While many believers insist Gods existence is self-evident, evolutionary psychologists have researched why humans may have begun believing in a higher power. One of the most important metaphysical traditions from ancient Egypt is that of Hermes Trismegistus, associated with the Egyptian god Thoth. What is metaphysical dualism? - Quora Clear Quartz. It is based on the science of how unseen energy creates our reality. The Spiritual Meaning of All Colors - Miller's Guild The universal laws influence everything we see and feel. The 12 Spiritual Laws Of The Universe And What They Mean The freedoms do not imply that if we possess certain qualities then we are free to do whatever we wish. Those of us who have been raised with religious backgrounds have often been taught that sexuality and spirituality are opposing forces, that you cannot be virtuous if you have sex because sex is a "sin" or is "unspiritual.". Service promotes harmonious evolution of all energies involved, and is the keynote of how the cosmic hierarchy administers (i.e., takes responsibility for) the evolution of the universe in all senses. The term black has nothing to do with a color per se, but it hints an intention to bring aggrandizement for itself. What Is Metaphysical Spirituality? | Core Spirit They are: 1. the principle of mentalism (the cosmos is all pervasive mind-energy, and as such is fully accessible by mind); 2. the principle of correspondence (as above, so below); 3. the principle of vibration (matter and spirit are the same substance in different degrees of vibration); 4. the principle of polarity (everything has two poles, has its opposite counterpart such as heat and cold, good or bad, etc, in an infinite scale where the inherent state is ever relative to its corresponding vibration which is all transmutable by mind); 5. the principle of rhythm (everything oscillates between its poles as in a tidal system); 6. the principle of cause and effect (the universal law of Karma); 7. the principle of gender (there is a male and female principle in everything, where sex gender as we understand on Earth is just a small fraction of this principle in its densest manifestation). Jungian therapist Jeremiah Abrams defines spirituality as a "holy longing, a yearning to know the meaning of our lives, to have a connection with the transpersonal." Two simple but profound definitions of spirituality are offered by Alan Jones, former dean of Grace Cathedral in San Francisco, who regards spirituality as "the art of making . Here we have important metaphysical concepts. Metaphysics apparently has seven basic laws that followers adhere to. Being religious describes a person who ascribes to codified rules set forth by some kind of . This term is a reference to George Kings key role as a provider of the most accurate mental transmissions ever given on Earth. Spiritual fasting for health is how you remove those basic earthly things . . Herpes and AIDS: The Spiritual Significance of Sexual Diseases They have a great respect for our suffering and struggles, and they look to the day in which we will re-unite as one family. Interpretation: These teachings may look naive, but there is a lot of hidden metaphysics within their apparent simplicity. Spirit Walk Ministry - Metaphysical Cosmology However, as research into consciousness and energy evolves, and in particular when the survival of consciousness after physical death is proven, it is possible that our perception of what is actually meant by life may dramatically change. This is the spirituality that we refer to, and this is also the very same spirituality associated with the higher dimensional extraterrestrials. In essence, water is the life force that centers our spirit and our body, signifying wisdom and conscious awareness. Yearning for love and to be loved. It is the intelligent energy principle existing in the higher subtle realms behind the physical manifestation which produces the form of a planet and the light and heat of a star in the dense physical plane. It is a vital component in love potions and magick charms. Spiritual energy is the same: we cannot see it, but it is there for us to tap into when we move beyond our five physical senses. Dale Hartley MBA, Ph.D. on October 24, 2022 in Machiavellians: Gulling the Rubes. 2021 All Rights Reserved Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, SUBSCRIBE to JasonPowell.Fatith on YouTube. It provides spiritual momentum and nurtures the whole galactic system, with the physical rotation of the galaxy around this center being the most obvious consequence of this animating principle. Cosmic hierarchy: This refers to the group of intelligences that help administer the spiritual evolution of the universe in its highest sense, ranging from planetary hierarchies to solar and galactic hierarchies. Then we have the three last freedoms. One of the difficulties is that there is still a perception that while a person is alive, a planet or a sun may not be. As such, metaphysics is concerned with the nature of reality, as opposed to the superficial understanding of only the material aspect perceived by the gross physical senses and intellect. Cosmic Brotherhood: This is a scientifically demonstrable principle in which all living beings anywhere in the universe come from the same spiritual source. Even as religious affiliation decreases, though, a sense of spiritual identification could remain steady or even increase. For some, it's primarily about a belief in God and active participation in organized religion. Logos: The logos can be thought of as the soul or governing principle of a planet or a star. In this way, metaphysics shares similar goals with other noble studies such as general spirituality, theology, philosophy, mysticism, theosophy, and ontology. And they also use it to solve existential problems, seeking the truth and the spiritual world. Wikipedias definition of Metaphysics is pretty scientific and basically says nothing. On the contrary, they had an intuitive recognition of the logos behind the visible energy of the sun. It involves the use of spiritual energy to overcome the problem, such as removal of distress, caused by negative energies. This process operates primarily into the subtle etheric matter in the astral bodies (or auras), and is similar to several experiments around the world in which auras can be photographed at controlled conditions, showing that they are responsive to outside mental stimuli (a lot of such experiments have been conducted to study the vibration of water molecules, and how they can be modified by mental waves). The metaphysical could be the missing link that will help you and I manifest more of what we desire in life and less of what we don't.. Youll find the full video on this topic here: Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE to JasonPowell.Fatith on YouTube; its free and it helps to make sure you dont miss the latest video. The Buddhist and Theosophical traditions have developed parts of these concepts, but they do not go all the way into interplanetary and Solar Existence. To hear the continuation of this thought process, watch the rest of the video. Your definition of metaphysical is a diminished connotation of the philosophical meaning. Now we also understand that in the eternal realm there's not only good; there's also other things that we might describe as bad. Spiritual Metaphysics - Everything is Connected Unfortunately there is no single answer to this question, in as much as there is no perfect school in this regards. Do we want or need to believe in ghostsand, if so, why? The Bible often uses contrasts to explain spirituality. Spiritual fasting is individualistic and personal . It stands for something greater in life than the physical or material world. What Is Metaphysical Spirituality and Why Should It Matter To You? When those things are proven beyond any doubt, spirituality will take its rightful place, becoming an actual part of the sciences, in alignment with how this is viewed in the other planets in our system. Prior to dogmatic ideologies, sexuality was respected for thousands of years as a sacred . In the context of this website the term higher dimensions is used loosely to refer to a higher state of consciousness in which the individual (for instance a higher dimensional extraterrestrial being) would be able to consciously inhabit a higher plane of existence which is normally invisible to the regular physical senses (see The Fifth Dimension for further details). She is also the author of several childrens books and Soul WindowsSecrets From The Divine. Heart Chakra: This is the fourth energy center located in etheric matter close to the physical heart. What Is Metaphysical Spirituality. Is not science about energy? By 'real' in this case is meant a thing whose existence is 'necessary', unlike people, objects and things which are 'contingent'. Space Commander: This terminology refers to a cosmic being who is normally in charge of a large fleet of spacecraft on behalf of one or more spiritual hierarchies (e.g., a space commander serving the hierarchy of the Solar System or of the galactic system). As a result of their enhanced consciousness, these beings have a very high rate of molecular-atomic vibration which allows them to consciously operate in their etheric bodies into the higher planes. Subtle realms: This expression refers to the subtle planes (e.g., astral, mental, buddhic, spiritual, etc), where the energy vibration becomes progressively higher (yet more subtle as to only be perceptible by highly refined levels of consciousness). Based on the knowledge that the human beings got from Master Teachers. Spiritual fasting helps clear the body (physically) and the mind (mentally) of earthly things. Therefore, the physical world represents the material and visible world that we live in. As we can see, the teachings above are more than simple new age embellishment, as they contain advanced metaphysical knowledge informing about the actual structure of how the cosmos operates. Qi Gong. Keep the flow: Consider "11 Ways to Raise Your Vibration With Water." What Is The Spiritual Meaning Of Grace | YourTango The energy of the heart chakra is extremely important because it connects the lower chakras to the higher chakras, being the middle or equilibrium point. Our culture overvalues thinking. Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy exploring the fundamental nature of reality. Akashic records: This term refers to a type of cosmic library in which all knowledge (past and future) can be accessed through spiritual means. Consciousness is a mystery that necessitates such a romantic approach. Spiritual energy and cosmic brotherhood are scientifically demonstrable. What does it evoke within you?. This functions as a layer superseding that which occurs in the natural world around us. Love really can change the world. This concept is not easy to grasp, but such records exist in a very fine gradation of etheric matter into the higher planes (or finer energy levels). Spiritual people make healthier choices. Metaphysics is the study of ultimate cause in the Universe. Our current level of consciousness would allow us to have only very minor glimpses of how these beings really operate, but we know that they exist. It investigates psychic abilities and psychic occurrences. These are people who have probably had a deep spiritual awakening, and are beginning to view the world from a new perspective. We also offer these introductory remarks to give a counter-balancing point of reference related to the topic extraterrestrials, particularly because there are several sources out there focusing exclusively on the lesser evolved sides of materialistic extraterrestrial visitors, which we have only briefly mentioned in the Q&A section. Hence, people will start thinking twice before hurting others and will also start to appreciate why some people apparently have to go through more suffering than others. The word Metaphysical is used in literature to describe objects that are beyond any physical existence. READ: Numerology, the Mathematical Code of Your Life, Recognizing Relationship Compatibility Signs, What Your Eye Color Says About Your Personality, Why Spirits And Ghosts Attach Themselves To Certain People, The Powerful Healing Benefits of Orgone Pyramids, Why Men Are Attracted To A Specific Hair Color. Supreme Galactic council: This is a reference to the highest spiritual hierarchy of our galaxy, which sits at Sagittarius where the spiritually animating principle of the whole galaxy is given. Higher Planets: This refers to planets which have their most important activity in etheric matter into the higher planes, and which have all the inhabitants fully aware and actively linked to the cosmic hierarchies. Ontology represents the study of existence. 5. The first three freedoms give the fundamentals leading to a life of service. The lower astral is heavily connected with basic physical desires and desire for selfish power over others. Yes, it is about finding gold. I particularly like this definition of metaphysical: "of or relating to the transcendent or to a reality beyond what is perceptible to the senses. Oops! People are encouraged to explore the universe and engage with it on their own terms, free from the dictates of organized religion. Pink is a gentle color that represents spiritual balance. Certainly, there is a substantial amount of metaphysical knowledge from ancient texts from many different sacred traditions around the globe. While various views and methods have been called 'metaphysics' across history, metaphysics approaches first from the perspective of contemporary analytical philosophy and then explores metaphysics in other traditions." Yep! Even though we cant prove all these concepts scientifically as yet, were probably not too far from making new discoveries that will help put these principles in perspective. It is a big umbrella of things covering so many . Spiritual Metaphysics containsthree important sections. This psycho-spiritual approach helps people live a more authentic life by making conscious choices. He also trims every branch that produces fruit to prepare it to produce even more. The bible itself is called a holy book because the word holy is actually a symbol for zero. In order to gain this knowledge we need to learn to look inwards, i.e., to have inner education. The higher self can be contacted through Yogic practices, meditation and techniques of inner education, which will enhance the self control of the lower aspects and allow a transmutation of the lower energies into the higher planes. What Is Spirituality? | Taking Charge of Your Health & Wellbeing We can feel it, and we can use it to gain enlightenment and improve life conditions! The phrase spiritual metaphysics can be a reference to the use of spiritual or mental efforts in order to achieve physical results or to the supposed gray area between the physical and the spiritual. This is the essence of the Christ Mind and the Christ Consciousness at work within us as we awaken to the truth of our being. Every human being is capable of consciously projecting their energies to this plane, but in order to do so one must have mastered the astral and mental planes first. 5 Spiritual Beliefs That Are Now Finally Being Recognized by Science it's about explaining the fundamental nature of the world and what it means as humans to inhabit it. Spirituality Being unable to speak up for yourself / feeling powerless. Spirituality: Definition, Types, Benefits, and How to Practice This is also the material that forms the physical constitution of most of the extraterrestrials in the Solar System, allowing them to consciously inhabit finer energy levels. Metaphysically speaking we are a form of crystallized sunlight. The short spiritual glossary presented below is not meant to be comprehensive. I would like to make a strong plea to find a free space, where the secular and the sacred peacefully coexist. Cosmic Masters: This word normally refers to highly advanced life streams who are consciously linked to the cosmic hierarchy, and who actively engage in many forms of spiritual service that aligns with the higher purposes of the respective hierarchies. "Jesus said, "I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. Also known as God, but it has many other names. A growing sense of peace and joy shows you that you are on the right path. What is Spiritual Fasting? | Dr Pompa The last freedom refers to a path which is still inconceivable to us at this state of our evolution, but hints that the destiny of those who serve towards cosmic administration (again through inner spiritual development) is to eventually become a collaborator of the sun itself. We can't help but ask big questions: Research finds that even declared religious skeptics can't stifle a sense that there is something greater than the physical world they see. Spirituality is a practice that is unique to the individual and does not adhere to a specific doctrine. Now you know what metaphysics is right? Metaphysics is the study of the visible and invisible forces of nature, including material and spiritual forces, to gain a better understanding of the universe based on direct inner experience. Mental Plane: The mental plane is a plane of subtle vibrations of etheric matter with a slightly finer structure than the astral plane. What Is Metaphysics in Today's World? Spiritual metaphysics - What is it? - CompellingTruth.org Fasting is an act of discipline and self-control. Religion Debate. 12 Ways Noticing Your Feelings Can Improve Your Life, 4 Questions to Ask for Better Conversations, 10 Unspoken Rules of Dysfunctional Families. We first note that enlightenment doesnt only refer to freedom from intellectual ignorance. Do Physical Surroundings Influence Our Thoughts? This chakra is related to the faculty of clairvoyance, which means clear vision of frequencies outside the limited range perceived by the physical senses. Etheric matter: Etheric matter is substance formed of a less dense type of molecular-atomic vibration compared to the three fundamental states of matter (i.e., solid, liquid and gaseous). Metaphysics: This is a philosophical science that studies the visible and invisible worlds using both conventional and unconventional methods to try to determine who we are, where we came from and how and why the cosmos operates the way it does. The being Ashtar Sheran discussed on this website is an example of a space commander who is operating on behalf of the central spiritual sun of the galaxy. The spiritual meaning of grace is the concept of receiving something from someone and passing it on until the environment around you begins to change drastically. It is very much faith-based. Spirituality | Psychology Today Steve Taylor Ph.D. on October 21, 2022 in Out of the Darkness. The 7 Laws of Metaphysical Belief - 7th Sense Stories Spiritual Meanings Of The Top 10 Gemstones And Crystals. This is the probable meaning of the title because Metaphysics is about things that do not change. It seeks to understand the invisible, spiritual nature of all life which transcends the physical, material plane in which we now live. ", Metaphysical spirituality is the very essence of our ability to connect with the divine - that which is unseen - to cause our being, our spiritual being, to unite with the power of the unseen world., The unseen world is greater than that which we can see. The person who looks inside in order to discover the cosmos for their own bliss and yet fails to recognize their responsibility to take active part in helping the ones who are in need of assistance has failed to grasp how the cosmos operates. It is a self-empowering therapy that gives us the tools to identify and address the imbalances in our belief system that cause conflict and prevent us . Surround yourself with wisdom. How to See Through the False Allure of Epic Experiences, Star Trek's Captain on Life and Death as Viewed from Space, 10 Reasons Why Believing in Ghosts Can Be Good for You, Beware the Popular Idea That You Know a Hidden Truth, Why Consciousness Research Should Be Conducted by Romantics. Our extensive studies and contacts here at Where The Light Comes confirm that this is so. The two main questions a person who studies metaphysics attempts to answer are What is there? and What is it like? in regards to life, the universe and everything. That there is more to us than our bodies and brains. It is correlated with better health habits such as less smoking and drinking, an enhanced ability to cope with stress, and increased social support. A being of love, light, and creative potential who is one with one's self. The spirituality of Africa - Harvard Gazette This is said to be the plane of intuition because it is where the higher aspects of mind can be contacted, including the Akashic Records. The usual definition of metaphysics is "the philosophical study of reality." And, for dualism, it is "the belief that reality has two basic natures." The point of view from which I will answer is that there is a physical aspect (universe) and mental aspect (mind). When those are attained then we have freedom from ignorance (enlightenment), freedom from limitation (cosmic consciousness) and freedom from rebirth (ascension). This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Paralysing fear that stops you from living the moment. What is the difference between metaphysical and spiritual? Vibration: This refers to a molecular-atomic movement or frequency of all matter, energy and wave phenomena which characterizes their state and quality upon an infinite spectrum, forming the different cosmic planes of consciousness. What Is The Spiritual Meaning Of Amethyst? - Calming Cosmos Metaphysics includes all religions but transcends them all. A possible analogy would be to look inside our bodies to realize that all cells in the body act in concerted harmony to cooperate towards the well being of the whole body. They can be interpreted, respectively, as freedom from fear (Bravery), freedom from hatred (love) and freedom from selfishness (service). It is our greatest wish that with this website we have somehow achieved this task, in that the overall discussions and Q&A will give people food for thought, with the reference list acting as a starting point for those wishing to explore further so that they can discover their own truths and how to search inside themselves for answers. Some common spirituality therapy practices include: Hypnosis - hypnosis can help people "open the door" to their subconscious mind, connect body, mind, and soul, and gain a deeper understanding of themselves. Charles Johnston MD on October 17, 2022 in Cultural Psychiatry. It refers to the manner in which the energy is utilized, which is similar to the absorption behavior of the color black. What Is Spirituality? Becoming One With The Spiritual World Metaphysics is composed of two Greek words: meta meaning "beyond" and physics, meaning the "external nature." The blessings imply that the act of blessing (or energetically wishing well, or sending healing, towards other people or things) is capable of conveying energy (similarly to telepathy, or communication via electromagnetic waves, for instance), and that this energy can produce modifications into the vibrations of the receptor of this wave. As human communities grew, a belief in gods who could punish wrongdoers or support agriculture also took hold, an idea that still holds great power today. Thought should be a tool that we can pick up when we need it and then set down again. Secular and Sacred: Finding Common Ground, Fresh Perspective for the Science Vs. Spirituality: By comparison, spirituality is often less focused on the rigidly traditional approach and often favors an evolutionary mentality.
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