Your station type may not have a logger, if so Cumulus cannot read anything from station while software was not running. Click the Cumulus Help button for guidance. Fine Offset stations are prone to reporting the odd nonsensical value, and Cumulus has the ability to compare successive readings: Possible Cure: Why do I have some unexpected zero figures? From version 1.9.3 of Cumulus onwards, there is an option on station settings screen to Synchronise Fine Offset Reads (Cumulus reading data from console) with the timing of received transmissions from sensors updating the data, to avoid doing both at the same time, and this seems to avoid most lockups. Do I need to leave Cumulus running all the time, Moving Cumulus software to a new PC (or updating Windows Operating System). So basically, at the start of DST (i.e. (consult also the Help screens within Cumulus software, and learn more from the rest of this Wiki). The only way round this is to manually change the rainfall in dayfile.txt for the first day of operation to include rainfall on all previous days of month, but that could potentially cause you to set the maximum daily rainfall extreme record wrongly. Cumulus uses zero offset instead as a best effort. The graphs are plotted once a minute, and hence, with Davis stations, for example, there is approximately a one in 20 chance of any given 'latest' figure actually being plotted. You can try the same cure, but may not be able to recover the lost information in this case. What file-names does Cumulus use when processing and uploading files to my web site? Your Local New Zealand Weather Community Network Online, Login with username, password and session length. Cumulus does not remember the console data block used just before shutdown, (after all depending on how long Cumulus has been stopped and the station logging interval, the old memory location could be overwritten by now), and so Cumulus works out a time-stamp based on current clock time and the stored elapsed interval times as it works back through those memory locations. If you have set a 'year to date' value and Cumulus is being re-started when the year specified beside that figure matches the current calendar year, your year-to-date amount is also added into this year's total. You will most likely not have any success with this, as your station memory is probably corrupted anyway. Humidex does not have any 'cutoff' values, but at low temperature and/or humidity it will give the same figure as ambient temperature. You can see the counter value being used by Cumulus labelled "raindaystart=" in the diagnostics file (for cumulus 1 - "Cumulus\Diags\cumulus.009") and labelled "start=" in "Cumulus\data\today.ini". On restart Cumulus just tries to read the appropriate number of hours worth of observations back from the block now marked as latest. OR you have more than one copy of Cumulus attempting to interrogate the same weather station. See the previous FAQ for suggestions on how to improve this. 2 Likes. Be sure to use the same format for the date. To make Cumulus upload the solar graph, select it on the 'files' tab of the internet settings. The console keeps overwriting the newly received 'Gust' and 'Wind' values to the same area of console memory every 48 seconds, until the station logging interval time is reached, then it moves on to the next memory location, leaving the last values it wrote in the previous console memory location. Are you absolutely sure you have set the ftp path correctly? It stops flashing if you click on it or restart Cumulus, until another all-time record is broken. Recent Fine Offset models have a problem where they can lock up frequently, requiring a reset. For example when Cumulus reads the archive temperatures from a Davis station, (in a compromise to allow Cumulus to have as much code as possible that is common to all weather station types) the design means that it ignores the first and second figures representing highest and lowest reported at each logged time, just reading the third figure that, depending on console configuration, is either the average value over the archive period or the final reading of the archive period (I don't know what the default is). WeatherLink Live Davis Instruments If your web site is on your local network, but not online, your device may be able to view it directly or view a back-up of how it was in the past. by daj Tue Dec 01, 2009 11:19 pm. If heat index or wind chill is not applicable, Cumulus will set them the same as the ambient temperature. 'log.xml' is another file that Cumulus does not copy to the backup folder, so you should back it up periodically. To show UV instead, replace 'intemp.png' with 'uv.png', replace 'intempsm.png' with 'uvsm.png', and change the wording of the value associated with the alt property. You can install Cumulus 1 on more than one machine, but each copy must connect directly to its own weather station (one station connected per Cumulus installation). Another software package is attempting to interrogate the station at (almost) the same time, so inhibiting a further connection, A process on your computer (possibly one that you initiate using Cumulus 1) terminates with an error, making Cumulus miss one of its normal station reading actions, Other devices could be affecting, either the frequency of any radio transfer by your station, or the signal passing along your USB connection lead, Could be a connection lead has been knocked and so your USB connection has ceased, Could be USB port has setting that allows it to sleep, Could be you are making some change on your station console that prevents Cumulus reading it at the same time. Can I view my Cumulus data on another device? These require a realtime.txt file to be uploaded by Cumulus. About Cumulus - Cumulus Wiki This is likely to happen if you are getting Cumulus to frequently upload the log file to your web site. PDF How to install the PWS Dashboard template for Ambient - Cumulus The threshold for whether a day counts as a wet day is set in the optional parameter, Remember that 'ConsecutiveDryDays' and 'ConsecutiveWetDays' do not include today, they reflect the daily rainfall amounts stored in the. This FAQ in the previous section #Where_does_Cumulus_get_its_this_month_and_this_year_rainfall_totals_from.3F has a concise description of how Cumulus calculates these figures. You need to wait until you have been running Cumulus for a few days. Oct13log.txt, "View | Extra data logs" is for "extra" data logs, e.g. Cumulus Weather driver and new hardware - C4 Forums If you cannot work it out, ask your web space provider for help. ExtraLog201310.txt, and if you want to view the daily summaries in dayfile.txt, use the dayfile.txt editor - "Edit | dayfile.txt". Thank you for reporting this station. R_Willis. 2.) You will notice this particularly if you use an 0900 start of meteorological day, as the 'rain since midnight' figure is used for services such as Weather Underground. Ive configured my ftp details but the web pages arent appearing on my site. How do I correct today's or yesterday's highs and lows? You should have an FTP tool that you used to upload the 'static' files required on your web site, and that will help you to see what is your site's root directory for file transfer uploads, and therefore any relative directory change you require. January 6 2015 - Build 3002. By default, Cumulus 1 deals with weather stations incorporating solar sensors, if you have selected the relevant station 'Type' or 'Display solar/extra data' in configuration, but it has some capability to deal with extra sensors added including the Blake-Larsen Sun Recorder. The box is labelled Daily. See Cumulus help for the Internet Settings screen, or for a step-by-step guide see Customised_templates#What_to_select_on_the_.27Files.27_tab_of_the_Internet_Settings_screen_within_the_.27Configuration.27_menu. I am guessing they feel it has to be looked at personally by someone before going back online. They can't both be running at the same time, so one would normally be plotting 'live' data at a given interval, and the other will be plotting data downloaded from the station's logger. Site is using Leuven Template and site data is updated every 5 mins. Cumulus, while it is running, reads the station frequently, detecting each change in observations, and can update extremes at each of these reading times. The routines I use to calculate (at midnight GMT) the length of the day aren't really suitable for this level of accuracy and may use the previous day in one parameter. Cumulus can upload its data to a web server and comes packaged with template web pages for this purpose. Support forum for Cumulus weather station software, Post The date format on your system has probably changed. If the Cumulus figure seems lower than the Davis figure see #My_Davis_station_shows_a_higher_maximum_wind_speed_than_Cumulus. by uncle_bob Tue 15 Sep 2015 11:55 am, Post How do I protect my rain gauge against spiders or other natural problems, How do I get good temperature and humidity measurements, Standard_log_files#Importing_pre-Cumulus_data, #My_Davis_station_shows_a_higher_maximum_wind_speed_than_Cumulus. These are now suppressed. The time period when the sun is between 6 and 12 degrees below the horizon at either sunrise or sunset. Cumulus doesn't update external sites Cumulus calculates these when it is restarted, holds the values within memory, and increments them as required while it is running. date format unchanged, same time zone, decimal point symbol unchanged, list separator character unchanged) - if there is a difference, the new installation cannot understand the old lines in the log files and will give an error when Cumulus is restarted. Note that you must supply the offset in hPa (i.e. How long does a cumulus cloud storm last? (You need to do this while Cumulus is stopped). - Home / Forecast Your station may have solar CHARGING, but this is not the same as having a solar SENSOR, and so you should choose the "Fine Offset (WH1080 etc)" type. Under Internet Settings - Sites/Options. If you think you know what conditions cause this to happen, please let me know. If the corrupted file in 'data' folder is a log file holding extremes (not the detailed log created for each month nor 'today.ini'), then the easiest way to remove false extremes recorded recently is to to overwrite the current file with the one from the most recent back-up. Yes is the answer for other weather information, providing you can manipulate the information you have into either (preferably) the format used by the Standard_log_files#Importing_pre-Cumulus_data or (second best) Dayfile.txt. Cumulus provides the option for you to use rollover at 9am winter time that is preserved throughout the year so all days are 24 hours long even when clock changes, simply click "Use 10am in summer" on the Station settings. Cumulus 1 does sometimes report an error when you close it. Weather Stations and associated Hardware. Stop Cumulus and edit Cumulus.ini_(Cumulus_1). So the Fine Offset is reporting gust correctly to WMO definition. When this resets at the end of the year, this causes some of the rain data to show odd values for a day. There was a long list of enhancement requests but many were not implemented and the list was lost during a move between hosts. Features: - Real-time filter effects (Vintage, Nashville, Green Pop, 1977, Lomo, Early Bird, Valencia, Amaro, Hudson and more) - Fun effects (Mirror, Mono colors and more) - Voice commands. The stored minutes elapsed value will be consistent with the logging interval you selected for the station (might be different to that selected on Cumulus) and that stored value will add an extra minute if a read from the transmitter (every 48 seconds on models without solar sensors) delays a particular log update, However, the console clock (unless radio-controlled) is unaware of DST, it is like a clock without a hour hand, it can only count in minutes. This article in the wiki gives more details above moving Cumulus: Moving cumulus. For stations which supply a rain rate, Cumulus uses that. Note that there seems to be an issue with Davis stations, either in the console/logger, or in the Davis DLL which Cumulus uses. Stop Cumulus and open the named file(s) in a good text editor, such as Notepad++. For example, it typically does not use any high/low data that the station might store internally. How do I configure Cumulus for Secure FTP (SFTP/FTPS)? What weather stations does Cumulus 1 work with? Once you have corrected the daily totals (or high rainfall rates) in dayfile.txt, you can use the editors (on the Cumulus 1 edit menu) for 'This Month' and 'This Year' to fetch the corrected values from dayfile.txt (or enter figures manually). Look up those cross-references in this Wiki (or the Cumulus Help) for further information on required formats. Press OK to save the setting and close the Internet dialog. Personal Weather Station Dashboard | Weather Underground Therefore, the backup to choose might be one with the date before when the problem occurred, but remember that any calculations Cumulus makes are based on readings at least every minute when Cumulus is running, but for the catch up period such calculations can only use the readings available at your station's logging interval. A converter for Weather Display log files is available from software page, A converter for WeatherLink log files is available from Software page. Then add the weewx - mqtt driver add-on which can be used to send various data to mqtt sensors in Home Assistant. Relative paths (without a leading slash) are always safer than absolute paths (with a leading slash) and you may find that just specifying (for example) "public_html" works OK, but this all depends on how your ftp server and your ftp account is set up. edit the total for the relevant day in dayfile.txt, (using the dayfile.txt editor available in Cumulus 1 on the edit menu, use any external text editor for MX). This takes a little while, and if you close it while it is doing it, it will take a long time for all of the updates to time out. Note that Cumulus 1 will only flag errors in the log files that it reads (e.g. The Fine Offset stations only store absolute/station pressure readings in their weather memory locations updated with each transmission and read by Cumulus. So with Davis stations, I strongly recommend that you leave Cumulus running at the end of DST, if at all possible. Please note, these answers are written for Cumulus 1.x.y. January 13 2015 - Build 3007. by BCJKiwi Tue 15 Sep 2015 11:56 am, Post Please read the help for how to use these settings. It doesn't try to fill in the gaps. Fine Offset - USB-connected stations which use the Easyweather software such as MyDEL, Nevada, Watson and Fine Offset, with model numbers such as WH1080, WH1081, W8681, 265NC etc. Select them all as in left image, and drag them to your web site in the right hand pane. Cumulus also supports automatic uploads to Weather Underground, PWS weather, Weatherbug, WOW, CWOP/APRS, Windy.COM, Awekas and Weathercloud. Suggestions for updates and additions to the Cumulus Wiki. WS3080, and stations without solar sensors start with a '1' or '2'. Make sure you have the station connected to the PC during the following operations. If it was previously working OK, something may have changed on your network, or at the server end. You can download it here - click on 'VCP driver kit' under 'Download for Windows XP/Server 2003/Vista/7' to begin the download. Although it can be edited by a 'XML' editor, I advise against it, as the way that the field 'RowState' is calculated is complex, and if you corrupt the file, Cumulus 1 will crash. In general, if Cumulus 1.x.x identifies an odd value for up to 6 times, it will reuse the last good value instead. From version 1.8.9, the installer offers the option of not over-writing the web templates; it unconditionally also installs them to a sub-folder of the web folder called 'originals', so you can refer to the originals if required, even if you chose the new option not to over-write whatever template files are already being processed in the web folder. Cumulus also stores the peak value of the 'latest' figure from the last 10 minutes. The height is important for derived values as an air frost is defined as a temperature at or below the freezing point for water at this height, and the count of these is a standard reporting requirement in some countries. Do not set the scan_interval lower as 600, makes no sense as this is the lowest value. Look in the backup folder for the backup which Cumulus took when it first started up today. maybe your web server provider has changed something. Cumulus MX Current (releases since b3043), CumulusMX Beta (releases up to b3043 ONLY), Cumulus 1 (No longer being developed), Cumulus Software and Cumulus Wiki Development, Cumulus MX Development Suggestions (rejected / resolved). Fine Offset sensors measure wind over 48-second intervals, divided into 24 2-second intervals. There is no option in Cumulus to set this up automatically as I prefer to leave it under the control of the user: The safest and most reliable method is simply to put a shortcut in your Startup folder. You should now be able to see a data file on your website realtime.txt The USB support in the Davis DLL which Cumulus uses doesn't seem to work. From that build, you can tell Cumulus which of those two encodings to use: Note that since Cumulus 1.9.4 build 1078 there has been an option on the NOAA Setup screen in Configuration menu to specify whether character set utf-8 encoding is to be used for those reports. Look near the beginning of the latest file in the sub-folder called 'diags' for an error message which will tell you which file is in error and which line is causing the problem. I note that other software takes the same approach. The two most significant bits included in that mapping as being part of the pressure output should not be included as they create impossibly high readings for pressure. If you have a Fine Offset station, and this happened when you (re)started Cumulus, it is quite likely a problem with reading the pressure 'offset' from the station. This also applies if you want to change to a different Twitter account. Sometimes the offset that cumulus reads from the fixed block is clearly garbage, so. By R_Willis, September 2, 2018 in General Control4 Discussion. The Davis 10-minute average is the Cumulus 'Average' (available via <#wspeed>, matching direction reported as '<#wdir>' and '<#avgbearing>').
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