Ann. 17, eff. Fine not to exceed $2,500. Iowa Code Ann. Added by Acts 2007, 80th Leg., R.S., Ch. Sec. The term does not include: (1) a person accepting donations with respect to a defendant who is a member of the person's family, as determined under Section 71.003, Family Code; or. N.D. An interagency or intraagency memorandum or letter that would not be available by law to a party in litigation with the agency is excepted from the requirements of Section 552.021. Sept. 1, 1999. (e) A state or public health district officer or employee, local health department officer or employee, or health authority may not be examined in a civil, criminal, special, or other proceeding as to the existence or contents of pertinent records of, or reports or information about, a person examined or treated for a reportable disease by the public health district, local health department, or health authority without that person's consent. A bench warrant is a court order that a judge issues for the arrest of a person who failed to appear in court. Intoxicated while in discharge of the duties of his office is a misdemeanor. Fine of not more than $6,000, plus no more than double any gain to the defendant or loss to the victim caused by the crime. Bribery is a misdemeanor. 1228 (S.B. Ann. Sept. 1, 1999. 1726), Sec. 678, Sec. Sec. (d) Unless another law requires a social security number to be maintained in a government document, on written request from an individual or the individual's representative the clerk shall redact within a reasonable amount of time all but the last four digits of the individual's social security number from information maintained in the clerk's official public records, including electronically stored information maintained by or under the control of the clerk. September 1, 2011. (B) $50, if the governmental body has fewer than 16 full-time employees. That the defendant and his sureties, if any, bind themselves that the defendant will appear before the proper court or magistrate to answer the accusation against him; 3. 1, eff. Ann. Restitution also required. CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION IN APPLICATION FOR MARRIAGE LICENSE. 1047, Sec. How long are the statutes of limitations in Texas? Ohio Rev. (d) In a case of sexually transmitted disease involving a minor under 14 years of age, information may not be released, except that the child's name, age, and address and the name of the disease may be released to appropriate agents as required by Chapter 261, Family Code. (2) detention in an inpatient health care facility is necessary to evaluate the appropriate setting for continued court-ordered care. Renumbered from Sec. Sec. 17.19. Unlawful compensation for assistance in public matters. Acts 2005, 79th Leg., Ch. (C) intends to make a home in this state, which may be demonstrated by the presence of personal effects at a specific abode in the state; employment in the state; possession of a Texas driver's license, motor vehicle registration, voter registration, or other similar documentation; or other pertinent evidence. Art. (f) Not later than the 10th day of each month, a charitable bail organization shall submit, to the sheriff of each county in which the organization files an affidavit under Subsection (e), a report that includes the following information for each defendant for whom the organization paid a bail bond in the preceding calendar month: (3) the county in which the applicable charge is pending, if different from the county in which the bond was paid; and. (f) A requestor is considered to have responded to the itemized statement or the updated itemized statement on the date that: (1) the response is delivered to the governmental body in person; (2) the requestor deposits the properly addressed response in the United States mail; or. (c) In complying with this section the buyer is held only to good faith and good faith conduct hereunder is neither acceptance nor conversion nor the basis of an action for damages. (k) To ensure that an officer responding to a call is aware of the existence and terms of an order for emergency protection issued under this article, not later than the third business day after the date of receipt of the copy of the order by the applicable law enforcement agency with jurisdiction over the municipality or county in which the victim resides, the law enforcement agency shall enter the information required under Section 411.042(b)(6), Government Code, into the statewide law enforcement information system maintained by the Department of Public Safety. 751, Sec. 1326), Sec. 66 (S.B. 11), Sec. Mich. Comp. (2) the obligor may contest the levy by filing suit under Section 157.323 not later than the 10th day after the date of receipt of the notice. 44, eff. A right to damages for breach of the whole contract or a right arising out of the assignor's due performance of his entire obligation can be assigned despite agreement otherwise. To be valid, a complaint must: (1) be in writing and signed by the complainant; (2) state the name of the governmental body that allegedly committed the violation, as accurately as can be done by the complainant; (3) state the time and place of the alleged commission of the violation, as definitely as can be done by the complainant; and. Wyo. Information obtained by a governmental body that was provided by an out-of-state health care provider in connection with a quality management, peer review, or best practices program that the out-of-state health care provider pays for is confidential and excepted from the requirements of Section 552.021. The provisions of this section shall be liberally construed to implement this policy. 1 (S.B. TESTING FOR ACCIDENTAL EXPOSURE. June 15, 2017. 3. (j) The magistrate may enter an order or take other action authorized by Article 16.22 with respect to a defendant who does not appear capable of executing an affidavit under Subsection (f). Utah Code Ann. 1701.302. Ann. Sept. 1, 1995. 219), Sec. (3) order an individual or organization in possession of nonexempt personal property or cash owned by the obligor to dispose of the property as the court may direct. (a-2) The definition of "public information" provided by Subsection (a) applies to and includes any electronic communication created, transmitted, received, or maintained on any device if the communication is in connection with the transaction of official business. Violation of the conflict of interest prohibition. 420, Sec. 268, Sec. 1, eff. 1035, Sec. 1, eff. Sentence for a Class A misdemeanor may include up to 1 year incarceration and a fine of up to $2,300, in addition to restitution or other conditions as the court deems appropriate. (c) The movant may attach to the motion a copy of a payment record. 4, eff. September 1, 2016. (b) The remedies provided by this subchapter do not affect the availability of other remedies provided by law. 1070 (H.B. 623), Sec. 157.503. 81.203. There are also ways the statute can be tolled or paused. Sept. 1, 1993. April 2, 2015. COMMITMENT TO FEDERAL FACILITY. Ky. Rev. 114 (S.B. 45 (H.B. Ann. Amended by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. Added by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 157.319. Sec. Sec. 1, eff. Defendants that are due to appear at trial must attend on the said date and time. (f) A person arrested for committing an offense under Section 25.07, Penal Code, shall without unnecessary delay and after reasonable notice is given to the attorney representing the state, but not later than 48 hours after the person is arrested, be taken before a magistrate in accordance with Article 15.17. Sec. SECURITY OF WITNESS. Perhaps the mesh migrated to the patients intestines, causing an intestinal blockage.Or perhaps it caused the stomach tissue to become infected, inhibiting digestion. (a) A current or former officer or employee of a governmental body does not have, by virtue of the officer's or employee's position or former position, a personal or property right to public information the officer or employee created or received while acting in an official capacity. Acts 2009, 81st Leg., R.S., Ch. Stat. 1278 (S.B. (h) The hearing is on the record, and the state must prove each element of the application criteria by clear and convincing evidence. 3607), Sec. (a) Information is excepted from the requirements of Section 552.021 if the information identifies a person as a participant in a neighborhood crime watch organization and relates to the name, home address, business address, home telephone number, or business telephone number of the person. September 1, 2005. 6, eff. September 1, 2015. 438, Sec. (f) The board shall meet as often as necessary to perform the board's duties. 81.404. (d) This section does not except from disclosure otherwise public information relating to contracts of a governmental body. Sec. a member of the General Assembly who knowingly receives or accepts any valuable thing for any official act or inaction. Acts 2019, 86th Leg., R.S., Ch. This subchapter, or an action taken or a determination made under this subchapter, does not affect a guardianship established under law. 3.0230, eff. MERCHANT BUYER'S DUTIES AS TO RIGHTFULLY REJECTED GOODS. 18 Pa. Stat. Sec. 1035, Sec. 3544), Sec. A disclosure under this subsection is not a voluntary disclosure for purposes of Section 552.007. EXCEPTION: CONFIDENTIALITY OF CERTAIN CRIME VICTIM RECORDS. Art. 158, Sec. 4, eff. Sec. 25, eff. The governmental body must maintain the notice of the suspension during the suspension period. 937 (H.B. (3) the modification will not in any way endanger a person protected under the order. 738), Sec. 29), Sec. Sec. 420, Sec. 552.223. If an alternative less costly method of viewing the records is available, the statement must include a notice that the requestor may contact the governmental body regarding the alternative method. N.Y. 972 (S.B. Sept. 1, 2001. RETURN OF CHILD. (f) If the court modifies the order, the court shall designate the health authority to monitor the person's compliance. (f) An individual who is the subject of court orders under Subchapter G shall pay the expense of the required medical care and treatment except as provided by Subsections (g)-(i). Omission in the performance of duty resulting in a loss of public funds or damages to public property if the loss is over $10,000. Ky. Rev. Where a third party so deals with goods which have been identified to a contract for sale as to cause actionable injury to a party to that contract. 219), Sec. Acts 2011, 82nd Leg., R.S., Ch. The seller may treat the failure of needed instructions as a failure of cooperation under this chapter (Section 2.311). 2725), Sec. Mass. (h) A person commits an offense if the person knowingly fails or refuses to obey a rule, order, or instruction of the department or an order or instruction of a health authority issued under a department rule and published during an area quarantine under this section. 6), Sec. Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., Ch. (d) If the department provides to a health authority, who serves in that office part-time as described by Section 121.0245, information on a death from a reportable or other communicable disease reported to the department under this section, the department shall also provide the information to the director of the local health department for the county served by the health authority. Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 1272, Sec. Fine of no more than $250. 3544), Sec. Acts 2019, 86th Leg., R.S., Ch. Code Ann. Ann. Bribery punishable by maximum 10 years imprisonment and $50,000 fine, plus permanent disqualification from holding public office in the state. (i) On request of the department during a public health disaster, an individual shall disclose the individual's immunization information. Acts 2013, 83rd Leg., R.S., Ch. 219), Sec. Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., Ch. 750.117. 6, eff. (c) A record covered by Subsection (b) shall be made available on the request of: (2) the student involved or the student's parent, legal guardian, or spouse; or. W. Va. Code Ann. Misinformation About the Statute of Limitations. 1035, Sec. September 1, 2021. Gov't Code Ann. September 1, 2010. (a) In a case of accidental exposure of a health care worker to blood or other body fluids of a patient in a licensed hospital, the hospital, following a report of the exposure incident, shall take reasonable steps to test the patient for hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV, or any reportable disease. Colo. Rev. 552.129. 1187, Sec. June 15, 2007. 1, eff. 452), Sec. 33, eff. (f) A crew member, passenger, or individual on board the carrier or conveyance shall pay the expense of control measures employed under Section 81.083. Art. 14:141. 1902), Sec. Sept. 1, 1999. 15, eff. Unauthorized retaining or diverting for personal use any part of the salary or fees to any other public officer or employee punishable by not more than 5 years, $5,000 fine, or both. The health authority or department may authorize the head of a health care facility to transfer a person to a federal agency if: (1) the federal agency sends notice that facilities are available and that the patient is eligible for care or treatment in the facility; (2) notice of the transfer is sent to the committing court; and. The attorney general shall promptly render a decision requested under this subsection, determining whether the redacted or withheld information was excepted from required disclosure to the requestor, not later than the 45th business day after the date the attorney general received the request for a decision under this subsection. Code Ann. N.J. Stat. September 1, 2019. Laws Ann. Results in forfeiture of public office or employment. 268, Sec. June 10, 2019. 1182), Sec. Colo. Rev. Ann. (3) investigate and, if necessary, quarantine the cargo or object and impose any required control measure as authorized by Section 81.084. 735, Sec. Amended by Acts 1971, 62nd Leg., p. 3045, ch. Sept. 1, 1989. DUTIES OF DISTRICT ATTORNEYS. If another person is known to have an ownership interest in the property subject to the lien, the claimant shall provide a copy of the lien notice to that person at the time notice is provided to the obligor. Ala. Code 13A-5-6. 198, Sec. 5, eff. (7) "State agency" means a department, commission, board, office, or other agency that is a part of state government and that is created by the constitution or a statute of this state. Del. 610, Sec. (c-1) A health authority may designate health care facilities within the health authority's jurisdiction that are capable of providing services for the examination, observation, quarantine, isolation, treatment, or imposition of control measures during a public health disaster or during an area quarantine under Section 81.085. (b) On request, the governmental body shall make the index prepared under Subsection (a) and the document itself available to the public, subject to the provisions of this chapter. (a) A governmental body that determines that a requestor has made a request for information for which the governmental body has previously furnished copies to the requestor or made copies available to the requestor on payment of applicable charges under Subchapter F, shall respond to the request, in relation to the information for which copies have been already furnished or made available, in accordance with this section, except that: (1) this section does not prohibit the governmental body from furnishing the information or making the information available to the requestor again in accordance with the request; and. The hearing should be held in a physical setting that is not likely to have a harmful effect on the public or the person. This subsection applies for purposes of establishing a quorum or voting or any other purpose allowing the members to fully participate in any board meeting. 3000), Sec. 2, eff. (2) employees of the governmental body whose duties include receiving or responding to requests under this chapter. 1278), Sec. 17.07. Term of imprisonment not to exceed 6 months. Solicitation of unauthorized fee for doing an official act. Ky. Rev. Added by Acts 2007, 80th Leg., R.S., Ch. Code Ann. (3) the distribution of the equipment to health care workers and essential personnel. RENEWAL OF ORDER FOR EXTENDED MANAGEMENT. 2, eff. 13, 3006. Stat. May 23, 1997. September 1, 2007. Sept. 1, 1997; Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. (b) Each public official shall complete a course of training of not less than one and not more than two hours regarding the responsibilities of the governmental body with which the official serves and its officers and employees under this chapter not later than the 90th day after the date the public official: (1) takes the oath of office, if the person is required to take an oath of office to assume the person's duties as a public official; or. 534.040. September 1, 2011. September 1, 2009. (b) The health authority or the department, with the cooperation of the head of the facility, shall submit to the court within two weeks after the court enters the order a general program of the treatment to be provided. (3) accept any commercial unit or units and reject the rest. The commissioner may declare a public health disaster only if the governor declares a state of disaster under Chapter 418, Government Code, for the occurrence or threat. (c) The court may require an appearance bond in an amount set by the court. Sec. Renumbered from art. Art. (a) When this subchapter requires a request, notice, or other document to be submitted or otherwise given to a person within a specified period, the requirement is met in a timely fashion if the document is sent to the person by first class United States mail or common or contract carrier properly addressed with postage or handling charges prepaid and: (1) it bears a post office cancellation mark or a receipt mark of a common or contract carrier indicating a time within that period; or. (b) Failure to respond to requests in accordance with Subsection (a) may constitute a refusal to request an attorney general's decision as provided by Subchapter G or a refusal to supply public information or information that the attorney general has determined is public information that is not excepted from disclosure under Subchapter C as described by Section 552.321(a). CHARGE FOR PROVIDING COPIES OF PUBLIC INFORMATION. A health care provider shall verbally notify the patient that an HIV test shall be performed if the patient does not object. Art. A charge may not be imposed for providing the written statement to the requestor. 3607), Sec. Soliciting unlawful compensation. Section 157.504 applies to an order amended under this section. (d) An order under this section is effective until the individual is no longer infected with a communicable disease or, in the case of a suspected disease, expiration of the longest usual incubation period for the disease. Alaska Stat. If you are facing criminal allegations, reach out to our Fort Worth attorneys for help understanding your legal options and whether your case is within the statute of limitations in Texas. 1319, Sec. Sept. 1, 1997; Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. 18 Pa. Stat. NO LIABILITY FOR COMPLIANCE WITH NOTICE OF LEVY. 558.011. 11), Sec. CONDITIONS RELATED TO VICTIM OR COMMUNITY SAFETY. The affidavit constitutes competent medical testimony and the court may make its findings solely from the affidavit and the detailed request for renewal. N.H. Rev. Failure to disclose a conflict of interest. Added by Acts 2019, 86th Leg., R.S., Ch. Fines not to exceed $25,000 per offense if an individual, $50,000 if a corporation. (d) If an employee or official or a former employee or official fails to state the person's choice within the period established by this section, the information is subject to public access. July 1, 2001; Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. 555. 2.511. He may also at his option move the goods in any reasonable manner preparatory to delivery or shipment. Acts 2013, 83rd Leg., R.S., Ch. Amended by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. (a) If the court as a matter of law finds the contract or any clause of the contract to have been unconscionable at the time it was made the court may refuse to enforce the contract, or it may enforce the remainder of the contract without the unconscionable clause, or it may so limit the application of any unconscionable clause as to avoid any unconscionable result. 218A.950. tit. 1087 (H.B. 3607), Sec. SUBCHAPTER D. INVESTIGATION AND INSPECTION. 81.212. The filing of a class action under this subchapter tolls the statute of limitations for bringing an action by an individual under Section 541.162. September 1, 2009. Amended by Acts 1983, 68th Leg., p. 1531, ch. 3.0226, eff. Codified Laws 22-12A-18. Sept. 1, 1993. 552.203. CONFIDENTIALITY; CRIMINAL PENALTY. 1, eff. Acts 2005, 79th Leg., Ch. April 20, 1995. 81.302. 198, Sec. Mo. 828 (H.B. Amended by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1989. 8), Sec. 1674), Sec. Corner June 14, 2019. September 1, 2011. WHAT CONSTITUTES ACCEPTANCE OF GOODS. (b) For purposes of this section, an Internet website, the primary function of which is not the delivery of news, information, current events, or other matters of public interest or concern, is not an expressive work. 552.159. 33 L.P.R.A. Sec. 1, eff. failure to properly report expenditure of public moneys when required by law). Based on this evidence, I find that there is probable cause to believe that the proposed patient presents a substantial risk of serious harm to self (yes ____ or no ____) or others (yes ____ or no ____) such that the proposed patient cannot be at liberty pending final hearing because the proposed patient is infected with or is reasonably suspected of being infected with a communicable disease that presents an immediate threat to the public health and the proposed patient has failed or refused to comply with the orders of the health authority or the Department of State Health Services delivered on __________ (date of service) ____________. Added by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. tit. 17.294. Added by Acts 2005, 79th Leg., Ch. (c) For purposes of Section 52.0012(d), Property Code, and the requirements of the certificate of mailing prescribed by Section 52.0012(g), Property Code, the obligor is required only to send the letter and affidavit described in Section 52.0012(g) to the claimant under the child support lien at the claimant's last known address. 1178), Sec. 81.401. Ann. 944), Sec. (a) A person commits an offense if the person knowingly fails to report a reportable disease or health condition under this subchapter. Aug. 28, 1995; Subsec. 18-8-306. 770 (H.B. September 1, 2007. 911, Sec. Amended by Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch. April 20, 1995. An officer for public information or the officer's agent is not required to perform general research within the reference and research archives and holdings of state libraries. Acts 2011, 82nd Leg., R.S., Ch. (b) "Financing agency" means a bank, finance company or other person who in the ordinary course of business makes advances against goods or documents of title or who by arrangement with either the seller or the buyer intervenes in ordinary course to make or collect payment due or claimed under the contract for sale, as by purchasing or paying the seller's draft or making advances against it or by merely taking it for collection whether or not documents of title accompany or are associated with the draft. When required by law not except from disclosure otherwise public information relating to contracts a! An individual shall disclose the individual 's immunization information, p. 1531, Ch be tolled or paused its!, 81st Leg., p. 3045, Ch detention in an amount set by the court make... Providing the written statement to the motion a copy of a class action under this subchapter tolls the of. Law ) a href= '' https: // show=3 '' > Corner < /a > 14! 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