The President was in a pugnacious mood when he spoke to journalists about the rebellion. (447) Her all-out rebellion against dance convention not withstanding, Streb came to modern dance via the usual route. Some people have it tougher than the others whereas some people have a shorter period of rebellion. (928) In large part they've treated the rebellion as a chaotic overreaction, by rural enthusiasts of drinking and abominators of domestic taxation, to a duty that placed new costs on the consumption of a beloved beverage. (416) I think it is ironic, humorous , Ms. Spanberger said of Mr. Brat being on the receiving end of a rebellion. (37) You ruin is your rebellion against God. (278) A rebellion against God, even as believers, is fueled by the toxic fumes of unbelief. (830) Allah commands justice, the doing of good, and liberality to kith and kin, and He forbids all shameful deeds, and injustice and rebellion: He instructs you, that ye may receive admonition. There is a relationship, then, between the psychology of youth. (613) The mutiny was not Communist-inspired,( but the spirit of rebellion was exploited to incite peasant risings. (232) The novel ends with Sherif surrendering to the powers that crush his rebellion. The reintroduction of conscription sparked off a major, This culture prizes conformity, and frowns on any form of, 1The severe punishment was meted out to the leaders in the, Both cities welcomed him with open arms and sided with the, A special Stamp Act Congress was held in New York to plan a, The government's repressive policies are sowing the seeds of, with him dead, we should have little trouble handling the, A combination of ground and air action broke the back of the, But what if we change the way we think about, Christ was a man worthy to rebel against, for he was, In a climate of corruption and decay, the truth is an act of, They are performing a state duty, which is to crush the armed. (125) What did the rebellion to the new football measures start. (98) 1. (312) Even the engagement was an act of fierce rebellion and shunning of anachronistic traditions. (1042) Darfur and Kordofan.On the outbreak of the mahdis rebellion Slatin Bey was governor of the province, and when Madibbo, the insurgent sheikh of Rizighat, attacked and occupied Shakka and was following up his success, Slatin twice severely defeated him, and, having concentrated his forces at El Fasher, repulsed the enemy again at Om Shanga. (204) The citizens of Kwangju rose in rebellion against the oppressive regime. (1002) Curiously enough, it is from Schleiermacher's philosophical ethics that a threefold division - the Chief Good, Virtues, and Duty or the Law - passed into almost all text-books of Christian Ethics, till recently a rebellion rose against it on the ground of redundancy and overlapping. (796) After the rebellion the British started recruiting what the British called the martial races particularly Marathas Rajputs Sikhs Gurkhas Pashtuns Garhwalis Mohyals and Dogras. (168) The north of the country rose in rebellion against the government. (774) He was deployed by Julius Caesar against a stubborn Gallic rebellion, and his methods were not so different to those of Russian cyber-saboteurs against western democracies. How to use rebellion in a sentence - Shabdkosh (711) Two of them died in youth, the victims of intemperance; and the third, Salim, afterwards the emperor Jahangir, was frequently in rebellion against his father. (663) Nominally, sovereignty lay in the emperor but in fact power was wielded by the Fujiwara nobility. A complex sentence with "rebellion" contains at least one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. (145) in the 10 years that he spent crazily preparing for the rebellion. (532) Two more were spurred into it through outright rebellion against their mothers' ideas, with more than a touch of stubbornness. (109) Government forces have failed to contain the rebellion. The chiefs were drawn from widely different classes. That is better poetry than political thought. (192) Diplomatically changing sides, they joined with forces planning rebellion. (141) Thursday's backbench rebellion was a great parliamentary occasion. (244) The rebellion action takes a heavy toll of people's life, which is relentlessness. (744) In January 2012 a Tuareg rebellion began in Northern Mali, led by the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad. In A (552) Show that they had planned rebellion as well as mere escape, and both were put to death with some of their beck and accomplices. (103) the king is dead. (979) This insurgence of the artisans, in a republic which had been remodelled upon economical principles by Giano della Bellas constitution of 1292, reached a climax in 1378, when the Ciompi rebellion placed the city for a few years in the hands of the Lesser Arts. That's the bargain that holds a free society together. (282) For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. (399) It is Archie's first overt act of rebellion against his father, and as such a threshold event in his life. The bill is expected to sail through parliament despite threats of a Tory. Around 1345 rebellions, economic crisis and financial mismanagement of the paper currency destroyed the public's confidence in the bills. English Oppressive dictatorships were backed for fear of mass rebellion . (412) If the government would not prevent such acts of rebellion, then the loyalists would take action themselves. Rebellions continued throughout the 12th century and into the 13th. (25) They hadn't reckoned on a rebellion. (905) Surrender to Henry of Lancaster, afterwards Henry IV., in whose reign a French fleet with 12,000 men on board sailed to the Haven and disembarked with the object of assisting the rebellion of Owen Glendower. (797) Most of the rajas remained loyal; and the capture of the town of Kotah, which had been held by the mutineers of that state, in March 1858, marked the extinction of armed rebellion. (691) Increasingly repressive measures to crush the rebellion have resulted in a death toll of 1,100 guerrillas, police and civilians over the past four years. (378) The Councils policies were mostly concerned with fighting the Islamist rebellion with mixed success, (379) Orozco eventually became disappointed with the Madero's government and led a rebellion against him. I was stubborn. (519) So as an act of pitiful rebellion against the fact that I even have to be at work, I'm refusing to turn the office lights on. learning about her mother's rebellious, outspoken teenage years, she decides to take things into her own hands and publish an anonymous zine calling out the worst and most toxic elements of her school's social structure. noun. Then, as now, major household names announced one by one that they would reject YouTube's platform over concerns that its algorithms were placing ads beside hate speech. It settles on chests and seeps through skin, through layers of tissue, muscle, and bone and collects in a soul-sized black hole, sucking the joy out of life, the pleasure, the beauty. He pursues us in our brokenness. (306) The substance of his rebellion was as facile as the mischaracterized scream that undid it. Jason hoped a consolation note would make his girlfriend feel better about the end of . Rebellion sentence examples:1.the president was in a pugnacious mood when he spoke to journalists about the Rebellion.2.they embodied the spirit of the times, of progress and Rebellion against authority.3.the masses are in Rebellion and one's friends are deserting.4.his ceaseless Rebellion against discipline.5.overwhel (945) The kingdom reached its highest point of importance during the reign of Solomon, but, shortly after his death, it was broken up by the rebellion of Jeroboam, who founded the separate kingdom of Israel with its capital at Shechem. (484) So the first one is -- these are the bursty words around 1860s -- slaves, emancipation, slavery, rebellion, Kansas. (661) The 1990 budget deal, which Simpson helped nudge Bush to support, passed the Senate but then fell apart amid a conservative rebellion in the House. (927) The rebellion would probably have died out but for the measures of the new Republican general Turreau, who wasted La Vendee so horribly with his infernal columns that he drove the peasants to take up arms once more. (435) The mutiny was not Communist-inspired, but the spirit of rebellion was exploited to incite peasant risings. (910) To counteract the influence of Jerusalem he established golden calves at Dan and Bethel, an act which to later ages was as gross a piece of wickedness as his rebellion against the legitimate dynasty of Judah. mount a rebellion in a sentence | Sentence Stack Disorder in the world implies that something is out of place. (823) Polly only thought, at that time, of improving on her successful propitiation of Miss Nipper, and devising some means of having little Florence aide her, lawfully, and without rebellion. (1076) Further, the Megillath Ta'anith ( roll of fasts ), an old source with a collection of miscellaneous legends, c.; Megillath Antiokhos, on the martyrdom under Hadrian; Seder`Olam Rabbah, on biblical history from Adam to the rebellion of Bar Kokba (Barcocheba); the Book of Jashar ; the Chronicle of Jerahmeel, c. Liturgical Midrash is illustrated by the Haggada shel Pesah, part of the ritual recited at the domestic service of the first two Passover evenings. (423) In 1282 he received a more decided check, when Sicily rose against him in the famous rebellion of the Vespers. I shouldnt commit the sin of pride by justifying my rebellion or my running from God compared to other peoples sin. (1049) The subsequent history of Benares contains two important events, the rebellion of Chait Singh in 1781, occasioned by the demands of Warren Hastings for money and troops to carry on the Mahratta War, and the Mutiny of 1857, when the energy and coolness of the European officials, chiefly of General Neill, carried the district successfully through the storm. (664) It is a proof of the wisdom of Aurelius's clemency that he had little or no trouble in pacifying the provinces which had been the scene of rebellion. (131) Amy sewed with outward meekness and inward rebellion till dusk. What was wanting was not vitality and licence, not audacity of speculation, not lawless instinct or rebellious impulse. Once again, after initial successes, troops were withdrawn only for popular rebellions to threaten the remaining garrisons. (535) Although the rebellion had a huge impact on the state of the colonial power in India Tamil Nadu was mostly unaffected by it. (746) Teachers also doubt whether the ban is enforceable, especially with young teenagers for whom rebellion often trumps any inclination to follow a teachers instructions. (851) Roundhead points of view, various forms of Puritanism and other forms of religious rebellion, are antiestablishment, and yet they are all coded within the discourse of the Christian religion. (339) The last important resistance to modernization was crushed in the Satsuma rebellion of 1877. (825) Italian Renaissance artists tried to ignore winter.In fact, when Bruegel dwelt on snow, ice and heavy clothes, it was an act of rebellion and an assertion of north European identity. (190) 2In 1A student rebellion in Paris sparked off a nationwide general strike. (991) In 1522 and 1523 he assisted to quell the rising of Franz von Sickingen, who had raided Hesse five years previously, and in 1525 he took a leading part in crushing the rebellion of the peasants in north Germany, being mainly responsible for their defeat at Frankenhausen. (96) The peasants rose up in rebellion against the ruler. (904) Immediately after this rebellion a second distribution of more than 4000 natives foreshadowed the rapid disappearance of those unfortunates, despite the well-meaning regulations of the Council of the Indies. (571) 1The rally was held as the government managed to contain a week-long military rebellion that came dangerously close to succeeding. (281) When did Wang Chao and his son lead an expedition to pacify the Huanf Chao rebellion? (652) Yet a formidable rebellion was raised in his behalf by means of Lambert Simnel, who was defeated and taken prisoner at the battle of Stoke in 1487. (666) The New York Post reported last week that Times leadership was scrambling to quell a staff rebellion amid chaos among staffers in the Metro section. Military confederations or rebellions, through which the army collected its own pay typically from royal and church estates, were getting increasingly common. (548) Then shall We certainly drag out from every sect all those who were worst in obstinate rebellion against (Allah) Most Gracious. (1103) What is another word for "rebellion"? (865) Note: The Sicilian Vespers is the name given to a rebellion in Sicily in 12Against the rule of the Angevin king Charles I of Naples, who had taken control of the island with Papal support in 126. (869) It was not until the people was stung by the humiliation of Bull Run that the unorganized enthusiasm of the North settled down into an invincible determination to crush the rebellion at all costs. The topic sentence about why U. S. Involvement was needed in the Boxer Rebellion: Rebellion was a problem: Help on gain their independence. For the same reason God asks us to: it is the truth, and we are free only when we lift up the truth. (802) Although the rebellion ended in desertion and death, and Fawkes signed a confession in famously dishevelled handwriting after days of torture, his courage in captivity was notable. The president wanted immediate action. Because thou hast rejected the word of Jehovah, he hath also rejected thee from being king. (1108) "rebellion" meaning in english, "rebellion" definitions. (44) The rebellionin England is frightening. (614) 29-39), to announce symbolically the rending of the kingdom, replaces some account of a rebellion in which Jeroboam lifted up his hand (v. (615) What would have happened supposing that England had made no further stir, and had not vexed William by rebellion, it is impossible to say. (88) 1The armed rebellion was quelled only in a few days. How did this apostasy, this Rebellion, develop? (28) a rebellion against those in authority. (92) Who was blamed for the week long rebellion of 1866. Despite our, The New York Post reported last week that Times leadership was scrambling to quell a staff, Nominally, sovereignty lay in the emperor but in fact power was wielded by the Fujiwara nobility. (942) Thus, preserved alike from foreign invasion and from domestic rebellion, the long line of subsequent nawabs had given way to that neglect of public affairs and those private vices which naturally flow from irresponsible power. He also mentions the Shay Rebellion in Massachusetts, the Whiskey Rebellion in Pennsylvania, the Dorr Rebellion in Rhode Island, and the Hartford Convention in Connecticut. (86) 1The government has brutally crushed the rebellion. (64) Simon de Montfort rose in rebellion in 1258. (859) The onetime heir apparent had played an instrumental role this year in propping up his father's rule and his crackdown against the rebellion that ultimately ended his 42-year grip on power. (769) The rebellion of fellow Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh had an immediate effect in Armenia itself. 'REBELLION' in a sentence - The thing they fear even more than being perceived badly is a voter. (180) 1They are in rebellion against the conservative hierarchy of the Church. (682) A result of Boudicca's rebellion was that the Romans strengthened their military presence in Britain and lessened the oppressiveness of their rule. (235) 1) The colonel was able to orchestrate a rebellion from inside an army jail. (617) The rebellion is named after Daniel Shays a veteran of the American Revolution who led the rebels also known as Shaysites or Regulators. Over the weekend, the governor's tweeted response to the disruption was firm : "We will not be deterred or threatened. See also: insurrection revolt rising uprising. (147) 2He was prepared to suppress rebellion by shooting down protesters. (815) Italian Renaissance artists tried to ignore winter.In fact, when Bruegel dwelt on snow, ice and heavy clothes, it was an act of rebellion and an assertion of north European identity. (500) Jonathan had reached puberty in full rebellion, which was one of the reasons she didn't think he should have a cell phone. (1083) Maybe it seems like a simple question, but the meaning of the word "rebellion" can get slippery. Example #3 Are not the Plays, (if not by Design) yet by a natural and necessary Consequence, an _undermining_ of his Laws, and an _Attempt_ upon his Government? (889) The prime mover of the great rebellion of 1648, which shook the Polish state to its very foundations, was the Cossack Bohdan Chmielnicki (q.v. Successive central governments have fought myriad ethnic and political rebellions. (758) The rebellion was headed by well-known adherents of the earl, and the nickname of Robin of Redesdale seems to have covered the personality of his kinsman Sir John Conyers. (1039) It is but necessary to note that the younger Henry died in 1183, that Geoffrey perished by accident at a tournament in 1186, and that in 1189, when the old kings strength finally gave out, it was Richard who was leading the rebellion, to which John, the youngest and least worthy of the four undutiful sons, was giving secret countenance. During the rebellion young Macdonald volunteered for active service, but his military career never went farther than drilling and marching. (472) Nor was it without deep shame, and something very like open rebellion, that Gerald donned these motley habiliments . (1051) It is the key to an understanding of the times to remember that the War of Independence had disjointed society; and democracy - which Jefferson had proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence, and enthroned in Virginia - after strengthening its rights by the sword, had run to excesses, particularly in the Shays' rebellion, that produced a conservative reaction. The next year they rose up in rebellion. (444) Their last known descendant, Nathaniel Salperton, was among those executed after the Monmouth rebellion in 1685. Let us, therefore, make every effort - spoudazo - make every effort to enter that rest. (279) They shared Whig exclusionist politics and were arrested during the Monmouth rebellion. inflict on his fellow men a bondage, one hour of which is fraught with more misery than ages of that which he rose in rebellion to oppose. (798) Although the rebellion ended in desertion and death, and Fawkes signed a confession in famously dishevelled handwriting after days of torture, his courage in captivity was notable. The reintroduction of conscription sparked off a major rebellion. Huntington Beach has become nationally known as ground zero for. (930) In 1414, however, intimidated by the growing discontent, which frequently took the form of armed rebellion, the Knights consented to the establishment of a diet, which was re-formed on a more aristocratic basis in 1430. 458 179 The Astrakhan rebellion (1706), which affected all the districts under his government, shook Peter's confidence in him, and seriously impaired his position. (309) There had been no quietly sprouting seeds of rebellion at Por Tanssie; of that he was sure. (56) They sowed rebellion broadcast in our army. (763) However, eighteen months after the expulsion of the Ottomans there was still no Arab government in place, and a rebellion started by the Euphrates tribes was in full swing. (160) This culture prizes conformity, and frowns on any form of rebellion. (79) i see traditional music like a kind of rebellion, (80) it was a group called the new hampshire rebellion. (861) Note: The Sicilian Vespers is the name given to a rebellion in Sicily in 12Against the rule of the Angevin king Charles I of Naples, who had taken control of the island with Papal support in 126. (129) and the kind of character i needed was the taiping rebellion. (544) They had not been broken by the crash of empires, the machetes of revolting slaves, war, rebellion, proscription, confiscation. (476) His actions had triggered full-scale rebellion by the hybrids and by the vaster Stealer brood of true-seeming humans. He pursues us in our mishaps. However, it contains only one independent clause. (35) The troops soon put down the rebellion. (687) A violent rebellion against taxes had spread alarm throughout the country's leaders and had exposed the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. rebellion: [noun] opposition to one in authority or dominance. (586) The issue is that to be effective, cultural rebellion, by definition, has to be acting in opposition to something with broad support. To understand the conditions which facilitated these alliances requires a consideration of the rebellion's institutional context rather than a narrow assessment of individual responsibility. (206) pulled something similar back in the rebellion only it worked out backwards. (583) These American settlers established a permanent foothold in the area and ignored Spanish officials. (469) Shays Rebellion was a rebellion in central and western Massachusetts LRB mainly Springfield RRB from 1786 to 1787. What was the Stono Rebellion an example of? (975) He was educated at Loretto, Eton and Oriel College, Oxford, and in 1869 was restored by Act of Parliament to the barony of Balfour of Burleigh, to which he was entitled by his descent from the 5th baron, who was attainted after the Jacobite rebellion of 1715. the greyjoys are in open, He headed the troops to crusade against the, Government forces have failed to contain the, 2Government forces have failed to contain the, Man rejection of the Truth is the root of his, He returned a fugitive to find the nation in armed, i told you she would never consciously betray the, and the kind of character i needed was the taiping, Amy sewed with outward meekness and inward, The reintroduction of conscription sparked off a major, The note of the perfect personality is not, 1The reintroduction of conscription sparked off a major, in the 10 years that he spent crazily preparing for the, How many of the local resistance were killed in the 1857, 1. (215) She had a passion for philosophy and the study of teenage angst and rebellion. (240) The military government pledged to quell rebellion and unify the country by force. (1033) Absalom was now the eldest surviving son of David, and the present position of the narratives (xv.-xx. (1047) The royal family itself was not free from his attacks; after the Day of Dupes (1630) he allowed the queen-mother to die in exile, and publicly dishonoured the kings brother Gaston of Orleans by the publication of his confessions; Marshal de Marillac was put to the torture for his ingratitude, and the constable de Montmorency for rebellion (1632). Their goal was to gain supplies in order to incite and arm a slave rebellion. (671) Macrinus at first sought to quickly crush the rebellion, by sending his praetorian prefect Ulpius Julianus with a strong cavalry force against them. (1115) What is the meaning of "rebellion" in a sentence. (161) 2Some suspected that the rebellion was backed and financed by the US. (135) A little adolescent rebellion is commonly believed to be healthy. (346) There was a Labour rebellion when some left-wing MPs voted against the Chancellor's tax cuts. (202) There's treachery in her hips, rebellion in her heart & magic in her mind. (1024) Even these latter, who gained most by the reforms, considered that they had good reason to complain, for the defeat of Arabi and the re-establishment of order had enabled the Christian money-lenders to return and insist on the payment of claims, which were supposed to have been extinguished by the rebellion. (788) In 1842, the suffragist movement under the leadership of Thomas Dorr developed into an armed rebellion, which eventually forced the state government to adopt universal suffrage. (221) The first rebellion was defeated by a great army led by the same Artaxerxes. (779) Dorian, realizing how close he was to crossing a boundary between impertinence and rebelliona boundary that hed been very, very careful to maintain mumbled his apologies. (810) And I decreed, and search hath been made, and it is found that this city of old time hath made insurrection against kings, and that rebellion and sedition have been made therein. (603) At that time the Conservative majority over all other parties exceeded 130 so the result demonstrated a major back-bench rebellion. Hope is not comfortable or easy. The moon is a penal colony ruled by an iron-fisted administration. From the Cambridge English Corpus (954) While Sir John Macdonald's administration was supported in Nova Scotia, it was weakened in Ontario on account of the clemency shown to Riel, and in Quebec by the refusal to grant a general amnesty to all who had taken part in the rebellion. Rebellion: In a Sentence - WORDS IN A SENTENCE (762) Free African Americans were allowed to vote until 1835, when the state revoked their suffrage in restrictions following the slave rebellion of 1831 led by Nat Turner. (205) Moreover Hitler was forced to engage his forces in quelling the rebellion. Contrarily, the rebellion of literature is hidden. (171) The government's repressive policies are sowing the seeds of rebellion. , The plantation owner killed the leader of the slave rebellion to deter other slaves from being disobedient. (792) 1This resolution paved the way for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)-led military campaign to support the rebellion against Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi's forces. Trashing your hotel room is easy. (538) He decided to use his secondhand perception of that world to articulate his own fantasies of rebellion against the mainstream. (1085) "rebellion" - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage note. (1064) If my duty to my parents is a superstition, then so is my duty to posterity. (445) After the Watts rebellion, Johnsoh asked Hoover to expand his intelligence operations to include riot prediction. (213) What wasn't the initial power base for Xiang Liang and Xiang Yu's rebellion. (255) He was called a heretic and a rebel, but one who transformed his rebellion into art. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "REBELLION" - tagalog-english translations and search engine for tagalog translations. (563) Abraham Lincoln called the newly elected 37th Congress into special session in July 1861 to deal with the rebellion in the South. (719) 2To get around this problem, you could restart the service that owns the log file, although this service interruption might cause a rebellion among your users. (1057) During this period life and property were rendered secure, and great progress was achieved, on the lines already indicated, in creating an efficient civil service, harmonizing Moslem law with new enactments, promoting commerce, carrying out important public works, and reorganizing the fiscal and educational systems. And, tragically, you miss out on the joy that He brings. organized opposition to authority; a conflict in which one faction tries to wrest control from another. (576) In the spring of 67 Vespasian, who had been appointed by Nero to crush the rebellion, advanced from his winter quarters at Antioch. When we come to the end of ourselves, we find Jesus.
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