Bart and Conner then comment that it's time for them to come out of "retirement" and rejoin the Teen Titans. Barry nearly releases Bart from the black ring using blue energy constructs crafted in the images of Bart as Impulse and Kid Flash, before interference by Black Lantern versions of Professor Zoom and Solovar stops him. While recovering, Bart read every single book in the San Francisco Public Library and reinvented himself as the new Kid Flash. Answer (1 of 3): Born in 2993, he physically aged 12 years in his first 2 due to hyper metabolism. After much observation, he was invited to join Tim Drake's Teen Titans, the first team of its kind in this newly formed universe. Bart was shown to not be from the 31st century as he was in the comics but instead from 40 years in the future, while Iris was pregnant with both Dawn and Don before Barry's "death". [9] After the rest of the team united, they were all confronted by Lord Opal. Monkey Though years had passed since then, Bart was still on the run from Black Flash in Smallville Season 11. In the following story arc, Argo while Clark celebrates victory following the defeat of Doomsday with the help of Kara and the Legion of Super-Heroes, he sees a young Bart to his surprise. Rest in Peace, Bart Allen. After the battle with Holocaust, Kid Flash officially rejoins the Teen Titans as he is with them on the T-Wing as they return to San Francisco to question a hostage. As Impulse and Kid Flash, Bart could achieve speeds greater that mach 10, but when he returned from the alternate dimension he could reach incredible Speeds, such as Light speed. Additionally, Bart is the first cousin of XS, a Legionnaire and daughter of Dawn Allen. Due to Bart's and Superboy's deaths, this future changed slightly. After realizing that their formerly strong bonds had weakened over the years, Bart, Conner and Tim were transported into what seemed like the earliest days of their team. The Flash reveals first look at Jordan Fisher's Impulse/Bart Allen - Bart and Jay rush to the scene, and fight Professor Zoom through the city. Later in the Watch Tower, Bart is shown wearing Wally's costume and will keep the legacy of Kid Flash alive. When it became clear that the simulator was not working, his grandmother, Iris Allen decided to take Bart into the past (our present) to see her nephew, Wally West (The Third Flash), while he was the Flash, in hopes Wally would have a solution to his cousin's problems. Together they were trying to build a machine that would stop time. -Should scale to the speed of Barry Allen and Wally West. During Infinite Crisis Bart was forced to fight Superboy Prime after he attacked the Teen Titans. Wally and Miles are younger members who took up the mantel when the Flash and Spider-Man died. After the breakup of Young Justice, Bart joined some of his former teammates in a new line-up of the Teen Titans. 19 (July 1942). An adult Carol and Bart manage to pull their younger selves (main-stream Bart and Carol) into the future. The Flash: Who Is Bart Allen? - DC Holocaust simply laughs and tells them to bring it, and Bart responds by saying "We were hoping you'd say that". Bart would later go on to take the prolific mantle of the Flash in Infinite Crisis #5. Even with an artificial kneecap, he could still run close to light speed. The second issue identifies this Kid Flash as Bart Allen. Bart got aged to adulthood, made the Flash, and then was sort of accidentally killed by Rogues all in like 18 months. His father, Don Allen, was the son of Barry Allen, the second Flash, and his mother was Meloni Thawne, daughter of the Earthgov president and descendant of Flash villains Cobalt Blue and Professor Zoom. While in Manchester, at Manchester Junior High School, Bart became friends with Preston Lindsay and Carol Bucklen. Bartholomew Henry Allen II is a fictional superhero in the DC Comics Universe. I believe they revealed that he was a clone of an alternate Jon Kent, and then . [52], In Justice League of America's Vibe, Amanda Waller deduces from testing his abilities against Vibe's that Kid Flash draws power from the Speed Force, which Vibe is able to disrupt. Bart once appeared in a comic book adaptation of the Legion of Super-heroes Animated Series when the two Legionnares, lighting Lad and Bouncing Boy, were trapped in a virtual reality machine Bart helped them to escape. After Hot Pursuit leaves Bart confronts Barry about missing the picnic and blames himself. During the Sinestro Corps invasion of Earth, Superboy-Prime's first act was to visit and defile Bart's grave which was inscribed "Bart Allen: The Flash". He was born in the 30th Century, the grandson of time-traveling speedster Barry Allen, although he returned to the past to continue his family's legacy. With the help of family and friends, and especially the Lord God above; They weed, pick and in doing have found this .Pennington Farms. He's a typical kid, He loves to play games, eat chocolates, and play space games. His father, Don, is one of the Tornado Twins and his paternal grandfather is Barry Allen, the second Flash. Impulse quickly disarmed Deathstroke but refused to kill him. Bart escaped from the cave and found his way to Central City. During the battle, it was revealed that the machine built by Inertia actually drains the Speed Force from an individual instead of freezing time. Along with insane speed, he possess many traits common to speedsters, including running on water and creating an aura that protects him from air friction as he moves at a lightning fast pace. Who killed Bart Allen? Zoom revealed that he wanted Inertia to become the new Kid Flash. Bart was born with full super-speed; his cousin Jenni Ognats, daughter of Dawn Allen and Jeven Ognats, did not at first display any signs of super-speed. Bart returned as a teenager again and he received his Kid Flash costume ring from Brainiac 5. [20], Impulse quickly pointed out that the three villains seemed to have been chosen specifically to hurt them, with Deathstroke especially being the one that crippled Bart years ago. Bart was the sidekick to the Wally West version of the Flash. In this alternate future he was able to steal the speed of others, a power he used on his past self. It is revealed that Bart has a lot of knowledge that he picked up while in the 31st century and is desperately attempting to jot it all down before it fleets his memory for good. send you an email once approved. Iron Studios presents the statue of the Boy of Steel! 2 #91 (June 1994) (as Kid Flash II): Teen Titans Vol. In 2056, he wore a gray shirt with a green jacket over it, black gloves, blue pants, and black shoes. [3] He has a degree in journalism from the University of Montevallo, and is the author of the psychological thriller and time travel novel, "A Man Against the World." [9] Barry's blue power ring detected that Bart was still alive but he would eventually die if not freed from the black ring soon. Realizing that their mutual connection to the Speed Force can save Bart, Barry used his powers to break the ring's connection, freeing his grandson. Bart accidentally made Barry trip and land on the ground, Bart and Barry were then saved by Wally and Jay Garrick. Max continued to train him in the art of superspeed, having him run obstacle courses while dodging axes and knives, solve jigsaw puzzles in mid-air, etc., ultimately enlisting his aid to battle his old foe, Savitar. Unfortunately it seems that death, or at least some sort of disapearance that can seem like death, sells this comic book. [38], The Earth is a changed alternate timeline, where Bart Allen wakes up in the 31st century in Brainiac's stasis pod chamber in 31st century and has lost his super-speed. In Death is not the End, we spotlight the outlandish explanations for comic book characters (mostly super-villains) surviving seeming certain death. Bart has an extensive history in the comics, dating back to the 1990s when Wally West was the Flash. . Young Justice memberThis character is or was a member of Young Justice, a team of younger super-heroes and side-kicks who fight crime together separately from their adult counterparts, in any of its various incarnations. View full history. [5] Fighting the combined forces of the JLA and the Titans, the trio discovered that the person responsible for the fake world they were in was Mickey Mxyzptlk, the son of Mister Mxyzptlk. Bart said when he did absorb the Speed Force he was the fastest man to ever live. This was such a weird story. Bart Allen helped expand Smallvilles world beyond the characters and concepts associated with the Man of Steel. Carol began studying the Speed Force to use it for the benefit of humanity. Bart confirmed that the Speed Force was destroyed and that he had used up the residual speed locked in his body fighting in Metropolis. During his time with Young Justice, Bart discovered he had the ability to make Speed Force duplicates of himself that he could send through the time stream. (Impulse) Batman Who Laughs Dark Nights: Death Metal DC Comic Book Reviews Jay Garrick (The Flash) Reviews Wallace West (Kid Flash) Wally West (The Flash) Review: Dark Nights: Death Metal: Speed Metal #1. by Derek McNeil December 20, 2020. by Derek McNeil December 20, 2020. the The Zen Master of the Speed Force. [55], Bart returns to the 21st century and is next seen with the Elite alongside Klarion the Witch Boy, Trinity of the Indigo Tribe and the Guardian. Bart quickly starts running and finds himself transported back to 1889 where he finds he has undergone a costume change which resembles that of Black Flash. Admittedly, he wasnt around as much as Green Arrow, Martian Manhunter (Phil Morris), and some of the others, but he still had an impact. On his mother's side, he is a descendant of supervillains Professor Zoom and Cobalt Blue as well as the half-brother of Owen Mercer, the second Captain Boomerang. What secrets does Barry hold inside him about the fate of the Flash Family? This event was depicted in the episode, but what wasnt shown was that Bart reached a speed that allowed him to tap into the Speed Force. [1] Bart was a crucial part of the Titans Tomorrow storyline. At the sight of seeing her father tortured, her latent super-speed powers activated and would go on to join the Legion under the name XS. 12 comments Copy this post's permalink to the clipboard Related Topics . [20] Shortly after the Keystone funeral, a more private funeral was held for Bart at Titans Tower, where they erected a golden statue of Bart as Kid Flash beside the statue of Superboy. He has since been featured as the lead . He later assembled an army of reactionaries and began a full-scale rebellion against the Functionary which lasted many years, until members of his rebellion seriously injured an older Shira, who grew up on the side of the Functionary. 2) #91 in 1994 before his full debut in issue #92. Bart Allen is a teenage speedster and a member of the Flash Family who has gone by several code names. [42], The original Bart Allen returns to the main DC universe after Wally West and Barry Allen break the Force Barrier. Keystone City held a funeral for Bart, in which Jay Garrick, Cyborg, Wonder Girl and Robin gave eulogies. [1] He has since been featured as the lead character in Impulse (19952002) and The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive (20062007). The funeral ended with the presentation of a video he had recorded shortly after becoming Kid Flash, to be shown in the event of his death. Have other people gone by the name of Flash? In the 31st, he then uses the combined power of the Lightning Lads and Lighting Lasses, along with XS running on the cosmic treadmill, to release Bart from the Speed Force. He fought alongside Red Robin, Wonder Girl, Superboy, Solistice, Bunker, Raven and Skitter as they were hunted down by the villainous organization known as N.O.W.H.E.R.E. Below is the definitive list of appearances of Kid Flash in chronological order. Bart bravely volunteered, because Wally had his family to think of, and Barry was incapable of it because he was already dead. was attacking him. The versions of Bart and Superboy in this future are actually clones of the originals, created after years of trying by Tim Drake. After they disappeared, Jay claimed that the Speed Force was gone. The Flash's Jordan Fisher Suits Up as Bart Allen in First Look Image Now his return threatens it all. In 2018, he has gotten taller and has cut his hair as well as taking to wearing a white shirt with red sleeves, dark blue jeans, and brown boots. He also moved to Los Angeles and started at the L.A. Police Academy. So Bart chose to transfer all the energy he accumulated into Barry, withering away in the process, just as Barry did during Crisis on Infinite Earths. Bart Allen appears in the television series Smallville. But he became connected to the Black Flash and was flung around through time, forced to absorb power from other speedsters. Eventually, Bart encountered his grandpa, Barry Allen, as he was trying to undo the events of Flashpoint. Enter the URL for the tweet you want to embed. This gave Bart an opportunity he never had, the opportunity to meet his grandfather. Bart Allen is a Mess Blood and Injury Hostage Situations Trauma Panic Attacks Young Justice Season 4 Dissociation Harm to Children Recovery Healing Angst with a Happy EndingWhumpJaime Reyes is a Good Friend Whump Jaime Reyes is a Good Friend Podfic & Podficced Works Podfic Podfic Length: 1-1.5 Hours Inertia was put on display in a new area of the Flash Museum, dedicated to Bart's life. As he and the Titans are flung into the future by Johnny Quick during the events of Forever Evil, the truth behind this new incarnation of Bart was revealed: His real name is Bar Torr and he is a revolutionary from the future who was sent to the past as part of a witness protection program. They could remain in their selected place for a certain amount of time before they had to return to Bart and when they returned they would rebound with Bart and Bart would learn and feel everything his clones had but when one of his duplicates got killed Bart got the trauma from it. [21], Mickey explained to them that he created the fake world so they could have the lives that the new generation stole from them, as they were shoved to the sidelines. 6 p. in Planet Comics, no. After calling forth other Legions to help them from alternate Universes, Brainiac 5 prepared to implement the second of his three stages in his Psychological war against Prime. How Did Flash Survive Being Beaten to Death? - CBR 03:57AM Bart rushes to the scene and confronts Barry over the reason why Max has not returned, but his grandfather cannot provide an answer. He wants to help who ever he can. He had XS ran along the Cosmic Treadmill, and while Light Lass used her power to keep her from becoming a singularity, and had the Lightning Twins hit her with their power. For most of his superhero career, Bart was the sidekick to the Wally West version of the Flash. This character is or was primarily a member of the younger superhero team known as the Teen Titans, in any of its various incarnations. Another alternate future is showcased in The Ray (vol. Bart then runs through time to the 21st century, and promises Patty he will return and rescue her. The Flash Family is made in the series they would be a good team to fight off anyone in the game series. He got a job as a factory worker at Keystone Motors and tried to leave super-heroics behind him; however, trouble around him eventually led him to don the costume. Bart Allen was created by Mark Waid and Mike Wieringo. Character : PN6726 f.B55 "golf clubs . Bart Allen made his first comic book appearance in the pages of The Flash #92. --Wally can run faster than light, thought, and the Speed Force itself. [44] Bart is the main driving force behind the revival of the Young Justice team; after being transported to Gemworld and reunited with Superboy (Kon-El), the team officially re-forms.[45]. Imprisoned for his future crimes, he remains stuck in the future. Once healed, the artificial knee did not affect his ability to run at speeds approaching that of light, but reminding him that he needs to think first rather than to act impulsively. Bart then explained to the nearby Wonder Girl that his grandfather's uniform was the only thing that could survive the trip back from where he had been, and that he was the only one there "who could still run". House Of The Dragon Release Schedule: When Does Episode 10 Come Out? Bart joined the Titans[9] early in his career before going on to become one of the founding members of the superhero team Young Justice alongside Robin and Superboy. Bart Allen made his first comic book appearance in the pages of The Flash #92. Bravely Bart races and gets to Metropolis just in time to help the other heroes fight against prime. Bartholomew Henry "Bart" Allen II is a superhero in the DC Comics Universe. Sunshine [40] However, Bart's body was transforming into the Black Flash that had been controlled by the Speed Force, taking him to reduce the speedsters Max Mercury, Jay Garrick, and Wally West. Barts primary power is his super speed which he gets from tapping into the speed force. An orphan, Bar managed to put his sister Shira into the care of a nunnery after many brutal years spent protecting her. Too young to kill any Purifiers himself, he joined their ranks instead. Bart gives chase and when he catches up he sees Hot Pursuit reveal his identity to be Barry Allen from a parallel Earth, who came to Barry's earth chasing a time anomaly. Kid Flash says he has no recollection of his past, nor why he has been sent back in time. He later adopted the superheroic identity of Impulse. Jay reached his limit before entering the Speed Force and Wally turned into energy and vanished, leaving Bart alone with Superboy-Prime. This reality shows a grown Bart posing as a member of the so-called Titans of Tomorrow. Gathering all of the Lightning wielders of the 3 Legions in their headquarters he also gathered along with Bart's cousin XS, and Light Lass. The latter ability results in "molecular taffy" if Bart does not concentrate; he also possesses an aura, that prevents air friction while running. Freeze, Bart Allen, Clayface, Static, Steel : Source Wikipedia, Books, LLC . It has not been confirmed if Meloni is his mother in this universe, let alone existing in it at all. He has the ability to produce "scouts", Speed Force avatars that he can send through the timestream, but has used it infrequently since the death of one avatar put him in a coma during the "Our Worlds at War" storyline that crossed over among the Impulse, Superboy, and Young Justice titles. He also denies the Flash the opportunity to share his own secret identity with Bart. Candid adjective: a straightforward and honest look at something Synonyms : blunt . Bart and Patty realise they have to stop this from happening and the only way to do that was to get back the speed force power cell from Patty's speed force motorcycle. After Smallville ended, the comic continuation killed off Bart Allen, a member of the show's Justice League and its first superhero guest star. Despite being resurrected, Bart's previous status as a deceased still allowed one of the undead lord's black rings to transform him into a Black Lantern. flash death - Bart Allen - Comic Vine Following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather, Bart Allen became the Flash. Bart allows himself to be recaptured by Brainiac and is placed into a stasis pod, destroying Brainiac's security program from the inside. Bart is currently staying with Jay and Joan Garrick, it's not been said if he will permanently join the team. After Superboy-Prime attacked Superboy (Conner Kent) in Smallville, injuring and killing many Titans, Bart joined with Wally West and Jay Garrick to stop the rampage of Superboy-Prime by running him at top speed into the Speed Force. 2022 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Flashes vs Spider-Army (DC/Marvel) - Death Battle Fanon Wiki Born and raised in the 30th Century, Bart was the grandson of Barry Allen, the second person to use the name 'Flash' in the DCU. Eulogies were given by some of his old friends, including Jay Garrick, who revealed Bart's secret identity to the world. Bart believes that Barry dislikes him and runs off until he is attacked by Hot Pursuit. He accomplished this by running him at top speed into the Speed Force with the help of veteran speedsters Wally West and Jay Garrick. For now, it seems that the Force Barrier was the only thing imprisoning him. Barry chases after but Bart gets attacked by Hot Pursuit. Taking the Flash Ring offered to him. [47] After remembering his experiences on an alternate Earth during a fight with Griffin, he began to gain a measure of control over the Speed Force before it was released from his body just prior to his death. A speedster wearing Barry's costume returned in Tokyo shortly thereafter to warn of the return of Superboy-Prime. I love when other comics pay homage to Barry's death in the Crisis. ", This template will categorize articles that include it into the "White Lantern Corps members category.". Also, the speed force also gave Bart a kind of aura that gave him immunity from friction and heat generation while running, the aura also gives Bart a small amount of invulnerability. The story of how Bart Allen came to flee the Science Police is a complex one. After Wally helped him solve his aging problem and Bart helped Wally defeat Kobra, Bart moved to Manchester, Alabama with Max Mercury. Stuck in the speed force with Wally and Barry, Barry says that they should pool their speed together so that one of them could get back and warn the world of Superboy Prime. Preston Lindsay and Carol Bucklen is one of the Flash Family who has gone several. Police Academy to adulthood, made the Flash was forced to absorb power from other speedsters until is! Jay and Joan Garrick, it 's time for them to come out of retirement... 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