The element size must be sufficiently smaller than the wavelength, such that the element polynomial basis functions resolve the waves. Geometry: 1 The module provides you with modeling tools and If we have a negative mesh quality or the values are very close to zero, it indicates that the reported mesh elements are inverted or nearly inverted. Is there a general rule of thumb in selecting the shape element and element size in starting good meshing, that is preferred as a starting point, in order to reduce computation time and yield good results? Volume versus circumradius is based on a quotient of the element volume and the radius of the circumscribed sphere (or circle) of the element. Additionally, the solvers are becoming more efficient, with the ability to solve huge models on cluster computers. This allows analysts to study many model and mesh variations in much less time, giving them the ability to quickly address all of the uncertainties. Investigate using a first order, linear, discretization order. At the other end of the interval, 0 represents a degenerated element. In the buffer region, turbulence stresses begin to dominate over viscous stresses and it eventually connects to a region where the flow is fully turbulent and the average flow velocity is related to the log of the distance to the wall. This meshing strategy will still remesh the entire model with the objective of reducing the error in one region. This is useful when the regions requiring good mesh resolution move over time. This will help us understand if the geometry needs to be changed in any way or if the mesh size needs to be modified to better handle the problematic area. The maximum wall liftoff in viscous units is less than 100, so there is no need to refine the boundary layer mesh. For an example of this technique, please see Virtual Operation on a Wheel Rim Geometry, Submodeling is the process of solving a sequence of models with different levels of details and different meshes. Eventually, these changes will be small enough that the analyst can consider the model to be converged. Cancel. The analyst should put some engineering judgment into examining the CAD model and deciding if these features and details can be removed or simplified prior to meshing. Early in the analysis process, it makes sense to start with a mesh that is as coarse as possible a mesh with very large elements. Toggling off the Mesh Rendering button and toggling on the Wireframe button for 3D meshes lets us easily see the entities reported inside the geometry, as shown below. A screenshot of the COMSOL Multiphysics user interface. By using a wall function formulation, you assume an analytic solution for the flow in the viscous layer and the resultant models will have significantly lower computational requirements. T. Hsieh, A.B. Could you please suggest the best textbook title on Turbulent Fluid Mechanics that can best complement while using COMSOLs CFD treatment of turbulence. All of these models augment the Navier-Stokes equations with an additional turbulence eddy viscosity term, but they differ in how it is computed. It does not very accurately compute flow fields that exhibit adverse pressure gradients, strong curvature to the flow, or jet flow. These equations approximately represent the governing equation of interest via a set of polynomial functions defined over each element. Resources and documents are provided for your information only, and COMSOL makes no explicit or implied claims to their validity. An example of a local metric is the displacement or stress at a point within a structural analysis. Your internet explorer is in compatibility mode and may not be displaying the website correctly. This functionality is particularly recommended for problems involving solid mechanics and heat transfer. Correct limiting behavior means that the turbulence model can be used to model the whole boundary layer, including the viscous sublayer and the buffer layer. That is why COMSOL provides more powerful and flexible integration tools. This model is solved for the time-averaged velocity, U; pressure, P; turbulent kinetic energy, k; and turbulent dissipation, : The flow compressibility is measured by the Mach number. As the flow begins to transition to turbulence, oscillations appear in the flow, despite the fact that the inlet flow rate does not vary with time. High geometric aspect ratios, small edges and faces, thin regions, and highly curved surfaces may all lead to poor-quality meshes. This will generally introduce nonlinearities, which are automatically detected by COMSOL Multiphysics. These changes can be neglected for M<0.3. This approach is attractive due to its simplicity, but the drawback is that there is no preferential mesh refinement in regions where a locally finer mesh may be needed. listed if standards is not an option). Variable: mod1.epx She will then continue through the process of creating and running a simulation to investigate the electrical and thermal properties of a thermal actuator. To find these geometric entities, we can use the Zoom to Selection button in the Settings window, next to the Selection list. 21, no. This involves investigating the relationship between heat transfer and structural mechanics, focusing on the materials of the structure as well as the displacement fields. Always start with as coarse a mesh as possible and gradually decrease the mesh size while observing by how much the solution changes. , , , , COMSOLMultiphysics . Product Suite; Structural Mechanics Module; Structural Mechanics Module. Some changes are underway that will ease these challenges. Low-quality elements can lead to difficulties for the solver to converge or make the solution sensitive to small changes in the mesh. From the figure below, it appears as if certain metrics converge faster than others, but it is important to keep in mind that the rate of mesh convergence for a particular problem statement is dependent upon which mesh refinement technique is used. Nice Blog, I have been searching for quite some time how to highlight the mesh elements that COMSOL decides to linearize to avoid inverted elements errors. Renato, Could you please come up with a COMSOL model file for the time dependent turbulence model for flow past a cylinder in 2D. These formulations are available in the CFD Module, and the L-VEL, algebraic yPlus, k-, and low Reynolds number k- models are also available in the Heat Transfer Module. Ernie Your internet explorer is in compatibility mode and may not be displaying the website correctly. They can be useful on any geometry to quickly ignore details which are not critical to the analysis. The results are shown to compare well with experimental data. This is often a good approximation for liquids, which are much less compressible than gases. This post was originally published in 2013. Let us first assume that the velocity field does not vary with time. 3) select Element Filter Logical expression linearizedelem. For example, you may want to compute lift and drag on an object or compute the heat transfer between the fluid and the wall. What is the name (or defining terms) of that geometry or the type of flow that can be searched for in research articles? Of course, as you do with any finite element model, you can simply run it with finer and finer meshes and observe how the solution changes with increasing mesh refinement. Along the thinner channels, the impact of viscous diffusion is larger, which leads to higher pressure drops. The turbulence models listed below are all more nonlinear than the k- model and they can often be difficult to converge unless a good initial guess is provided. When a message indicates that one or more low-quality elements has been generated, it might require some special attention. Instead, we can use a Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) formulation of the Navier-Stokes equations, which averages the velocity and pressure fields in time. The below plot shows the resulting velocity contours and pressure field (height). We can start by setting Level to Volume and in the Element Filter section selecting the Enable Filter check box. Thus, it is possible to predict the wavelength in all modeling domains. This will be reported in the Messages window within the COMSOL GUI when you start to solve the problem. The v2-f turbulence model describes the anisotropy of the turbulence intensity in the turbulent boundary layer using two new equations, in addition to the two equations for turbulence kinetic energy (k) and dissipation rate (). If you anticipate running many models of similar size, then it is reasonable to consider a hardware upgrade. In that case, the density is assumed to be constant and the continuity equation reduces to u=0. The Heat Transfer Module add-on to COMSOL Multiphysics includes tools for analyzing heat transfer by conduction, convection, and radiation. In algebraic models, algebraic equations that depend on the velocity field and, in some cases, on the distance from the walls are introduced in order to describe the turbulence intensity. You can fix this by pressing 'F12' on your keyboard, Selecting 'Document Mode' and choosing 'standards' (or the latest version Knowing the size of the models that you want to solve is important. Get started using the COMSOL Multiphysics software. Note that inverted linear mesh elements, which we discuss here, are not the same phenomenon as inverted curved elements that you may run into when solving. Spatial and Temporal Integration for a Heat Transfer Example Model. If a Direct solver is being used, investigate if an Iterative solver can be used instead. The numerical solution of the steady-state NS (the time-dependent derivative in (1) is set to zero) and continuity equations in the laminar regime and for constant boundary conditions is as follows: Depending on the flow regime of interest, it is often possible to simplify these equations. CFD Module with COMSOL Multiphysics version 5.3, forced convection modeling in a heat exchanger,, Multiscale Modeling in High-Frequency Electromagnetics. It is a logical extension of the k- model and shares many of its advantages, but generally requires a denser mesh; not only at walls, but everywhere its low Reynolds number properties kick in and dampen the turbulence. After some distance, small chaotic oscillations begin to develop in the boundary layer and the flow begins to transition to turbulence, eventually becoming fully turbulent. We introduce a simple heat transfer model, a 2D aluminum unit square in the (x,y)-plane. With our measurements and information about the entities, we can then set up Remove Details, Virtual Operations, or CAD Defeaturing, to eliminate the small geometric entities or reduce the mesh size if the features are important for the simulation. Next, check the number of degrees of freedom (DOFs) in your model. Salmon, T.J. Bogar, and M. Sajben, Laser Doppler Velocimetry in Unsteady, Separated, Transonic Flow, AIAA Journal, vol. Utilizing the unparalleled capabilities in COMSOL Multiphysics, this interface can be seamlessly coupled to other interfaces that describe fluid flow and heat transfer. In this case, the Minimum element quality of the mesh appears in the Settings window next to the message. listed if standards is not an option). The notation low Reynolds number does not refer to the flow on a global scale, but to the region close to the wall where viscous effects dominate; i.e., the viscous sublayer in the figure above. However, there are additional values you need to check when modeling turbulence. Do not be deterred if this is not your application area; the process for creating a model is the same no matter the physics being modeled. In the upper row we can see the E y 11-mode for a core width of 400 nm (left) and the E x 11-mode for a core width of 400 nm (right), while in the lower row we can see the E x 11-mode for a core width of 1000 nm (left) and the E y 21-mode for a core width of 1000 nm (right).The surface plot is for the Z See Knowledge Base solution 866 for hardware recommendations. The manual meshing approach requires the most experience and a working understanding of the finite element method and the physics being solved. Here, the aim is to improve mass transfer coefficients while simultaneously trying not to enhance heat transfer as much, thus improving the process at a systems-level. We will assume that the fluid is Newtonian, meaning that the viscous stress is directly proportional, with the dynamic viscosity as the constant of proportionality, to the shear rate. J.T. To do so for a volume mesh, we set Level to Volume and select Type from the Element Color list. A colorful representation of the different element types in the mesh of the model Large Eddy Simulation of a Sports Car. For instance, for a coarse boundary layer mesh, the feature will utilize a robust wall function formulation. It is lower in regions where the element growth rate increases from one element to the next. A good finite element analyst starts with both an understanding of the physics of the system that is to be analyzed and a complete description of the geometry of the system. This observation motivates the use of a boundary layer mesh. M. Sajben, J.C. Kroutil, and C.P. Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer, and Mass Transport, Fluid Flow: Conservation of Momentum, Mass, and Energy,, Eigenfrequencies or natural frequencies are certain discrete frequencies at which a system is prone to vibrate. The reactor is about 40 meters long and looks like a maze with partial walls or baffles that divide the space into room-sized compartments. The finite element mesh is used to subdivide the CAD model into smaller domains called elements, over which a set of equations are solved. Another way to do it is to add a Volume plot and add linearizedelem as the Expression. We do this either by clicking the Plot button in the Mesh ribbon or by right-clicking the Mesh head node of the mesh we would like to plot and selecting Plot. This quality measure is primarily sensitive to anisotropy. By elongating, or shrinking, elements in certain directions, the mesh can be tuned to the variation in the fields. I believe that what youre asking about here is a mesh refinement study: Take expansion joints, for instance. The model was originally developed for aerodynamics applications and is advantageous in that it is relatively robust and has moderate resolution requirements. For M>0.3, however, the coupling between the velocity, pressure, and temperature field becomes so strong that the NS and continuity equations need to be solved together with the energy equation (the equation for heat transfer in fluids). Or, new boundary conditions have to be computed using wall functions. All of these changes will provide more accurate solutions in less time, while accelerating the analysis and design process. 4) optional: to get a better view set the Shrink Elements to 0.8. Automatic wall treatment adapts the formulation to the mesh available in the model so that you get both robustness and accuracy. The Condition number quality measure is based on properties of the matrix transforming the actual element to an ideal element. Were confident you will find that this is also the case with COMSOL Multiphysics. Multiscale Modeling in High-Frequency Electromagnetics, After watching the full video, get more modeling tips from the How To section of our, If you have any questions while using COMSOL Multiphysics, please. This quality measure is based on the equiangular skew that penalizes elements with large or small angles as compared to the angles in an ideal element. One way to quickly get an overview of the created mesh is to have a look at the statistics in the Mesh Statistics window, which we open by right-clicking the Mesh head node. MPH, , COMSOL COMSOL . See Knowledge Base solution 1216: The usage of Form Union and Form Assembly for more details. Your internet explorer is in compatibility mode and may not be displaying the website correctly. To understand where low-quality elements are positioned and which mesh size parameters to change, it can be a good idea to perform a plot of the mesh. The turbulent flow near a flat wall can be divided into four regions. It is then no longer possible to assume that the flow is invariant with time. Because of their complexity, these equations only admit a limited number of analytical solutions. At the end of the video, you will have a basic understanding of how to create and run your own simulations. It has similar resolution requirements to the k- model and the low Reynolds number k- model, but its formulation eliminates some weaknesses displayed by pure k- and k- models. Extremely useful and thank you for authoring it. Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer, and Mass Transport, Fluid Flow: Conservation of Momentum, Mass, and Energy. The most labor intensive approach is for the analyst to manually create a series of different finite element meshes based upon the physics of the particular problem and an intuition as to where finer elements may be needed. Gradients of the solution are always computed to one order lower polynomial approximation. 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