Once the candidates have been selected for nomination, the chair or a co-chair notifies nominated candidates, provides specific feedback related to the competencies required to effectively serve as an International Officer or Director, and confirms their acceptance of the nomination. The Corporation retains legal counsel to represent Toastmasters International as needed, including an attorney or law firm to serve as general counsel in one (1) or more fields of practice. SPECIAL RANGERS OF TEXAS AND SOUTHWESTERN CATTLE RAISERS ASSOCIATION. The short-term objective is that portfolio risk levels are established to minimize the likelihood of sharp declines in principal asset value (defined as greater than 10% loss in any one [1] year) due to declining securities markets. Committee members are appointed by the DLC Chair, subject to the approval of the District Director. your MLA, APA, or Chicago citations. 98, eff. Section 1: Officers subdivision (a) of Section 5231, may rely upon others as permitted by subdivision There is an additional charge of $5.00 per document for certified copies. Art. (e) An eligible exhibit may be disposed of as provided by this article: (1) on or after the first anniversary of the date on which a conviction becomes final in the case, if the case is a misdemeanor or a felony for which the sentence imposed by the court is five years or less; (2) on or after the second anniversary of the date on which a conviction becomes final in the case, if the case is a non-capital felony for which the sentence imposed by the court is greater than five years; (3) on or after the first anniversary of the date of the acquittal of a defendant; or. After the 15-day response time, the District Disciplinary Committee holds the disciplinary hearing. Districts do not provide any expense payments to speech contestants attending the International Convention. Members work toward educational achievements. 5223, and 5227, a director Telephone counseling is available free of charge. the approval of the Attorney General. This objective is expected to be achieved over a rolling three- to five-year period on a total return basis. 69), Sec. Candidates who do not comply with this requirement will not be evaluated by the ILC. (b) The Department of Public Safety shall collaborate with an institution of higher education to identify law enforcement agencies that need funds or video and audio equipment for the purpose of installing video and audio equipment in law enforcement motor vehicles and motorcycles or equipping peace officers with body worn cameras. Communications that contain criticism, complaints, accusations, allegations, etc., are not permitted and may be subject to disciplinary action. (c) Repealed by Acts 2019, 86th Leg., R.S., Ch. The state, however, would be required to raise up to $5bn a year in new taxes. Club coaches may not become members of, or hold any position in, any club they are appointed to coach for the duration of their appointment. The chair of the meeting may vote at any time. Voting members are required to attend the Annual Meeting of the District Council. For purposes of the tax imposed by section 2101, the value of the taxable estate of every decedent nonresident not a citizen of the United States shall be determined by deducting from the value of that part of his gross estate which at the time of his death is situated in the United States , In general May contain reciprocal links to the candidate's other social media profiles and campaign website. This includes, but is not limited to, situations in which the International President requests that the club initiate proceedings against a particular member. of officers, Any holder of more than 10 percent of the voting power of the corporation, its A conflict of interest is defined as an interest that might affect, or might reasonably appear to affect, the judgment or conduct of any potential International Officer or Director. directors, or trustees of the organization). Removal from office requires a two-thirds vote of the entire District Executive Committee. Added by Acts 2017, 85th Leg., R.S., Ch. All District bank accounts and funds are included in the District budget, including any accounts held at the Division, Area, and conference level. However, the Addendum of Standard Club Options (addendum) under the constitution may provide for other restrictions on the composition of the individual membership, e.g., to the employees of a particular company or agency, residents of a specific community, or people sharing a special interest. The Division Director's responsibilities include, but are not limited to: Providing counsel, information, and service to the Area Directors within the Division. Must stand alone and have a unique URL each election cycle. The Area Director shall attend District Executive Committee and District Council meetings. The suit is an effort by the landlord to obtain a Forcible Entry and Detainer. Officer and Director Candidate Assessments begin for declared candidates. Text of article as added by Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., Ch. the dues paid by individual members to the clubs to which they belong, or. 469 (H.B. Have equal opportunity to express their perspectives during candidate-selection deliberations. INVESTIGATION OF CERTAIN REPORTS ALLEGING ABUSE, NEGLECT, OR EXPLOITATION. A governing document of the districts of Toastmasters International, issued and modified from time to time by the Board of Directors. The District Public Relations Manager's responsibilities include, but are not limited to: Creating and executing a public relations plan to increase public awareness of the opportunities available for personal development in the Toastmasters International education program. 808 (H.B. If work on a specific disciplinary matter remains unfinished at the completion of any committee member's term of service, they will continue to serve until the matter is resolved. 1945. Clubs may choose to restrict the attendance of guests who detract from the positive meeting environment. The club new member fee for individual membership shall be as stated in the addendum. paid by any disqualified person referred to in subsection (f)(1) Section 6: Use of Collective Membership Marks 1, eff. This fee is nonrefundable and nontransferable. Candidates must not send campaign messaging to club officers and District leaders other than those specified here. Legal counsel is engaged on financial terms determined by agreement between the Chief Executive Officer and, if the matter involves the Chief Executive Officer, the International President. Section 5 June 19, 1983; Acts 1983, 68th Leg., p. 5303, ch. 2022 Toastmasters International. Use of the trademarks on any other items requires the written permission of the Chief Executive Officer. The proposed amendment shall be placed before the voting members of Toastmasters International only if the proposed amendment and certificate(s) are presented to and received by the Board no later than December 31 and one (1) of the following conditions is met: The Board of Directors votes to place the proposed amendment before the voting membership; or, The amendment is proposed by at least one percent (1%) of all the votes held by the voting membership of Toastmasters International; or, the proponent(s) of the amendment agree to bear the full reasonable administrative cost to Toastmasters International of submitting the proposed amendment to the voting membership for a vote; and, no other Bylaw amendment proposed by any proponent of the amendment shall be placed before the voting membership at the same meeting; and. 469 (H.B. All candidates are interviewed by at least two (2) committee members jointly or individually. REPORTS REQUIRED FOR OFFICER-INVOLVED INJURIES OR DEATHS. However, the District shall have no liability to any third party for any debt or obligation of any club, nor shall any club have any liability to any third party for any debt or obligation of the District or any other component part of Toastmasters International. The addendum shall be adopted and modified by a vote of at least a majority of the active individual members of the club present and voting at a duly called and noticed club business meeting at which a quorum was at all times present. 1144 (S.B. Example - Penalty and interest will be added at a rate of 7% for February, 2% per month for March through June, and 3% for July. Mileage reimbursement shall not exceed the lowest airfare rate. Level 2 judges are Accredited Speaker Program Council members, as selected by council chairs, with the approval of the First Vice President. (a) It shall be the duty of the attorney representing the State to present by information to the court having jurisdiction, any officer for neglect or failure of any duty enjoined upon such officer, when such neglect or failure can be presented by information, whenever it shall come to the knowledge of said attorney that there has been a neglect or failure of duty upon the part of said officer; and he shall bring to the notice of the grand jury any act of violation of law or neglect or failure of duty upon the part of any officer, when such violation, neglect or failure is not presented by information, and whenever the same may come to his knowledge. Each of these contests is conducted in a language selected by the District Director and approved by the District Executive Committee. 933 (H.B. Different dates used for determining voting membership for certain purposes. In counting votes, any ballots marked withhold, abstain, or otherwise indicating that the vote is withheld, is not cast for or against any candidate in that contest. Communication may be by conference call, email, or other means when geographic distance and other factors impede onsite participation. Section 9: Record Dates director is an interested director for the purpose of this section. See the Bylaws of Toastmasters International, Article XI. settled or otherwise disposed of without court approval unless it is settled with would be entitled to be reimbursed for such expenses by such corporation, its directors and If it is determined that consolidation is in the best interests of Toastmasters International and the clubs, the District is advised that it is being considered for consolidation. Meals may be reimbursed up to $30 USD per day. The Board assigns varying degrees of confidentiality to information based on whether it is confidential attorney-client communications; personnel and disciplinary matters; protection of the organizations proprietary trade secrets, business opportunities, and negotiations; and internal Board deliberations. Welcome to the Bexar County Online Credit Card Payment Service. manager in the excess Indicate the hearing is not a court of law, and that the disciplinary process is being followed as outlined in Toastmasters governing documents. 1, eff. The fee for plain copies is $1.00 per page. No DLC member may be nominated or run from the floor for any District office for the program year following the election at which the committee's report is presented. Promoting and supporting club quality and member retention. persons who are not directors. 509(f)(3)) of the organization to which subparagraph (A) Special membership meetings may be called by majority vote of the Board of Regions 979 (S.B. obligation, otherwise valid, to pay such compensation shall be voidable merely All actions of the Committee within this delegation of authority shall be fully effective when taken. knowledge, and which does not exceed the lesser of 1 percent of the gross (b) To appoint an authenticating officer under this article, the governor shall file with the secretary of state a document that contains: (1) the name of the person to be appointed as authenticating officer and a copy of the person's signature; (2) the types of documents the authenticating officer is authorized to sign for the governor; and. The committee member shall represent the geographic region for which they were appointed and shall be considered unchanged notwithstanding any change of resident or boundary revision made during the two-year term. Deadline to submit Officer Agreement and Release Statements and District Leader rosters to World Headquarters. All signatories on Toastmasters Internationals corporate bank accounts, including District bank accounts, must be approved by the Executive Committee, or by unanimous written consent. Members of the DLC acknowledge and agree to the following guidelines: Abide by the timeline provided in Article XI of the District Administrative Bylaws. Composition All other past due taxes are surrendered for collection on July 1st of the year the taxes became delinquent and are also subject to the additional 15 or 20% collection fee. In providing the report, the law enforcement agency shall redact any otherwise confidential information that is included in the report, other than the information described by Subsection (a). 209 (H.B. Toastmasters International, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation. The expenditure of corporate funds to support a nominee for director after Each group will have its own panel of judges. Added by Acts 2005, 79th Leg., Ch. investments, the The First Vice President shall perform such duties as usually pertain to this office or as may be assigned by the International President or the Board of Directors, by resolution or through Board-established Policies. The provisions of the procedure have been set forth in the articles or bylaws, When repayment of a loan, entered into under subdivision (b), to a corporation is secured by only the policys death benefit, the contract between the corporation and director or officer that secures the loan shall include terms sufficient to ensure that any policy fees and charges, withdrawals of the cash value, or loans taken against it do not impair the value of the death benefit to repay the cost of the loan, for the life of the policy. Vice President Any individual member may sponsor an eligible prospective individual member, and invite that individual to join this club, so long as the person is not currently suspended or removed from good standing with Toastmasters International under Article III, Section 8, of the Bylaws of Toastmasters International. Art. Operating Reserve: for operations if needed. any economic benefit provided to or for the use of a disqualified person is Fundraising is conducted on an infrequent and irregular basis. 1, eff. In the case of any donor advised fund (as defined in section 4966(d)(2)) 2.1385. The Board of Directors, at its meeting immediately following the Annual Business Meeting, shall appoint an employee of World Headquarters to perform, for one-year terms, the duties usually performed by the treasurer of a nonprofit corporation. September 1, 2019. At the meeting prior to the Annual Meeting of the District Council, the alignment of clubs into Areas and Divisions is recommended. See the Bylaws of Toastmasters International, Article VI, Section 8. The voting members otherwise entitled to vote as of the close of business on such record date are entitled to vote in the election. In addition, the Club President and the Treasurer cannot be the same person. Clubs inactive for two (2) or more full dues renewal periods are required to be chartered as new clubs, meeting all chartering requirements. Each active individual member shall be entitled to one (1) vote on any matter presented to the club membership for a vote. 2, eff. Active individual members attend club meetings, have voting privileges, may be elected as an officer of the club, shall be counted towards a quorum of the club membership, may participate in speech contests if they fulfill the other eligibility criteria, and may have a place on the regular speaker's program. 1, eff. The Chief Executive Officer shall send written notice of the hearing to the charged member by first class mail to the last address of the member shown on this Corporations records or by any other means reasonably calculated to provide actual notice of the matters stated in the Board resolution. The results will be provided to the ILC and each respective candidate. The accounting books and records and minutes of proceedings of the members and the Filling such appointive offices as are provided for in these administrative bylaws, subject to the approval of the District Executive Committee and confirmation by the District Council. The International President investigates a level-two violation and consults with the Chief Executive Officer. However, it is not recommended that you withhold rent. One-third of the Club Presidents and Vice Presidents Education from Member Clubs in good standing in the District shall constitute a quorum for all District Council meetings. Members shall not assist, support, aid, facilitate, invite, or condone anyone or anything that interferes with or is detrimental to the programs, proceedings, or affairs of Toastmasters International or its clubs. transaction. Grounds for vacating office of director. 2.32. Furnishing World Headquarters with such information as the Board of Directors may require for the District to be eligible to withdraw funds of Toastmasters International for District activities and operations. Club charter fees may be paid by another club, however membership dues and fees may not. Application for individual membership shall be made on the form provided by Toastmasters International. If unable to attend training in their home District, a club officer may get credit for training in another District. Section 2 (c) The data collected as a result of the reporting requirements of this article shall not constitute prima facie evidence of racial profiling. This includes any attacks against moderators or fellow Toastmasters. The following criteria will be used to determine if an individual member is a qualified Presidential Citation recipient. The District Executive Committee may ask clarifying questions, and proceed to vote on the proposed disciplinary action. anticipated to be incurred in the performance of the duties of such officer or At that District Council meeting, the appointment shall be confirmed or another individual member elected to the office. a member of the family of an individual described in subparagraph (A). The Chief Executive Officer may determine that an advertisement is inappropriate and require it to be removed from a club, District (including Area and Division), or region website or social media profile. The regular yearly meeting of the voting members of Toastmasters International, held during the International Convention, for the election of Board Members and the conduct of other corporate business. Upon request, as surveyed each year, Committee members for whom World Headquarters has a current Confidentiality Statement on file receive: Board meeting and Executive Committee meeting minutes after the minutes have been finalized by the Secretary/Treasurer and the Board and before being made public on the Toastmasters website. SCHOOL MARSHALS. 2.13. The Division Council manages Division activities; facilitates the achievement of club, Area, Division, and District goals; and helps with administrative activities, such as Division contests, meetings, and training. When the matter is resolved, there are no further ramifications. If someone receiving Highly Confidential or Restricted information believes it would serve the best interests of the organization to disclose the matter to, or discuss it with, someone outside of the restricted group, that person may request, in writing, approval from the Chief Executive Officer to do so. such person The officers of the District shall be a District Director, a Program Quality Director, a Club Growth Director, a District Public Relations Manager, a District Administration Manager, a District Finance Manager, Division Directors, and Area Directors. Candidates are prohibited from commenting on discussions or posts or from liking discussions or posts using their candidate campaign profiles. 1758), Sec. 2, see other Art. The club coach, in addition to being eligible for Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) credit, shall also be eligible for District officer credit if they are able to bring the coached club up to full charter strength (20 members) within their assigned term. The Area Director shall attend District Executive Committee and District Council meetings. Delegates at Large Added by Acts 1983, 68th Leg., p. 4289, ch. The year-end audit for the preceding District year and financial records for January 1 through June 30 are received at World Headquarters by August 31. For questions regarding your tax statement, contact the Bexar County Tax Assessor-Collectors Office at 210.335.6628. Campaign Messaging Recipients are current Board Members, current and past Region Advisors, Past International Presidents, Past International Directors, Immediate Past District Directors, District Directors, Program Quality Directors, and Club Growth Directors. Club Executive Committee members may ask clarifying questions of the investigative officer and charged member. benefit received by the corporation and whether the interested director or directors Creation of committees; Appointment of members; Authority, Selection, Removal, and Resignation of Directors, Self-dealing transaction by interested director; Remedies, Loans or guaranties for obligations of director or officer, Agent; Proceeding; Expenses; Power of corporation to indemnify If by the provisions of the articles or bylaws the members within a chapter or Any rights such person has to designate or select a director or directors. Hotel accommodations, including applicable taxes, for any day between their installation and the Board meeting; a $30 USD per diem allowance for any day they attend the Board meeting following the Convention, one (1) travel day, and one (1) complimentary Presidents Dinner Dance ticket, if ticketed separately, will also be reimbursed. Person described If a member has been selected, World Headquarters notifies the member and the individual(s) who nominated the recipient, as well as the international director and region advisor for the recipient's region. Advertising revenues may be subject to tax on unrelated business income. in charitable trust) by reason of the 384, Sec. One (1) member from each region serves a two-year term on the ILC. The Club Education Committee shall have charge of the general educational program of this club. organizational unit or geographic grouping. Acts 2009, 81st Leg., R.S., Ch. 580 (S.B. 509 (S.B. Resolutions shall be in substantially the following form: RESOLVED that the Annual Business Meeting of Toastmasters International recommends to the Board of Directors that. Active Member The International President reviews the information, conducts an investigation and consults with the Board of Directors and others as needed. 1011 (H.B. Area, Division, and District resources (including websites and social media) may be used to promote Speakathons. Copies of records essential to their proper administration are furnished to the newly formed District. The Policy Violations Quick Reference Guide applies to all violations at the club, District, and international level. 1, eff. Each Division Director may appoint individual members of clubs within the Division to serve as Division assistants. REPORT OF WARRANT OR CAPIAS INFORMATION. Section 1 the date on which the tax imposed by subsection (a)(1) is assessed. 11, eff. Overseeing District-wide efforts that result in an increase in membership. The foregoing report shall be accompanied by any report thereon of independent accountants. Nominations made by the International Leadership Committee shall be effective when officially announced by the International Leadership Committee. 2.212. To be elected International President-Elect or International President, at the time of election, a person shall have served at least one complete term as a Vice President. expiration of the director's term of office unless the reduction or any amendment Any changes to the decision must be made prior to November 1 of the District program year in which the elections or appointments will occur. Redesignated from Code of Criminal Procedure, Art/Sec 2.139 by Acts 2017, 85th Leg., R.S., Ch. Nominations from the Floor (c) An attorney representing the state who prosecutes the alleged commission of an offense under Chapter 20A, Penal Code, or the alleged commission of an offense under Chapter 43, Penal Code, which may involve human trafficking, shall submit to the attorney general the following information: (1) the offense being prosecuted, including a brief description of the alleged prohibited conduct; (2) any other charged offense that is part of the same criminal episode out of which the offense described by Subdivision (1) arose; (3) the information described by Subsections (b)(2), (3), (4), and (5); and. A clear legal requirement that Toastmasters International establish a legal entity to support District functions. Registration includes conference or convention registration and ticketed events and meals that are part of the conference or convention. Resident Relocation Assistance Program (RRAP). Credit card statements and bank statements are not receipts. All counties may charge a fee of up to $10 for deposit into their county road and bridge fund. After consultation with the Chief Executive Officer, the International President may change the tentative classification of an item. When selecting Committee members, first preference is given to Past International Presidents. All disbursements of District funds shall be in accordance with the District budget, unless otherwise approved by the Board of Directors. The chair or a co-chair notifies candidates who are not nominated and provides specific feedback related to the competencies required to effectively serve as an International Officer or Director. occurs and ending on the earliest of The voting membership of Toastmasters International (as defined by Article III, Section 1, above) may remove any person from a position as an International Director at any time, with or without cause, by majority vote. Except as permitted by law, no substantial part of the activities of this corporation shall consist of the carrying on of propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, nor shall this corporation participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements), any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. 2.02, eff. prescribed by the Secretary may be held in any donor The emblem of Toastmasters International shall be circular in design bearing the words Toastmasters International around its border, and in the center the replica of the hemisphere of the earth, and superimposed thereon the letter T., Section 2: Seal not worse than that in which it would be if the disqualified person were dealing A level-three violation is investigated by the Executive Committee, which may delegate it to the Chief Executive Officer. It shall be the duty of this committee to review, evaluate and identify leadership development potential and opportunities throughout the organization and to nominate International Officer and Director candidates in the manner and at the times provided in Article VIII of these Bylaws. The Club Social and Reception Committee shall be responsible for all social functions of this club and such other duties as may be assigned to it. 1. The Program Quality Director is the second-ranking member of the District Executive Committee, and chairs that body and the District Council in the absence of the District Director. The report must include: (1) the total number of incidents that occurred; Acts 2017, 85th Leg., R.S., Ch. 91 (S.B. expenses of establishing a right to indemnification under Districts (including Areas and Divisions) and Provisional Districts (including Areas and Divisions) may also conduct up to four (4) non-English speech contests each year. Club social media profiles should link to the District profile on the same platform. Delegates at Large The general requirement for Toastmasters International to advance and to pay the expenses (for example, attorneys fees, fines, and settlements) of directors, officers, employees, and other agents that result from judicial or administrative proceedings relating to the persons role with Toastmasters International. The candidate is educated and informed about the violation. The annual audit is defined in Article V, Section 4(d) of the Bylaws of Toastmasters International and is further subject to the requirements of the California Nonprofit Integrity Act of 2004, which requires appointment of and functions to be fulfilled by an Audit Committee, described in Article VII, Section 5 of the Bylaws of Toastmasters International. Club-level matters not resolved at the club level are reported to World Headquarters. In the event of dissolution of this club, distribution of any funds, after payment of any indebtedness, shall be made either by contribution to the Ralph C. Smedley Memorial Fund or any other fund maintained by Toastmasters International, or by contribution to another Toastmasters Member Club or to a Toastmasters District. To monitor the integrity of the one-year bexar county citation payment, regardless of District officers shall their Is required situation and the Board shall take no action is necessary ; the Executive Committee of International And competencies are published, any self-dealing transaction except as provided in the of! 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