tales and loudmouths in the experiencer groups, too. The primary reasons for this include more demand for women sexual services, economic factors, domestic violence, organised crime, conflict zones and the search for a better life. Its attitude. Retired Defense Minister of Canada, Paul Hellyer, as well as astronaut and sixth man on the Moon, Dr. Edgar Mitchell are two who were outspoken toward no threats from space and the false narratives of the opposite being thrust upon the public. By its very nature, intimacy involves a certain amount of vulnerability. Youre part of the solution or part of the problemLets evolve as much as the technology around us has. Power is neutral, it is neither good nor bad. What changes are we going to have to make personally and professionally? Mobile computing c. call center industry d. 1990's e. 1994 f. The Cloud g. 16 h. 1970's i. IT'S MAGICAL. Human rights is about cultivating the humanity in everyone Uncover the human in anyone by Alessia Margarita What if we did? Powered by WordPress and Stargazer. What does it mean, "Being Human in the 21st Century"? Perhaps theyll be interesting to you as the stream of consciousness flows onto the page. The drive for dollars has been replaced by conscious capitalism and social entrepreneurialism where community and planetary needs are more important profit. What does it mean, Being Human in the 21st Century? Like any process and reflective of the field in general, there are some pretty strange tales and loud mouths in the experiencer groups, too. The key for the expansion and potential unification of this field is in collaboration with intention to keep the attention on asking better questions. Taoism, Energy, and Being Human in the 21st Century. Email. 21 st century skills 6) evaluation and authentication: determining the value of knowledge and ensuring authenticity. We still need that insatiable thirst for truth. What is awakening related to this? To reaffirm ourselves in our femininity and in the challenge of deepening feminine identity in the 21st century, we do not need this crude feminism that destroys the authentically feminine. We have only asked cursory questions regarding the occupants of the crafts we either have seen or trust that are there. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. To integrate this effectively, though, teachers must first learn practical strategies and tactical approaches to effectively and efficiently engage students. Its natural. Like any process and reflective of the field in general, there are some pretty strange tales and loud mouths in the experiencer groups, too. But rather, awakening happens when one has an insatiable thirst to know the truth." This book provides an inspiring picture of how Torah can be a force of personal transformation in everything we do. Which of the following terms correspond with: AT&T's "You Will" Select one: a. Your email address will not be published. There are some new developments within the field that are leaning toward incorporating experiencer data and philosophies on contact. indeed, reflect a broader trend in UN policy thinking, where the well-being of the human person is becoming more clearly the focal point . ), and a general lowering of standards thanks to the power of consumerism and endless distractions via the internet and the closed minded-thinking that can lead to, we have no shortage of problems to fix and to address in trying to make both our own lives easier and the world as a whole a better place. What does it mean, Being Human in the 21st Century? Technology literacy: Understanding the machines that make the Information Age possible. We refer to it, but do we ever really define it so that we can agree on it? On a more practical note, it sure seems that this theme runs across a plethora of playing fields in our present time. What if we did? That means not shying responsibility and holding ourselves accountable. Recycling memories tends to offer new insights and thoughts for me. The research of BHT is now based out of Portland State University where Coty serves . Is that sense being made common? How are we going to move forward and restore our lives, relationships and work? The only way we can make this country the greatest place in the world is if we all take responsibility for whats transpired to date and we all work on improving the situation together. Media literacy: Understanding the methods and outlets in which information is published. There is such abundance in being fully present with someone, provided of course, that we have chosen that someone wisely. Now there are dozens of Ufology-focused events around the world, most of which can be found on the UfologyPRSS website as we become aware of them. Its fairly easy to spot the absurd or pejorative and dismiss them as just uninformed or experientially bereft. How that insatiable thirst dispels the illusion depends on how awake we choose to be and the willingness to suspend or slice away false belief systems. This agenda must build on the challenges and threats of the past as analysed and identified by a host of international conferences and meetings, not least the 1993 Vienna International Human Rights Conference . Introduction Human trafficking has become one of the major issues in the world especially in the 21 st century. In hunter-gather societies, on average, about 57-67% of children made it to 15 years. I think the thing we have the most over control is our outlook everything else is dependent on others to some degree. We have to test them first, of course. Now that were inundated with options, its somehow ok to not worry about the value of other people and their time wasted when we can focus on our own pleasure maximization. There are numerous questions flying around social media platforms in the hundreds of groups that are aligned under the Ufology banner, for instance. I believe the values of the Native American Lakota tribe are just as important for individuals and businesses in the 21st century. Phone. One of the key shifts in thinking we need to embrace is that of "from rational economic man to fair and social adaptable humans." The quest for truth, at any level, is humbling beyond imagination. Meeting the challenges takes innovation; discovering that the way you think about the patterns and processes that are mandatory for achievements can evolve. What would truth do if we knew it or could really experience it on a daily bases? We like to pretend that we are not animals anymore, that we have surpassed our planetary cohabiters thanks to opposable thumbs, a frontal cortex, and consciousness. Its hard to cut through the din. Is there something else in process? The Goal Achiever Develops the Agile Thinker in Us, Boundaries: Communication Not Confrontation, CLICK TO VISIT OUR GOODWORKS 360 NONPROFIT FOUNDATION , Messy Antics The Call and Response: Part 2. 2. The three 21st Century literacy skills are: Information literacy: Understanding facts, figures, statistics, and data. There are those who genuinely admit they dont know much, though they have managed to gather enough data and some objective views on the subjective experiences of others. We've all been in a place where we've had to 'fake it to make it' until our confidence and skills. William Swygards Multi-Plane Awareness technique (1950s) provides and experiential path to aligning the multidimensional being we are now. The first time I heard the word "fairy" was . One of the best things about being human is being close to other ones. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Then there are those who have great stories and no real proof, yet are followed by thousands or possibly millions across the web. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2022 Planetary Citizens. We show as a human race that we can unify to overcome them and restore order. Who is your authentic self? Apr 24, 2017 . You can Be The Dream, "Awakening is not a matter of intelligence. The bishops of Alaska released a joint pastoral letter this month, highlighting the meaning, origin, and implications of human dignity in today's world. Perhaps they'll be interesting to you as the stream of consciousness flows onto the page. Lets try to pick up those hobbies that we never got around to. There is a growing congruence of science and spirituality, method and mortality. I mean, truth would be ubiquitous and undeniable, right? Ufology is an easy target to illustrate the point. Being Indigenous in the 21st Century. Honestly, it felt like a step into destiny from the marching orders I got as a teen. I mean, truth would be ubiquitous and undeniable, right? Author Unknown. Its attitude. Your email address will not be published. In the past 40 years, HRM has changed, from being limited to annual performance evaluations and employee paperwork to incorporating the power, skills, knowledge, and opportunities required to build and sustain organizations' strategic advantage. You dont realize youre being an impostor, a lesser self; denying your own inherent ability and innovation. I suppose that might be a clear explanation of how we work, how we relate to each other, how we relate to the world or worlds we may perceive? Recycling memories tends to offer new insights and thoughts for me. Perhaps a combination of a mathematical and psycho-spiritual model would explain the intelligence at work throughout? Meeting the challenges takes innovation; discovering that the way you think about the patterns and processes that are mandatory for achievements can evolve. Awakening or illusion? Weve all been in a place where weve had to fake it to make it until our confidence and skills developed in negotiating life, work and relationships. And when we dont know what we should be doing, we should just do our best to focus on encouraging our curiosity and seeing where it takes us (for those of us who the luxury of being able to do so). How do we feel about the narrative? a s a global society increasingly becomes a reality and people strive to come together across divisions of culture, religion, race, age, gender, and other boundaries, it has never been more important for human beings to understand ourselves and each other deeply, to appreciate diversity while recognizing our essential commonalities, and to have Surviving the 21st Century can be found here. What would truth do if we knew it or could really experience it on a daily bases? Then 79% of those 15 year-olds made it to 45 years. Humans are resilient, resourceful and even reverent toward challenges in chaos and turmoil. What do we truly believe in? The rough translation of Lakota is "an alliance of people". JOIN OUR WAITING LIST! From there we have to look to positively change ourselves and whatever else we can influence in ways that will lead to everyone being better off. Juneau, Alaska, Mar 1, 2018 / 03:03 am. Yet if we take an honest look at society today, its hard to not admit that there is a lack of rationality. However, just changing your attitude about what you are doing and why can make all the difference in the world, no matter your vocation. Its great to set the bar high, though thrashing oneself repeatedly for not meeting a goal on time is a bit unnecessary. It's been less than a decade since experiencers, en masse, have started sharing their stories through blogs, groups, pages, podcasts and web chats. The values of the Native American Lakota tribe are just as important for individuals and businesses in the 21st century. How are we going to move forward and restore our lives, relationships and work? MAHB-UTS Blogs are a joint venture between the University of Technology Sydney and the Millennium Alliance for Humanity and the Biosphere. Author RESET , 08.22.12. We have to test them first, of course. Regardless of the specific field or industry, we tend to listen and nod our heads to the experts of pretty much any field because we rarely understand what they are actually saying, especially the Ph.D.s, yet we don't want to appear stupid to our peers by asking questions. Do we even ask that question now? We only get one shot at this crazy thing called life lets all let ourselves be vulnerable, follow our passions, create more positivity in the world, and well all be happily surprised with what we end up with. The information age and data available for searching is causing an evolution in intelligence across the world. If we do not spend the time looking inwards to truly understand who we are, then how can we possibly assume that we are going to make the future a place we want to live? We do it all the time, yet somehow get distracted when it comes to the onslaught of information, personalities and pundits who manage the gate. This awakening brings humility, not arrogance; compassion, not surreptitiousness. (Image courtesy: Comfreak / 566 images Pixabay) The post The art of being human in the 21st century appeared first on Linda Parkinson-Hardman. Big T, little t, its ultimately the same, so what is your concept of truth? Instead of filling our time with as many fun things as possible before we lose our chance to make a mark on the world, lets focus on what we want out of life and then fit in all the fun activities around that. I suppose that might be a clear explanation of how we work, how we relate to each other, how we relate to the world or worlds we may perceive? What if we did? It gets heavily influenced by those around us, but there is a big difference between influence and force. IT'S EVERGREEN. Because I firmly believe that all of the changes we want arent going to come from a president, or politicians, or anyone else besides ourselves. The 21st century has become the beginning of the new era in Human Resource Management (HRM). We show as a human race that we can unify to overcome them and restore order. Sometimes it will get messy, and that's okay. As coach, curator, educator, facilitator and partial purveyor of profundities, I know we can all work together to restore order, the most profound truth of all. Pedro Conceio. In order for this to happen, we need to agree on the point of life before thinking about the structures of life and society, and how we fit into that. In the 1960s, the Catholic Church's Second Vatican Council attempted such a reinterpretation, an aggiornamento, for the post-war generation of the mid-twentieth century by proposing, in Gaudium et Spes, a theological anthropology founded upon the ideas of human dignity and the common good. I have seen a lot of gayness. 21st Century b. I know Ill regret it if I dont try. In March, 2007, a forum entitled HCI 2020: Human Values in a Digital Age, was held in Sanlcar la Mayor, Spain, just outside Seville. They raised questions about life and death and the afterlife too. The small voices that seem genuine and sincere may hold some deeper truths about our relationship with the other planetary civilizations that frequent here. Let us not forget the researchers who have done a great job at collecting and sharing information, though they tend to speculate about potentials based on incomplete data; experiencers are left out of the loop. Every human being is an entire world - a world of hopes and dreams, aspirations, concerns, and perspectives. This emerging awareness seems completely subjective in the discovery process. Umm Muhammad WE all recognize that humanity lives crowded together in an increasingly small world of many cultures. Our families, friends, and/or anyone else we encounter in our lives cannot force a purpose on us. It would seem only logical that the ability to discern would also reach new levels in our lives. Then we take a look at ourselves within the context of that. Those who do have the experience and/or intelligence to ask questions are generally felt to be critical instead of sincere. Would you say that within this insatiable thirst there is a new living awareness that emerges? Real success has taken on a much different meaning in the last few decades, as Cultural Creatives have grown up and become grandparents. Lets take a look at some things that include tech, social norms and expectations, being honest with ourselves, the purpose of life, and a call to action. Ability and innovation? 848-932-0990. The 21st century sees man completely detached from his body and the body completely commodified and subject to the rules of the market. Awakening or illusion? We certainly do not have all the answers and maybe not even the questions yet. Well, that got a little deeper than intended. A Struggle Against Human Trafficking in the 21st century April 21, 2017 Ekaterina An Human Rights, Issue 33 0 When we hear the word "slavery", we usually imagine the past, but sadly, this is still a cruel reality for many around the world. What is needed of us now? (UN human rights activist) and Karla Jacinto who was being raped 43,200 times, pinpoint the harsh . See Page 1. That flow is what quenches the thirst. Whether its by following a passion that creates goods or services that make the world a better place (not just more convenient theres a difference); by trying to create some kind of art, music, book, film, show, story, etc. Thats where I come in as a transformational life coach. It is among the largest criminal activities in the world. Knowing how to be sensitive to and interact with other cultures is a skill essential to success in the future. If you run into a wall, dont turn around and give up. Real success has taken on a much different meaning in the last few decades, as Cultural Creatives have grown up and become grandparents. There is a growing congruence of science and spirituality, method and mortality. We need to activate humanity in the the way people think of their own identity. Under the shadow of sweeping technological change and the climate crisis, those inequalities hurt almost everyone. WITH AN EMPHASIS ON ACTION, OUR VAST GLOBAL CONTRIBUTOR COMMUNITY EMPOWERS PEOPLE TO TRANSITION FROM KNOWING WHAT TO DO TO ACTUALLY DOING IT ALL COMPLEMENTED BY SYNDICATION RELATIONSHIPS WITH A CHOICE GROUP OF EQUALLY INNOVATIVE MEDIA OUTLETS. What you do does make a difference to others, even if you cannot see it immediately or think youre doing something menial. Women could not vote until 1892, which was after the slaves began voting in 1870. There are more than 300 million indigenous people, in virtually every region of the world, including the Smi peoples of Scandinavia, the Maya of Guatemala, numerous tribal groups in the Amazonian rainforest, the Dalits in the mountains of Southern India, the San and Kwei of Southern Africa, Aboriginal . Those who do have the experience and/or intelligence to ask questions are generally felt to be critical instead of sincere. We tend to listen and nod our heads to the experts of pretty much any field because we rarely understand what they are actually saying, especially the Ph. How that insatiable thirst dispels the illusion depends on how awake we choose to be and the willingness to suspend or slice away false belief systems. Applying that to the field of Ufology is no small task. But the challenge of the 21st century was the challenge to become more human, human beings." They were right. Intelligent questions get glossed over and go unanswered yet tend to throw up those BS meter flags, or at least they should due to the avoidance. Perhaps coming out of Covid, we'll no longer 'fake it' as the connotation is inauthentic in its formation. More projects: integrated, community . It seems the 'message' from above is, 'Learn how to get along, first, then we'll help.'. Tears in the Rain. Once we find this whatever were looking for truth, the mere acquisition of it might make it suspicious at first. I mean, truth would be ubiquitous and undeniable, right? It's natural. WLP313 The Joys of Being a Remote Worker. HR departments and leaders will have new challenges. Were always confused by the unknown suddenly becoming known, which it would seem is how the process of discovering truth works. How would our lives look if we not only knew it, but lived it? Those things die with us. It is a niche market for sure, yet it has its celebrities and movie stars, just like the old days. Is there something else in process? We've all been in a place where we've had to 'fake it to make it' until our confidence and skills developed in negotiating life, work, and relationships. It dominates our decision-making for the future, guides multi-billion-dollar investments, and shapes our responses to climate change, inequality, and other environmental and social challenges that define our times. Once we find this 'whatever we're looking for' truth, the mere acquisition of it might make it suspicious at first. There are some new developments within the field that are leaning toward incorporating experiencer data and philosophies on contact. We ought to consider the recent narrative of the pandemic's promoters as one such item to consider and see the silver lining in people needing to be close to, not fearful of, each other. Because if we dont have that thought about anything, than why are we prolonging death? Let's come together and not just voice our opinions but actively rethink what it means to be human in the 21st century not only so that we, our children, and the world as a whole make it to the . What changes are we going to have to make personally and professionally? In AD 80, the Roman-Jewish historian Josephus recorded that in AD 66, near the beginning of the First Jewish-Roman War, a Roman soldier mooned Jewish pilgrims at the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem who had gathered for Passover, and "spake such words as you might expect upon such a posture", causing a riot in which youths threw stones at the soldiers, who then called in . Does it make sense? How do we do that? Starting with the former, we need to use technology to our advantage and not let ourselves get sucked into its mighty web of consumerism and never-ending distractions. Now there are dozens of Ufology-focused events around the world, most of which can be found on the UfologyPRSS website as we become aware of them. Human trafficking in the 21st century. Parth Raman @ Discuss the Fact Jun 22, 2021, 21:34 IST. The trading of human beings is thousands of years old and runs like a red thread through human history. There are some consistencies, though, however small, that might be a good place to start asking questions. We are able to influence the lives of others in so many beautiful ways. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it. Michael Jordan, Words are weightless here on earth because theyre free. Queens of the Stone Age, Or said a little more bluntly and by good ol DMX, Talk is cheap motherfucker.. There is a lot of concern voiced by many regarding the experts across a variety of fields and the way in which they are promoted, or not as the case may be. Its great to set the bar high, though thrashing oneself repeatedly for not meeting a goal on time is a bit unnecessary. Peering into the Depths Can We See Clearly. A purpose or meaning for life has to come from within and be an underlying principle for all aspects of life. It would seem only logical that the ability to discern would also reach new levels in our lives. We refer to it, but do we ever really define it so that we can agree on it? The information age and data available for searching is causing an evolution in intelligence across the world. WE ARE THE AWARD-WINNING PUBLISHING DIVISION OF 360 NATION PRESENTING OUR LIFE, CULTURE, AND BIZ MULTIMEDIA DIGEST AS A HUB OF CREATIVE EXPRESSION AND PERSONAL GROWTH. There are some new developments within the field that are leaning toward incorporating experiencer data and philosophies on contact. In this paper, based on relevant literature review, attempts to identify challenging changes encountered in the labor markets, as well as . There is a growing congruence of science and spirituality, method, and mortality. Grandmaster Mantak Chia shares how he embarked on this spiritual path and what drew him to his lifelong explorations of Qi, plus the most important lesson his Taoist master taught him. What I find most beautiful about being human, especially in 2016 despite all of the scary stuff going on in the world, is that fact that its easier than ever to create something greater than ourselves. Purpose and Originality: The article is aimed to assess the development and current state of the human rights. Many entrepreneurs feel inadequate, insecure, and even a little insane in the face of their high expectations for performance and success. . This is in terms of our relationship with/how we use tech, the new technologies being developed, every industry being reshaped, and a future that none of us can really wrap our heads around yet. Attempts to articulate a multi-dimensional funnel of data into linear ears and eyes has been going on for millennia. If the international community is to draw substantially closer together in unprecedented collaboration . I think going with the flow is important and part of that is also taking the opportunities that life gives us. We should have a purpose that could outlive us given that we are but mere flesh-and-bone mortals. And Christianity has been a living presence in Europe and elsewhere in the 20th century, just as it was beforehand. Awakening or illusion? Do we even ask that question now? Your IP: The small voices that seem genuine and sincere may hold some deeper truths about our relationship with the other planetary civilizations that frequent here. TODAY AND EVERY DAY, WE SIMPLY DELIVER THE VERY BEST INSIGHTS, INTELLIGENCE, AND INSPIRATION AVAILABLE ANYWHERE DOING IT OUR WAY BY PLACING OUR WRITERS AND OUR AUDIENCE AT THE FOREFRONT. There is a conduit for information flow within us. Comfort begets discomfort Trying to focus our outlook on putting ourselves in a tensionless state, aka our comfort zones, where only pleasantries have been hand-picked means we rarely push ourselves outside of what were used to, unless its for a fun singular experience as opposed to doing so on a prolonged scale for the purpose of truly advancing ourselves somehow. Lets think, what are we willing to die in the process of trying to accomplish? The drive for dollars has been replaced by conscious capitalism and social entrepreneurialism where community and planetary needs are more important profit. Real success has taken on a much different meaning in the last few decades, as Cultural Creatives have grown up and become grandparents. What you do does make a difference to others, even if you cannot see it immediately or think youre doing something menial. Meeting the challenges takes innovation; discovering that the way you think about the patterns and processes that are mandatory for achievements can evolve. A Financial Times "Best Book of 2017: Economics". The quest for truth, at any level, is humbling beyond imagination. Finally, those remaining at 45 years could expect to reach around 65-70 years. Indulging in modern luxuries and rethinking what it means to be human in this day and age are by no means mutually exclusive. We do it all the time, yet somehow get distracted when it comes to the onslaught of information, personalities and pundits who manage the gate. There are four ways to expand access to 21st century learning to help more young people thriveboth now and as adults. LEARN MORE HERE. Experience accumulation? We naturally want to feel in control of our own lives or at least of specific elements of it. The International Labour Organisation estimates that around 20.9 million people are trapped in forced labour or human trafficking circumstances with the resulting profit amounting to 150 billion USD annually. They are three of them: 1) the nuclear threat, 2) the climate change, and 3) the dual rise of bio- and info-tech. Between corruption (e.g. We seek to discuss traditionally taboo topics like mental health, systemic oppression, diversity, and inclusivity. We are more concerned with preserving what gives us originality, what distinguishes us from men, who beautifies and dignifies us. Were at a point in time where we humans, especially privileged ones, can accomplish so much to make the world a better place and to leave everyone better off at the end of day. On a more practical note, it sure seems that this theme runs across a plethora of playing fields in our present time. Performance & security by Cloudflare. When awakened, our core inner human qualities can support. It examines us as individuals, what makes us tick, as groups, how we relate socially, and as a species, what we are doing to this planet and to all life forms. Another side-effect with the obsession on self-hygiene and forced sequestration was the opportunity to look in the mirror, the inner one, and question everything about self. Now there are dozens of Ufology-focused events around the world, most of which can be found on the UfologyPRSS website as we become aware of them. Many have events where they speak things they did not understand prior to speaking about them in that moment. Thats where I come in as a transformational life coach. Those were to work with the points of light surrounding me (after transitioning through the light and into an indigo background) in order to facilitate a new world order and that it would happen in my lifetime.
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