Avermann, M. E., Sudbury project (University of Munster-Ontario Geological Survey): (1) Summary of results - an updated impact model (abstract). The SIC is predominantly an impact melt. Image of the Day This is about six times the volume of lakes Huron and Ontario combined, and nearly 70 percent more than the melt at Chicxulub (Pope, Geo Eco Arc Research). Reports of the National Center for Science Education. The quantity of breccia fall-back specifies that the fall-back segment of the impact lasted a substantial amount of time (perhaps hours) before the appearance of the returning tsunami. The recently discovered distal ejecta from the 1850Ma Sudbury impact event contain abundant accretionary lapilli generated during the impact and deposited at great distances from the crater. The Sudbury Basin in Ontario, Canada, is 39 miles long and 19 miles wide - and 9.3 miles deep. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . 303-318. The Sudbury Basin (/sdbri/), also known as Sudbury Structure or the Sudbury Nickel Irruptive, is a major geological structure in Ontario, Canada. Data for the map comes from a digital elevation model acquired by the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM). The Sudbury basin formed as a result of an impact into the Nuna supercontinent from a bolide approximately 1015km (6.29.3mi) in diameter that occurred 1.849 billion years ago[2] in the Paleoproterozoic era. They represent the only distinctive and unique shock-deformation feature that develops on a megascopic scale (e.g., hand sample to outcrop scale). (Frank Brunton private discussion). Although the mountain-sized meteorite slammed into the earth 480 miles away from the Gunflint, near what is now Sudbury, Ontario, Jirsa and others are finding evidence of the event in the rock of northern Minnesota, as well as near Thunder Bay, Ontario and in Upper Michigan. (editors), Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution II, Spray, J.G., Thompson, L.M., Kelley, S.P., 4 FEB 2010 Laser probe argon-40/argon-39 dating of pseudotachylyte from the Sudbury Structure: Evidence for postimpact thermal overprinting in the North Range Article first published online: 4 FEB 2010. This project was one of my lifelong dreams realized and I am still amazed at the magnitude of the event that created this structure. Mystery of Giant Crater Solved", "Mineralogy of Cu-Ni-PGE ore and Sequence of Events in the Copper Cliff South Mine, Sudbury, Ontario", "OHP - "SALTER'S MERIDIAN 1856" - Ontario Provincial Plaques on Waymarking.com", Fallbrook Gem and Mineral Society Sudbury Structure page, Aerial Exploration of the Sudbury Impact Structure, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sudbury_Basin&oldid=1119325398, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2021, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 31 October 2022, at 23:29. The hydrothermal system created by the Sudbury impact also dissolved minerals containing copper and other metals from a broad area and then concentrated them in rich veins. Sudbury is the premier locality on Earth tostudy processes related to impact and planetary accretion, as well as a widerange of magmatic processes including the generation of large magmaticsulfide deposits through scientific drilling. [19], In 1856 while surveying a baseline westward from Lake Nipissing, provincial land surveyor Albert Salter located magnetic abnormalities in the area that were strongly suggestive of mineral deposits, especially near what later became the Creighton Mine. A 100 km-long paleomagnetic traverse radial to the Sudbury Structure,Canada and its bearing on Proterozoic deformation and metamorphism of the surroundingbasement. doi: https://doi.org/10.1139/e75-056. The granophyre probably separated from a more mafic magma at an early stage and was augmented by incorporation of the products of melting of the overlying Onaping Formation. L'anomalie suggre par la prsence de sdiments dposs dans un vaste environnement marin et prsentement restreints au seul Bassin de Sudbury est attribue une prservation prfrentielle due la subsidence produite par la compaction au-dessus du cratre et de la rgion fracture par l'impact. Condition:--not specified. [14][15], The Sudbury Basin is located near a number of other geological structures, including the Temagami Magnetic Anomaly, the Lake Wanapitei impact crater, the western end of the Ottawa-Bonnechere Graben, the Grenville Front Tectonic Zone and the eastern end of the Great Lakes Tectonic Zone, although none of the structures are directly related to each other in the sense of resulting from the same geological processes. The Sudbury pseudotachylytes, like endogenic pseudotachylytes, were generated by frictional melting on fault surfaces. I remember being in high school when my science teacher mentioned that he had recently read a paper hypothesizing that the Sudbury Structure may be the result of a meteorite impact and that it had happened long before any life had evolved to survive on land (evolution was not allowed to be taught in Ontario schools at that time!). The team studied rocks in a massive crater in Sudbury, Ontario, where a deep basin was formed 1.85 billion years ago by a bolide, a meteor which exploded in the atmosphere. Scientists believe such warm mineral-rich venues could have played a role in the early development of life on Earth. Glossy Cross Section. The magnitude of scientific information describing the Sudbury Structure over the years has amplified my desire to fully explore this crater and others. Matthew S. Huber,Christian Koeberl The colour and texture differences between the upper and lower zone of the SIC is caused by the different rates of cooling after the impact. The Grenville orogeny occurred 800 million years after the Sudbury Crater was formed. Land. Les lits les plus bas du Groupe, partie infrieure de la Formation Onaping, reprsentent les brches d'impact et le matriel de retombe, la partie suprieure de la Formation Onaping et les Ardoises d'Onwatin, sus-jacentes, reprsentent les sries restreintes au cratre, alors que le grs de Chelmsford reprsente une squence de turbidites marines. The Whitewater Group consists of the Onaping, Onwatin and Chelmsford Formations (J.E. "Debrisites from the Sudbury impact event in Ontario, north of Lake Superior, and a new age constraint: Are they base-surge deposits or tsunami deposits?", Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution IV, Roger L. Gibson, Wolf Uwe Reimold The story that began billions of years ago encompasses dramatic physical and human events. Those who used this training on the Moon include Apollo 15's David Scott and James Irwin, Apollo 16's John Young and Charlie Duke, and Apollo 17's Gene Cernan and Jack Schmitt. The resulting ~200-250 km wide crater is the second largest known in the world, being much . Subsequent stress was supported by the fault as though it had never been active. Also, rocks lying kilometers deep within Earth are often on the verge of melting but are prevented from doing so by the immense pressure from the weight of the material lying above them. If traveling at 15 km/sec, the asteroid was about 4 km. A further difficulty in proving that the Sudbury complex was formed by meteorite impact rather than by ordinary igneous processes was that the region was volcanically active at around the same time as the impact, and some weathered volcanic structures can look like meteorite collision structures. Despite this, the crater has had a lasting impact on the region. In terms of sustainable development, future (robotic) mining at depths considerably greater than are attained today requires reliable estimates of key geotechnical parameters (such as in situ stress and temperature), something that can only be achieved through deep scientific drilling. The collision punctured Earths crust, allowing material from the mantle to well up from below and fill the basin with melted rock. An Ontario Historical Plaque was erected by the province to commemorate the discovery of the Sudbury Basin.[3]. Addison, W.D., Brumpton, G.R., Vallini, D.A., McNaughton, N. J., Davis, D.W., Kissin, S.A., Fralick, P.W., and Hammond, A.L., 2005, Discovery of distal ejecta from the 1850 Ma Sudbury impact event: Geology: 33:193-196. However, because of its northern latitude, it is not as productive as agricultural lands in the southern portion of the province. It was formed by a comet hitting Earth 1.8 billion years ago, researchers have found. Sudbury breccia, a thick slice of a sulfide produced a huge impact. The proximity of this anomaly to the Sudbury meteorite impact event was particularly compelling. Tectonophysics, 474: 493-506. What mining, oil and gas industries can learn from Sudbury, the city that went from major polluter to thriving environment. J.E. So the provincial government developed the . Meteor crater is a meteorite impact crater about 37 mi (60 km) east of flagstaff and 18 mi (29 km) west of winslow in the northern arizona desert of the united states.the site had several earlier names, and fragments of the meteorite are officially called the canyon diablo meteorite, after the adjacent caon diablo. The Sudbury Basin, which is the world's second-largest impact crater, was likely formed by an enormous comet that battered Earth more than 1.8 billion years ago, new research suggests. The target rocks, which remained within the crater after the impact, ponded to form a sub horizontal sheet of magma and differentiated as it cooled. My exploration and documentation of craters (presently only on this planet). Avermann, M. E., Brockmeyer, P., The entire period of activity of a fault filled with pseudotachylite may be measured in minutes. Tectonism has possibly deformed the original crater into an ellipse. Among them are volcanic eruptions, two meteorite impacts, the ebb and flow of continental glaciers, Aboriginal occupancy, exploration and . After impact, the entire 1.85-Ga Sudbury structure was affected bynorth-west directed thrust faulting, folding and associated lower amphibolitefacies metamorphism. The deep bowl was formed 1.85 billion years ago when a large meteorite exploded as it hit the Earths atmosphere. Sudbury Basin formed by comet, not asteroid, researcher says. These salt and pepper coloured felsic norite rocks consist of medium course crystalline, igneous textured plagioclase containing white feldspar and dark pyroxenes & mica. Also that it had happened long before any life had evolved to survive on land (evolution was not allowed to be taught in Ontario schools at that time!). 2). Back to SUDBURY IMPACT STRUCTUREmain page. [23] Some of the Holloway recommendations were in line with the agitations of Aeneas McCharles a 19th-century prospector and early mine owner. Footwall rocks, associated with the impact event, consist of Sudbury Breccia (pseudotachylite), footwall breccia, radial and concentric quartz dioritic breccia dikes (polymict impact melt breccias), and the discontinuous sub layer. An impact crater 250 kilometres wide is created, which forms the second biggest known crater on our planet (Figure 2). A crater was formed 30 miles across and 2 miles deep. Lateral collapse and structural uplift in the center worked together to form a crater approximately 200 km in diameter. Meteorite impact-generated accretionary lapilli are not well studied. The impact of ancient meteorites sparked volcanic eruptions, a team led by Trinity College Dublin geochemists says in a report. These breccia rocks experienced an instantaneous melt at impact. Mungall and J.J. Hanley: ORIGINS OF OUTLIERS OF THE HURONIAN SUPERGROUP WITHIN THE SUDBURY STRUCTURE. Image of the Day The crater formed 1.849 billion years ago in the Paleoproterozoic era.. A zone of deformation (shatter cones and rock metamorphism) has been documented to 74 km from the SIC. It is currently exposed as an elliptical 60 x 30 km, 2.5 km thick remnant of the original impact melt sheet and consists, from bottom to top, of inclusion-rich, in places ore-bearing, quartz diorite sub layer, norite, quartz gabbro, and granophyre layers, and, within the target rocks surrounding the SIC, the quartz dioritic offset dikes. The results suggest that, contrary to previously accepted paradigms, the North Range has been affected by a protracted period of postimpact, low-grade thermal metamorphism. The meteorite that gave birth to Sudbury was mostly nickel. The apparent anomaly of the occurrence of sediments deposited in an extensive marine environment and presently only found within the Sudbury Basin is attributed to preferential preservation, due to compaction-generated subsidence over the crater and impact-fractured area. The Sudbury Structure is well known but is still being investigated extensively because the origin and formation history have many questions. The boundary of the Proterozoic-age (~1 billion-year-old) Grenville Geologic Province presently lies approximately 10 km to southeast of the SIC. present day Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. [citation needed], The large impact crater filled with magma containing nickel, copper, palladium, gold, the platinum group and other metals. The Sudbury basin was formed by a 10-15 km wide asteroid or comet impacting a shallow sea in what is now central Ontario, Canada 1.85 billion years ago. Price: AU $349.00. We propose that the volcanic activity was initially fed by crustal melts directly produced by the impact, but that with time, volcanic activity was progressively fed by magmas originating at deeper levels within the Earth. Earlier studies proposed an overall andesitic chemistry for all magmatic products, sourced from the underlying impact melt sheet. The impactite rock appears as shattered fragments of the Gunflint Iron Formation and chert (quartz rich cemented in a rusty matrix of volcanic ash). Zonation within lapilli appears to be due to grain size distribution rather than compositional variation. Because the Sudbury Structure has been deformed since its formation,its large-scale subsurface geometry remains a matter of conjecture. Shock waves race from the impact, deforming the Earth's crust around the crater's edge, It consists of impact melt breccia, suevite and reworked suevite from: Fall-back (collapse of the original crater) and Fall-out (impact debris) forming a 2 km post impact sediment over the SIC melt rock; and. Naldrett, A.J. The Grenville orogeny occurred 800 million years after the Sudbury Crater was formed. However, after the meteorite impact, these iron deposits stopped forming worldwide for about 500 or 600 million years. Over the past two decades, geologists have reached a consensus that a large meteorite impact occurred at Sudbury Ontario, 1,850 million years ago. The impactor was several kilometers wide and the massive explosion injected large volumes of material into the Earth at the Sudbury site. mostly associated with the 2.5 billion year old Matachewan dykes. Before the impact melt solidified, the deep, thick blend of light silicates and dense metal oreswhich didnt mix well with each otherseparated into two layers, according to density, just like oil and vinegar do. Department of Earth Sciences, University of Western Ontario, 2001. Black pseudotachylite Matachewan Dykes are found throughout the rock cuts along the highway outside the SIC. the surrounding brecciated footwall rocks of both the Superior and southern Structural Geologic Provinces extending up to 100 km away from the present-day position of the Sudbury Igneous Complex (SIC); the Sudbury Igneous Complex (that formed as a result of impact-triggered magmatism, or deep crustal melting); and. In South Africa, this method was successfullyemployed to drill and core to 6 km depth. The Sudbury Structure is interpreted to represent the tectonized and deeply eroded remnant of a multi-ring or peak-ring impact basin (Stoffler et al). the surrounding brecciated footwall rocks of both the Superior and southern Structural Geologic Provinces extending up to 100 km away from the present-day position of the Sudbury Igneous Complex (SIC); the Sudbury Igneous Complex (that formed as a result of impact-triggered magmatism, or deep crustal melting); and. The . The boundary of the Proterozoic-age (~1 billion-year-old) Grenville Geologic Province presently lies approximately 10 km to southeast of the SIC. The Sudbury region is part of the Canadian Shield region, and is characterized by glaciated granitic rocks, having complex tectonic structures and signatures attributed to a major meteorite. Mungall). This geologic feature has captured the attention of astronauts for about as long as NASA has sent humans into orbit around Earth. 2001). The Sudbury Structure is situated within a unique Geotectonic setting in northeastern Ontario, being sandwiched between: The transgressive nature of the passive margin produced a sequence which onlapped and thinned progressively toward the northwest. The concentrations of Ni and Cu that appear to have been present in the initial impact melt exceed those to be expected in a melt of average Archean-Proterozoic crust. Within about ten minutes of the impact, the crater had rebounded and collapsed into its final form. Geochemical evidence suggests that the impactor was likely a chondrite asteroid or a comet with a chondritic component. The Creighton Deep Project is currently mining and actively exploring well below the 7500-ft. level, maintaining its status as the deepest working mine in the western hemisphere. The subsequent metamorphism in the structure is tied to tectonic activity such as collision of continents and folding and thrusting up of crustal rocks. It is the result of a catastrophic asteroid impact that occurred 1.8 billion years ago. Price, G.D., Price, N.J., Decarli, P.S., and Clegg, R.A., Fracturing, thermal evolution and geophysical signature of the crater floor of a large impact structure: The case of the Sudbury Structure, Canada. These features, which include planar sets in quartz parallel to the (0001) and (1013) planes, suggest that the Onaping formation consists of shocked and melted material deposited immediately after a meteorite impact which formed the Sudbury basin. Please search for specific craters. N 46 36 W 81 11. The preferential assimilation of hydrous ferromagnesian phases during frictional melting produced relatively basic melts, leaving the more mechanically resistant quartz and, to a lesser extent, plagioclase as included mineral clasts. The original structure extended beyond the Igneous Complex but has no remaining morphologic expression. NASA Earth Observatory images by Joshua Stevens, using Landsat data from the U.S. Geological Survey and topographic data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM). A different scenario exists at the 1.8Ga Sudbury structure, where the world's largest nickel-copper ore deposits occur at the base of the impact melt sheet and in radial dykes . A regional seismic-reflection survey, Line 42 of the LITHOPROBE Sudbury transect traverses the Levack gneiss, northwest of the North Range, associated with the Sudbury Structure. Sudbury bedrock compilation;Geology: Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4570, scale 1:50 000. It is no coincidence some of the worlds largest nickel deposits occur in the location.The target rock is crystalline. Much of Sudbury's original crater, thought to have measured at least 200 kilometers (120 miles) across, has been deformed and eroded. This basin is the second largest verified asteroid impact crater on Earth! Subsequent geological processes have deformed the crater into the current smaller oval shape. The Sudbury Structure is situated within a unique Geotectonic setting in northeastern Ontario, being sandwiched between: The transgressive nature of the passive margin produced a sequence which onlapped and thinned progressively toward the northwest.
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