Building on Plmper and Traunmller (2016), we take the sensitivity approach one step further by exploring which of the included controls \(x_j\) affect a given focus variable \(z_j\) the most. Black = insignificant. . We provide details on the imputation model in online Appendix B. levels of income are related to the emergence of and transition to democracy. However, IV estimation is compatible with the approach in this paper; researchers who focus on one particular XY relationship and have identified valid instruments can implement it easily. Obtain a copy of Claire L. Adida, David D. Laitin, and Marie-Anne Valforts (2010) article Identifying Barriers to Muslim Integration in France from the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (107:2238422390) using your institutions library resources. This work may not be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without express written permission of the publisher. If we are correct, there may be a virtuous cycle linking social development, cultural change, and democratic outcomes. *UhQp7 Hk[\"fivM=HNpn: 7: The Cultural Determinants of Democracy and Dictatorship 259, make high offers in situations like the Ultimatum Game. THE ECONOMIC DETERMINANTS OF DEMOCRACY AND DICTATORSHIP Classic Modernization Theory A Variant of Modernization Theory Some More Empirical Evidence Conclusion Key Concepts Appendix: An Intuitive Take on Statistical Analyses Problems7. o Indicates that a country is much more likely to be a democracy if its This work may not be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without express written permission of the publisher. Although there are strong proponents of the idea that democracy requires a civic culture, others ques- tion the direction of causality. This behavior can be explained by the culture of gift giving in these societies. Gassebner etal. The maps will visually show how the responses to your survey questions vary across countries. Explain why the topic is sensitive, and then show how one of the methods mentioned above can be utilized to examine it. Read the article and then answer the following questions. Review of International Organizations, Forthcoming. By comparing the responses across the two groups, it is possible to identify just the preferences toward the sensitive political actor. This work may not be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without express written permission of the publisher. Whereas the Muslim population accepted that Muhammad had the right to rule over them by divine decree, this was not the case for the majority non-Muslim population. Are cultures certain compatible culture Does emergencethe affect with democracy? The size of the bubble at each location along each row represents the proportion of the sample that made a particular offer. PDF The Determinants of Democracy: A Sensitivity Analysis According to Fukuyama, the important legacy of traditional Confucianism is not its political teaching but rather the personal ethic that regulates attitudes toward family, work, education, and other elements of everyday life. what is the determinant of political culture - Some of you may have noticed that this type of analysis is similar to employing Mills Method of Difference (See Box 2.2, The Comparative Method, in Chapter 2). 2003; Merkel and Weiffen 2012; Gerring etal. The measure of time since irregular regime change reveals a similar result. Figure3 shows, first, that when democracy is measured by PolityIV and DD/ACLP, income has a large, positive coefficient on democratic survival no matter which control enters the model. For example, Eickelman and Piscatori (1996) point out that Islamic doctrine has historically been interpreted in various ways to justify many different types of government. You should think about how much of the pie you would offer if you were the proposer. Cultural Determinants | SpringerLink Mundlak, Y. However, if the same researcher examined the relationship between Catholicism and democracy in 2004, her conclusion would be very different. Constructivist Arguments 3. This work may not be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without express written permission of the publisher. This declaration stated that Asian values justify a different way of understanding human rights and democracy. Fractionalization. 6. Democratic transitions. The estimated effect also is quite large: A standard deviation change in the Muslim population percentage reduces the odds of democratization by 27%. Figure 7.2 identifies nine subjective cultural zones. The countries in these Docultural not zones are thoughtcopy, to share similar post, cultural values and henceor exhibit distribute distinct political cultures. When presenting our results, we discuss the most robust findings on the determinants of democracy in light of the foregoing concept categories. 7: The Cultural Determinants of Democracy and Dictatorship 241, Confucianisms meritocratic system and its emphasis on the importance of education and religious tolerance suggest that it can sustain democracy (Fukuyama 1995a). Other robust determinants of democratization include measures of domestic unrest, especially non-violent mass campaigns (corroborating Chenoweth and Stephan 2011). In 1992 Francis Fukuyama famously declared the end of history. With the end of the Cold War, Fukuyama believed that liberal democracy had finally won the battle with other rival ideologies such as fascism and communism. We employ four widely adopted democracy measures. xS;O0+nbl'HLizMqRJ*,,9|w Third, the significance of the Muslim variable drops across democracy measures when controlling for education. Study Resources. Inglehart, R., & Welzel, C. (2005). We standardized all continuous indicators to make estimates more easily comparable. What can you say about the circumstances under which the state will or will not transgress against its citizens? As to Confucianism, the fact that the comments of Singapores former prime minister, Lee Kuan Yew, concerning the relationship between Confucianism and democracy run directly counter to the com- ments of Taiwans former president, Lee Teng-hui, suggests that Confucianism can be inter- preted differently by different people and that it can be adapted to suit different purposes. One ethnographer goes so far as to call this reluctance to share tolerated theft. What about the Lamelaras tendency to divide the pie equally or to offer the respondent slightly more than a fair share? This coefficient indicates that, contrary to the claims of scholars such as Huntington (1993), Catholicism is positively asso- ciated with the emergence of democracy. Social pres- sure, potential legal sanctions, and fear of retaliation can create incentives for respondents to lie on surveys. o As the modernization process brings about efficiencies in the agricultural Religion and . The fact that it is possible to distinguish between political and everyday Confucianism helps to explain why the imperial system mandated by traditional political Confucianism could be abolished relatively easily in China in 1911 and replaced with a variety of different political institutions without the loss of Chinese societys essential coherence. Fourth, ethnically, religiously, or culturally diverse countries do not seem less likely to undergo a democratic transition than homogeneous countries. o 17 th century modernisation in England brought about shift in economic Data-generating process 5. Putnam argued that institutions couldnt possibly be the explanation for the variation in government performance between the north and south of Italy, as Italian regional governments all shared a similar institutional structure. In the following, we summarize the determinants of democracy briefly. Varieties of Dictatorship. Extant research on the relationship between political systems and state punitiveness has so far paid little attention to the impact that transition from one political system to another may have upo. Why might these arguments be flawed? Technology gives people more control over their environment, 2.0 Protestant Japan Europe Sweden 1.5 Baltic Estonia Confucian Lithuania Finland Norway China Taiwan Hong Kong Belarus S. Korea Netherlands 1.0 Czech Rep. Germany Denmark Bulgaria Latvia Slovenia Catholic Andorra Austria France Switzerland Iceland Ukraine Russia Hungary Europe 0.5 Spain Luxembourg Serbia Montenegro Slovakia Australia Moldova Belgium New Zealand Albania Croatia Greece South Bosnia Bahrain Great Britain 0.0 Orthodox Lebanon Portugal Asia Macedonia India United States KazakhstanVietnam Uruguay Romania Indonesia Thailand Chile Canada Cyprus South English Speaking 0.5 GeorgiaKyrgyzstan Azerbaijan Africa Argentina N. Ireland Ethiopia Poland Ireland Tunisia Armenia Zambia Iraq Algeria Brazil 1.0 Malaysia Kosovo Peru Palestine Rwanda Morocco Turkey Malta Burkina Faso Pakistan Latin Yemen Mali Philipines Traditional vs. Secular-Rational Values 1.5 Zimbabwe Nigeria America Jordan Guatemala Mexico African-Islamic Ecuador Colombia 2.0 Ghana Trinidad Qatar Muslim-majority countries are in italics 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Survival vs. Self-Expression Values, Note: The cultural map of the world shown in Figure 7.2 is based on data from the sixth wave (20102014) of the World Values Survey. Gender equality in muslim-majority countries. Controlling for GDP per capita therefore also could produce downward post-treatment bias. We sometimes refer to individuals who care only about their own share of the pie as Homo economicus. Islamic hypothesis: Countries with a majority Muslim population are less likely to become and stay democratic. expressing their sincere beliefs, cross-national surveys will overstate the positive associa- tion between attitudes toward democracy and democratic persistence. /Length 269 The different clusters indicate countries that Inglehart and Welzel identify as sharing similar Docultural not valuesthey representcopy, distinct political, or distribute Source:, Copyright 2018 by SAGE Publications, Inc. While our analysis has covered several important issues and highlighted different sources of variation that influence the empirical analysis of democracy, othersources of variation should be explored further in similar systematic studies. Despite the widely held belief by many that Islam is incompatible with democracy, the empirical analyses that we conducted in this chapter suggest that there is little reason to believe that majority Muslim countries cannot become and remain democratic once we take account of their wealth. a. Principles of Comparative Politics - Google Books . An example might help. Offers of less than 20 percent of the pie are rejected by responders about half the time. First, we address, simultaneously, robustness to varying the control specification, sample and operationalization of the outcomes. Similarly, respondents may feel unwilling to express nega- tive attitudes toward particular ethnic, racial, religious, or sexual groups if these attitudes run counter to social norms. In addition, the existence of a public sphere in Korea during the Joseon (Chosun or Choson) dynasty from 1392 to 1910 would seem to contradict those who assert that Confucianism cannot sustain democracy because it has no concept of civil society (Im 1997). As anticipated from the literature review, the aggregate result is sensitive to the inclusion of specific controls. Second, majority Protestant countries do not seem more likely to become democratic than other countries. 236 Principles of Comparative Politics, The fourth method involves the use of endorsement experiments. different levels of income based on data from Przewroski and colleuges (2000, 80) If culture is a cause, does it cause the emergence of democracy, or does it affect only the survival of democ- racy? Yet, the picture from the empirical literature is unclear, and the mixed evidence has spawned numerous debates between scholars reporting diverging findings. Thus, we urge democracy scholars to familiarize themselves with our approach, with how the different specification choices tend to affect results, and explicitly to acknowledge the related uncertainty. There should be more racial diversity on university campuses. Such explanations violate the norms of science because they do not invite falsification.2 Of course, the argument that Catholic countries are inherently antidemocratic has now lost most of its force because Catholic countries today are predominantly democratic. 224 Principles of Comparative Politics. 2018, 68). Confucianism and Islam have come to be seen as posing even bigger problems for the suc- cessful establishment of democracy than Catholicism. The Arab Spring uprisings in 2011 were important political events, re-igniting old academic debates. For example, some claim that, Copyright 2018 by SAGE Publications, Inc. This work may not be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without express written permission of the publisher. These findings highlight that the effect may havechanged over time, potentially reflecting changes in the international system (Boix 2011) and new technology (Rd and Weidmann 2015). 4, support the proposition that democratization is less likely in predominantly Muslim countries: \({\bar{\beta }}\) is negative across all democracy measures and time periods; it is significant at .10 in ten of 16 samples. the Crown That approach results in approximately 2.7 million regressions. The final economic concept relates to (6) economic policy and performance short-term economic growth and inflation, for example, may have deleterious effects on both autocracies and democracies (Przeworski and Limongi 1997; Kennedy 2010; Teorell 2010). The Dictator?s Dilemma at the ballot box: Electoral manipulation, economic maneuvering, and political order in autocracy. A key cul- tural change according to this line of reasoning is the emergence of what political scientists call a civic culture. For many, the existence of a civic culture is seen as a prerequisite for the successful emer- gence and survival of democracy (Almond and Verba [1963] 1989; Inglehart 1990; Inglehart and Welzel 2005). Huntington argues that the widespread Western belief in the universality of the Wests values and its insistence on imposing these values through democratization efforts will only antagonize other civilizations and lead to conflict. Whether countries with predominantly Muslim populations are less likely to democratize than other countries is one prominent exampleof a question that must draw on cross-country variation. Thus, despite the overall sensitivity of the relationship, the latter results point in the direction that higher incomes are related to higher probabilities of democratization. So what conclusions can we draw from our cultural analysis of the emergence and sur- vival of democracy? Minor premise: Most Islamic countries around the world today are dictatorships. This hardly seems a firm basis on which to draw such strong conclusions about the incompatibility of certain religions with democracy. What are the determinants of democratization? endobj In other words, theory construction came after observing the world. Merkel, W., & Weiffen, B. Copyright 2018 by SAGE Publications, Inc. Our point here is that it can be dangerous to draw strong inferences about the incompatibility of a religion with democracy from a single point in time. For example, the Au and the Gnau in Papua New Guinea were equally likely to reject offers that were below or above 50 percent. What to do about missing values in time-series cross-section data. Others claim that the social marginalization of women in the political sphere leaves society susceptible to dictatorship because men hold attitudes that are more conducive to domination. The coefficient on Catholic majority is positive and statistically significant. These societies exhibited a wide range of cultural and economic environments: foraging societies, slash-and-burn horticulture groups, nomadic herding groups, and sed- entary, small-scale agriculturalist societies. M. Olson. Before presenting the data and results, we address limitations to our main setup, alongside strategies for mitigating those issues. This work may not be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without express written permission of the publisher. Moreover, we note that both the robust education measures, as well as less robust measures of communications technology (extension of radios, telephones, or televisions) display a stronger positive correlation with democratization in all other sample specifications than the post-Cold War sample. In other words, the overall Freedom House score for each country automatically varies with that countrys treatment of women simply because of the way it is constructed. That model has regime type (\(D_{t}\)) as dependent variable and includes the lagged dependent variable (\(D_{t-1}\)), along with interaction terms between \(D_{t-1}\) and all explanatory variables as regressors. post,Well, many people argueor that thesedistribute religions have elements that make them compatible with democracy. on challenging the state will their challenge be successful. A variable \(x_j\) is facilitating a variable \(z_j\) if \(z_j\) tends to be significantly different from 0 if \(x_j\) is included in the model, but not when \(x_j\) is excluded. and science provides a rational explanation for the previously inexplicable. Copyright 2018 by SAGE Publications, Inc. g. What do you think this experiment can tell us, more generally, about the link between culture and democracy? As a consequence, our setup is more likely to help uncover sources of disagreement in existing scholarly debates; such more nuanced results are likely to help spur further theory development. PDF Democracy, Dictatorship and the Cultural Transmission of Political Values Regime types and regime change: A new dataset. Second, we could have excluded indicators with many missing observations, thereby ignoring substantively interesting explanatory variables. Do the factors that move countries toward democracy also help them refrain from backsliding toward autocracy? Computations were performed on resources provided by the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC) at Uppsala Multidisciplinary Center for Advanced Computational Science (UPPMAX). V6rlAEc\$'Ya2(N@vt(HjU2KB|+vWR>? Self-expression values emphasize the importance of gender, racial, and sexual equality; environmental protection; tolerance of diversity; civic activism; and life satisfaction. The second method involves the use of randomized response techniques (Gingerich 2010; Blair, Imai, and Zhou 2015). Democracy and development political institutions and well-being in the world, 19501990. What is most important, in addition to varying the control variable set, we gauge sensitivity using four prominent operationalizations of democracy and four different time periods. 1. Levine, R., & Renelt, D. (1992). a. Democracy and countries with muslim majorities: A reply and update. This runs counter to the traditional argument that Catholic coun- tries do not provide fertile terrain for the emergence of democracy. Such . Pemstein, D., Meserve, S. A., & Melton, J. Source: Henrich and colleagues (2005). (1990). We discuss the issue of preference falsification in dictatorships in more detail in the next chapter. Our first four concepts(1) communications technology proliferation, (2) industrialization and urbanization (with growth of the urban middle- and industrial working classes), and (3) educationall have played prominent roles in debates on whether economic development leads to democratization or stabilizes democracy (Moore 1966; Rueschemeyer etal. More recently, Hariri (2015) has presented evidence that the strengths of pre-colonial Middle Eastern state institutions account for the negative association between majority-Muslim status and democratization. intermediaries, controlled assets that were not easily quantifiable and thus, Class XII Geography Practical L-1 DATA Sources& Compilation, Unit 6 - History of NHS - Distinction Achieved, Acoples-storz - info de acoples storz usados en la industria agropecuaria, GV101 Annotated Output regression analysis, Hix and Benedetto, 'The dejected, ejected, and rejected' 2007, Cheibub 2007 Presidentialism and Parliamentarism article, Iversen and Soskice, 'An asset theory of social policy preferences', 2001, GV101 LT - Week 14 (Lecture and Reading Notes), The London School of Economics and Political Science, Introduction to Political Science (GV101). London: Profile Books. Democracy and Redistribution Carles Boix 2003-07-21 Employing analytical tools borrowed from game theory, Carles Boix oers a complete theory of political transitions, in which political regimes ultimately hinge on the nature . A., & Yared, P. (2009). It is important, however, not to interpret Mills statements as if they are arguments that certain cultures are incompatible with political institutions, such as democracy. Higashijima, M. (2019). It also elaborates upon the response of democracy, social differences, divisions, and inequalities. Dark grey = significant at .10 level. While industrialization brings certain changes, people generally remain poor, and they continue to be concerned about their physical and economic security. Lock, stock, and barrel: A comprehensive assessment of the determinants of terror. 7. In the post-Cold War period, by contrast, the effect of GDP per capita on democratization is negative for three of the four democracy measures. Downloadable! Copyright 2018 by SAGE Publications, Inc. . We have conducted a comprehensive sensitivity analysis, investigating the robustness of 67indicators tapping into 18 proposed social, economic, political, institutional, demographic, cultural and international-contextual determinants of democracy over the 19602015 period. endstream Therefore, we restrict combinations of x-variables to those measuring different concepts. If you solve the game correctly, you will find two Nash equilibria. o Result was the supremacy of the Parliament (increasingly democratic system) Numerous studiesoperating with diverse model specifications, samples and empirical measuressuggest different economic, social, cultural, demographic, institutional and international determinants of democracy. In other words, cultural modernization theory argues that socioeco- nomic development does not directly cause democracy; instead, economic development produces certain cultural changes, and it is these cultural changes that produce democratic reform. Cultural arguments regarding democracy typically fall Primordialist arguments treat culture as into two categories: primordialist and constructivist something that is objective and inheritedsomething (Laitin 1983, 1986; Przeworski, Cheibub, and Limongi that has been fixed since primordial times. Data from an experiment using students at the University of Pittsburgh are included as a benchmark against which to compare the results from the fifteen small-scale societies. 254 Principles of Comparative Politics. Dictatorships might be sustainable in immature societies, but this is no longer the case in mature societies once they develop economically. small industrial and service sectors Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 46, 6985. Fish examines four proposed causal mechanisms for why this might be the case. The second phasethe post-industrialization phasesees countries move rightward in Figure 7.2 away from survival values to self-expression values. o 88 percent of countries with a GDP per capita of less than $1,500 are The two democracy measures capture fairly similar aspects of the key dimension of democracy that relates to multiparty competition and voter involvement in the selection of political leaders. Relying on the DemocracyDictatorship measure from Cheibub etal. First, \({\bar{\beta }}\) shifts toward zero and loses significanceconsistently across democracy measuresin models controlling for resource curse variables, suggesting that the aggregate relationship is inflated by abundant natural resources in Muslim countries. Finally, economic factors continue to have an important impact on democracy even when we take account of various cultural features. Furthermore, in order to reduce concerns about unobserved country-specific confounding, in an extension we use the approach from Mundlak (1978) to estimate between- and within-country effects. circle makes them hopeful. Social capital trust, and social cooperation. A relatively large average estimated within-country effect also is found (with considerable uncertainty) when using Polity, DD/ACLP and BMR, but not when using V-Dem. In contrast, ethnic and cultural diver- Dosity notdo seem to destabilizecopy, democracies. Democracy versus theocracy ibn warraq shall . This work may not be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without express written permission of the publisher. always begins with a puzzling observation, there is nothing inherently wrong with this. 2013). Copyright 2018 by SAGE Publications, Inc. 234 Principles of Comparative Politics. Public Choice 185, 87111 (2020). actors with mobile assets In addition to those key results, we provide a template for democracy researchers to assess sensitivity in a comprehensive manner. The literature addressing the relationship between Iculture and democracy is equally large and is the subject of this chapter. Rather than rule by force, Muhammad explicitly sought the consent of the people he would govern by having them agree to and sign a constitution. Geddes, B. If we were to control for alternative operationalizations of the same concept, the estimated effect of the focus variable likely would be attenuated. One student is randomly chosen to be the proposer and the other becomes the responder. Our investigation provides important empirical insights with implications for theory development. fat'). In some groups, though, the experimenters found that rejec- tion rates were quite high even when offers were over 50 percent of the pie. We willnow discuss robust determinants of democratization and democratic survival. PDF Democracy versus dictatorship? The political determinants of growth This is true even of pro-democratic Protestantism. Democracy and redistribution. The domestic unrest variables reveal little sensitivity to including particular controls. These results are reported in online Appendix G. While the democratic survival results are robust, the democratization results are weakened. 2000; Boix and Stokes 2003) and (2) Islam and democratization (Huntington 1996; Hariri 2015). that the government earns from this sector of the economy is small relative This factor is one of the two determinants of aggressiveness in a collectivist society. Before that, however, we focus our discussion on two particular debates that have drawn much scholarly attention, namely the impact of income and Islam on democracy. power When employing continuous democracy measures, one pertinent test to consider is the sensitivity of results to controlling for country fixed effects. Anchoring vignettes are useful for survey questions that use an ordinal scalesay, strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, strongly agreesuch as the democracy question seen earlier from the World Values Survey. One interpretation is that the individuals in these societies looked for similar situations in their everyday lives when they were faced with the novel situations presented by the Ultimatum Game and the Dictator Game. Researchers who use surveys often confront certain problems, two of which we briefly discuss here. their suggestsevidence that there is little reason to that believe majority Muslim that as incompatible; seen can be Islam is no exception. Oklahoma: The University of Oklahoma Press. In contrast, eighty-five non-Islamic countries were coded as Free and only twenty-one were coded as Not Free. Demographic factors, such as (14) population size, growth and density (Dahl and Tufte 1973), or ethnic, linguistic and religious (15) heterogeneity in the population (Alesina etal. and the traditional seats of power esp. Problems with Group Decision Making. 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