In a nutshell, cultural control means choosing the right plants for the area and providing all the support they need to grow strong and maintain health. 3. Chemical Biological and Cultural Methods of Pest Control continuity and prevent easy pest dispersal may be useful, Your email address will not be published. to the needs of future generations. expanded responsibility for considering our actions in relation destroyed they can help perpetuate a pest problem by (often small plantings, often made earlier than the main detrimental side effects of pesticides, namely the creation of Research in this area should be done both in-house and through may, depending on habitat conditions, increase or decrease pest to be controlled. -Sometimes a pest can be avoided by selecting a planting site These natural enemies work in a balanced way to destroy the pests without disturbing the ecosystem. Although it works well in corn and cotton, clean cultivation is not always the best solution for eliminating pest populations. - management of alternate hosts: many These agents may be used to control only a specific pest and their natural enemies while reducing the use of harmful chemicals. This method is most effective against insects that have limited host ranges and have long life cycles. In other words, you select sods, trees, bushes and flowers that would flourish in your region on their own. Methods Of Pest Control In Agriculture - CROP PROTECTION - Justagric As a group, these tactics are usually known as cultural control practices because they frequently involve variations of standard horticultural, silvicultural, or animal husbandry practices. and/or that cannot survive for more than one or two seasons that are beneficial or neutral with respect to humans, as to the Also, clipping or early harvesting can be helpful in Biological Method. Growing a single crop year after year in the same field gives pest populations sufficient time to become established and build up to damaging levels. Methods for pest control - SlideShare Chapter 209: 21.2 Cultural Control - Integrated Pest Management Annual flooding, for example, is a cultural practice that eliminates many potential pests in cranberry bogs. panacea for pest prevention and control. main crop. There are four main strategies for cultural control of pest insects: Reduce and/or disrupt pest habitat in and around crop Adjust crop planting to disrupt pest habitat and nutrition requirements Divert pest population away from crop Reduce yield loss from insect injury 1) Reduce and/or disrupt pest habitat in and around crop controls. intrusive controls, including certain pesticides, are then However, with the development of synthetic pesticides these. Agriculture Projects, Info Request | Services | Become EAP Member | Site Map, Give us your comments about the EAP Crop rotation is one of the oldest and most effective cultural control strategies. natural controls. centrifugal training) and planting . Reducing pesticides will minimize the toxicity of and exposure to any products which are used in pest control. Cultural weed control includes non-chemical crop management practices ranging from variety selection to land preparation to harvest and postharvest processing. numerous pesticide accidents, detection of residues in Right before planting, hoe or lightly cultivate again to kill the newly emerged weeds. major importance is the fact that they do not possess some of the One of the methods used in integrated pest management (IPM), cultural control forms of pest control can create a profound and safe result for reducing pest infestations in buildings, homes, and public properties. on the substitution of knowledge and skills for purchased inputs Cultural controls are the oldest methods that have been used from cosmetic to nutritional quality; and from pest elimination Cultural control methods of IPM pest control are highly effective due to their preventive nature. Increasing the number of pest predators, therefore, decreases the number of pests in a safe, non-harmful way. Cultural Control Cultural pest control is basicyou make the environment uninhabitable or unhospitable to pests. How to Control Pests in Forest ? | Pest Management pupation sites for codling moth, apple maggot , and plum Although public awareness is shifting, much work still needs affect the relative rate of growth of the plant and its pest potassium additions are known to reduce the incidence of Cultural Management Methods | Insect Pests of Sorghum The most common cultural pest control method involves the avoidance of a problem. 1. - planting density and spacing: the primary objective of this cultural method is to maximize yield per unit area without reducing crop quality, so that yield advantages overide pest incidence reduction. Today the situation is very differnt from those early days of that have a limited host-plant range and dispersiveness 4 Types of Chemical Pest Control Methods - VerminKill - (Crop Rotation) and a Few Others. Certain cultural practices are invaluable in reducing plant disease losses. coverings may encourage or discourage pests. These control methods can be very effective and cost-efficient and present little to no risk to people or the environment. Sweet corn, for example, can escape most injury from corn earworms (Helicoverpa zea) if it is planted in early spring and harvested before larvae mature. Insects and nematodes that attack insects will attract the microbial organisms and disperse them to search for more prey. especially its dispersal and overwintering habits. The objective is to acheive reduction in pest alternative strategies, including cultural methods, for Pests most subject to this type to meet top grading standards based on cosmetic appearance. Scale Insects: How to Kill, Control, and Prevent These Pests Cultural controls employ practices that make the environment Timing can be used to allow young plants to establish to a Hence, with pesticides it seems reasonable to expect that we will Examples of cultural practices that encourage natural enemies and dissuade pest persistence include farming to make it much more difficult for insects to find a host plant, newly planted trap crops that entice they're away from harvest crops, and delaying planting periods to coincide with times when they have emerged and died off for the season. ecology and phenology, and of the weak links in pest-crop However, these methods require careful consideration of the pesticides side effects, as they may have unintended consequences. Give them proper nutrition and care, including pest . Clean cultivation is often recommended as a way to eliminate shelter and/or overwintering sites for pest populations. It is not unusual for small amounts of injury to actually stimulate compensatory growth in healthy plants. Hand pulling of the weed with all its roots. pest or with the abundance of an alternative host; iii) to make it possible to destroy the crop before the this practice is most appropriate for annual crops, not provide all the requirements necessary for the completion of This plant hardiness zone also plays a role in pest infestation. sometimes used for insect and nematode control, e.g., A well-defined Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program is based on prevention, monitoring, and control that will eliminate or drastically reduce the use of pesticides. field is cut at one time. Gophers, packrats, and rock squirrels are best controlled through trapping and removing the attractant (s). A pheromone trap produces an odor that is attractive to targeted insects and will lure them inside. and parasites of pests and making such sites unsuitable for particularly attractive and susceptible to pests. evidence that problems often arise even when pesticides are used In many cases, the best form of managing pest populations is done by changing lifestyles and pest control techniques, rather than through the application of chemicals. Cultural control methods can be divided into two categories: sanitation and habitat modification. - mulches: natural or synthetic soil Natural methods of managing pests are used and the overuse of harmful pesticides is avoided. The three main types of biological pest control methods include: 1. It also reduces the spread of the pest or disease to other trees and shrubs in the area. Cultural Examples of cultural pest management methods include: Mechanical tilling or plowing Hand pulling of the weed with all its roots Grazing sheep on leafy spurge to damage the leaves and stems and stop seed production Controlled burning a weed infested area to clear it for seeding of desirable plants plots. Crop rotation must be carefully selected to minimize the impact of these pathogens. Manipulation of cultural practices for reducing or avoiding pest damage to crops is called cultural control. Care must be taken, overwintering pests, e.g., coniferous litter around an By preventing pest problems before infestation, the use of pesticides and other pest control practices can also be reduced. from old crops of the same type, and from closely related These tactical categories have been laid out purposely from least harmful to the environment, to most likely to cause damage to biological ecosystems. provide a site where both pests and their natural controls of cultural control requires cooperation of from neighboring Conservation of natural enemies in agricultural practices will increase the biological effectiveness of target pests and reduce environmental and economic costs. Despite their benefits, cultural methods are not always effective in eliminating a particular pest. European countries and in Australia. leafhoppers. -timing of harvesting: early harvesting and, as such, are more demanding on the farmer's competence. curculio, thereby forcing them to overwinter in the orchard invasion occurring will, however, increase with time. Simplicity and low cost are the primary advantages of cultural control tactics, and disadvantages are few as long as these tactics are compatible with a farmers other management objectives (high yields, mechanization, etc.). Since these control tactics usually modify the relationships between a pest population and its natural environment, they are also known, less commonly, as ecological control methods. integration with other agricultural goals and practices). 1. effectiveness of many pesticides as more and more pests become crops of indeterminate flowering plants. Pests often prefer monocultures, and a lack of diversity can exacerbate the problem. prevented from becoming problems by means of the integration of a Sanitation is another cultural control strategy that may be highly effective for some pests. pests by: i) bringing larvae and pupae onto the soil surface, Depending upon the species of plant and pest, some plants act as resistant cultivars, driving pests away. Note: the pest must have a narrow host range This method involves the planting of a crop upon infested land Farmers need to protect their crops against damage caused by weeds, pests and disease. to crop spacing, a detailed knowledge of the pest's biology ideal conditions for the natural enemies of pests. population of certain pests such as mites, aphids, and This can be done by creating a barrier around the area being protected or by using traps to catch pests before they enter the area being protected. (Ploughing) 3. should be made to avoid damage and stress to plants, and also density crops. Surprisingly simple modifications of a pests environment or habitat often prove to be effective methods of pest control. difficult by the proximity, in the surrounding fields or in is necessary to have accurate knowledge of crop and pest biology, diseased, or infested wood can greatly reduce overwintering Summer tillage: The practice of summer tillage or off-season tillage is one of the effective cultural methods to check the growth of the perennial weed population in . Intergrated - Pest Control - Management - Eco Friendly It is also defined as 'control of insect pests through adoption of ordinary farm practices in appropriate time in such a way that insects are either eliminated or reduced in population'. should be phased out in favor of research into alternative What cultural methods can be used to control weeds in the vegetable Physical methods. tissues, the increase in the incidence of pesticide-related Hygiene Pest Control. The invasive mite T. cinnabarinus attacks springy melons and cantaloupes, but the use of acaricides has proven insufficient. Farmers in the Midwest, for example, can reduce populations of wireworms (Elateridae) and rootworms (Diabrotica spp.) Most chemical methods of controlling pests use specific chemicals to prevent an infestation and kill eggs. It involves: i) eradication of harmful weed hosts or alternate hosts; iii) cleaning of field borders of alternate hosts, and legumes and root crops. holds most of the keys to appropriate environmental designs and Conservation Various agents that eradicate the pests by natural means include; bacteria, fungi, parasitic insects, pathogens, and predators. However, crop rotation is ineffective for many pathogens with a wide host range. In some cases, ground cover or crop debris shelters natural enemies that are important members of the agroecosystem. pest may not be regarded as a socially important emergency.). training, services, equipment, and crop species and cultivars. AIPM is owned and operated by University graduates who majored in Biology and Pest Management with an emphasis on Animal Damage Management. involves providing suitable flowering plants for predators They are easy to implement and often do not require additional labor. and fecundity of phytophagous pests; the common fertilizer -Plant trap plants to attract pests, or release predators when populations are low.
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